I get RLS. It totally blows.
I get it in only one specific area - directly behind my left knee. The feeling of restlessness begins in the muscle there, and I get an insatiable urge to flex that muscle - but it is not involuntary.
The urge grows stronger and stronger, until it's almost like it is aching, and if I don't flex that muscle, it continues to build and build. And then it stops. And then it starts again. It's maddening.
The things that trigger it for me is:
Thinking about it
Sitting in a confined space (on a bus, plane etc)
Stimulants like sugar, caffeine, and cacao.
Lack of exercise
If I address these things in my day to day life, it's not really a problem. If I drink a coffee in the morning, and take a plane or bus at night time, it's excruciating and drives me crazy.
The number one thing that helps is taking my mind off it - and it's very, very difficult once it begins.
On bus and plane trips, listening to Terence McKenna talks has been a godsend. It means I can take my mind off it for long enough to forget/not notice it and potentially fall asleep as well.