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Foods that contain the essential nutrients my body needs in a form that it can readily assimilate.  Also with as low as possible amount of things that have a negative impact on my body.

I like to eat a lot of slow cooked grass fed meats.  I eat a lot of bacon(naturally smoked no sugar) and free range eggs.  I eat a lot of herbs. Homemade yogurt and kefir from fresh raw milk.  Raw cheeses.  Try to eat Veggies grown in real soil(almost always cooked) and spices.  Some fruits like Pineapple, berries, bananas, avocados. I like to use liberally unrefined sea salt on my food. I take an unprocessed cod liver oil, colostrum, Raw honey. I supplement with some vitamins such as magnesium, vitamin C, some B's off and on as I see fit.  I use lots of fats like Butter, lard, coconut oil.

I have a bit of a sweet tooth, so I make all my own sweets using things like raw caocao powder, raw honey, maple syrup, butter, bee pollen, colostrum, etc.

I eat more nuts than I would like to admit, I try to limit them.  I think they are not beneficial to my digestion or assimilation of nutrients.

I think eggs are a super food.  I ate eggs everyday for a period of at least 2 years.  I never get sick of them.

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