Rising Star
For quite a while i havent been getting much visual effects from my smoked acacia ..but today i extracted from one and half grams of crushed syrian rue seeds a redish brown oily waxy residue in bottom of dish after evaporation...
i also filtered out the seed casings early on..
This may not be new news for many people.. but its the first time i tryed some of my rue seeds before smoking the acacia wax...
I simply scraped a match head or two of the sticky rue extract on the tip of a needle and heated the needle breifly to see it bubble and start smoking...
Well i then put about one and a half match heads worth of the sticky rue extract on top of a chore boy pad and heated it with a torch lighter inhaled it ..and noticed how quickly i started to feel the rue buzz!
I found it does have an effect even if im burning it some!
Still Feeling the effects of the rue.. i loaded a very tiny amount of dmt wax on top of the chore boy that still contained most of the unused rue wax just below the dmt wax ...
I then tryed to vape the chore boy using only the tinyist amount of dmt wax..[maybe 7mgs?].. and soon i was supper relaxed and could hear a strong buzzing sound i related to the dmt ...
Wow it was starting to get quite visible and auditory with such a tiny test dose of dmt!
Ive always been a little unshure of using rue because of some negitive reorts in the past warning to watch your diet when trying a MAOI even a reversable one...
I figured i was safe because i smoked the rue causing a shorter duration of its effects but it did still last longer than i expected...
So far im pleased with smoking rue before the dmt as it seems to boost its effects visualy and auditorily too...
Im hoping drinking some rue tea.. or smoking more of the extract before taking a proper 30 mg dose of dmt will give me a longer more calm and more visual colorfull experiance next time i try it...
Im some what encouraged by the trip report below about smoking rue with below...
Does this report below seem correct to people who have tryed this combo?
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Amazon Shop for: Ayahuasca, Banisteriopsis Caapi, Sublime, Syrian Rue
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Registered: 08/03/07
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Syrian Rue tea + Smoked DMT
#18350970 - 05/31/13 09:25 PM (3 years, 9 months ago)
TLDR: Syrian rue tea before smoked DMT seems to prolong the experience considerably (obviously). The rapid come up is smoothed out. The experience is slower and easier to take in. I now prefer to use smoked DMT with a RIMA, I won't do DMT alone if I have a RIMA on hand.
I was going to write this up as a trip report, but most of the details and internal aspect of the experience is personal and ineffable as always...So I thought I would make a thread about syrian rue tea drank prior to smoked DMT as more of a discussion. Curious to hear from any others that have tried it or any other harmala alkaloid containing plants before smoked DMT.
Only recently have I started to work with harmala alkaloids. I plan on doing a proper ayahuasca brew in the near future, but for the time being I've just been working with smoked DMT.
I crushed approximately 3 to 4 grams of syrian rue and put the coarsely crushed seeds in a muslin tea bag. I placed the tea bag in pot with a few cups of water, added a small amount of vinegar in hopes of pulling out more alkaloids, and brewed with a mild simmer for 20 minutes. I poured the tea into a cup and placed the tea bag in it as well to steep while it cooled.
I ended up drinking about 1/2 of the cup, so roughly 1.5 to 2.5 grams worth of syrian rue. I felt the calm, dreamy, somewhat sedated and stoned faintly psychedelic effects of the tea come on within 5 minutes after the first gulp (I'm pretty sensitive to things, especially plants, I feel them almost as soon as they're in my body). I took another large drink ten minutes later, the effects of the rue become more pronounced over the next 45 minutes.
Somewhere around a hour after drinking the rue I managed to fall asleep for an hour. I woke up still feeling the effects, and proceeded to prepare the pipe with DMT. About 20mg to 30mg of DMT was placed between a small amount of cannabis and a sliver of dried mullein, in the bowl of a small cannabis pipe. Before smoking the DMT I took 3 large tokes of syrian rue seeds out of a bong.
So here is the differences I noticed when using a RIMA in combination with smoked DMT, compared to smoked DMT alone...
I've never really been all that anxious when it comes to DMT, so as long as the setting is safe, quiet, and comfortable, I have no worries. But with the syrian rue in my body, there was not the slightest hint of apprehension, I was as calm as could be.
It seems to smooth out the experience in general. If DMT alone is lumpy butter on toast, the rue is like a butter knife that smooths out the butter to a perfect consistency, filling in all the nooks and crannies. The come up is slowed down. The headspace/level of intensity I was at when I exhaled the first hit is about where I usually am half way into hitting the pipe on the first go with out rue involved. The buzzing/vibrations and intensity in general slowly build up, rather than being jolted, it was a gradually increasing stronger pull instead of a solid a rubber-band effect (if that makes sense).
It felt like I was able to actually observe and take in the experience more than ever before. The experience had such sublime divine flow to it. Somewhere around what felt like 10 minutes after the initial inhalation, I noted a slight decrease in intensity but no where near "coming down". I decided to get up and pack the remaining DMT onto the ashes in the pipe, which was a rather difficult process.
This second time around immersed me more so than the first. Getting up to go lay on my bed I opened my eyes for a brief moment, the visual aspect was definitely different than what I've experienced with DMT alone. Not sure how I would describe how they were different, words can only go so far. The air/space was filled with much more visual activity than I've ever expereinced before, it was hard to see anything really. Once I was on my bed I closed my eyes once again.
The entire experience, from the moment I took the first hit until I could no longer feel vibrations/buzzing in the body, was about 30 to 45 minutes. I relished in another 20 to 30 minutes of that blissful serene sleepy afterglow that DMT provides until I fell asleep. With out going into the personal/internal aspect of the experience, I'll say that it was one of the more profound experiences I've had with DMT. A lot of work and learning was done in that short amount of time. I felt the presence of entities/angels/spirits (what ever you wish to label them as) surrounding me as I have before in past experiences. One of them was the commonly encountered female/ loving-motherly entity. I couldn't see her, but I could feel and hear her. I like to approach these sorts of things openly with out throwing labels or attachments onto what it is I'm experiencing, I'm not religious and don't follow any sort of dogma...but those are the only words I know to convey what it was that I experienced. Or I could just say I tripped balls and saw pretty colors and felt neat things .
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i also filtered out the seed casings early on..
This may not be new news for many people.. but its the first time i tryed some of my rue seeds before smoking the acacia wax...
I simply scraped a match head or two of the sticky rue extract on the tip of a needle and heated the needle breifly to see it bubble and start smoking...
Well i then put about one and a half match heads worth of the sticky rue extract on top of a chore boy pad and heated it with a torch lighter inhaled it ..and noticed how quickly i started to feel the rue buzz!
I found it does have an effect even if im burning it some!
Still Feeling the effects of the rue.. i loaded a very tiny amount of dmt wax on top of the chore boy that still contained most of the unused rue wax just below the dmt wax ...
I then tryed to vape the chore boy using only the tinyist amount of dmt wax..[maybe 7mgs?].. and soon i was supper relaxed and could hear a strong buzzing sound i related to the dmt ...
Wow it was starting to get quite visible and auditory with such a tiny test dose of dmt!
Ive always been a little unshure of using rue because of some negitive reorts in the past warning to watch your diet when trying a MAOI even a reversable one...
I figured i was safe because i smoked the rue causing a shorter duration of its effects but it did still last longer than i expected...
So far im pleased with smoking rue before the dmt as it seems to boost its effects visualy and auditorily too...
Im hoping drinking some rue tea.. or smoking more of the extract before taking a proper 30 mg dose of dmt will give me a longer more calm and more visual colorfull experiance next time i try it...
Im some what encouraged by the trip report below about smoking rue with below...
Does this report below seem correct to people who have tryed this combo?
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Amazon Shop for: Ayahuasca, Banisteriopsis Caapi, Sublime, Syrian Rue
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Registered: 08/03/07
Posts: 9,025
Syrian Rue tea + Smoked DMT
#18350970 - 05/31/13 09:25 PM (3 years, 9 months ago)
TLDR: Syrian rue tea before smoked DMT seems to prolong the experience considerably (obviously). The rapid come up is smoothed out. The experience is slower and easier to take in. I now prefer to use smoked DMT with a RIMA, I won't do DMT alone if I have a RIMA on hand.
I was going to write this up as a trip report, but most of the details and internal aspect of the experience is personal and ineffable as always...So I thought I would make a thread about syrian rue tea drank prior to smoked DMT as more of a discussion. Curious to hear from any others that have tried it or any other harmala alkaloid containing plants before smoked DMT.
Only recently have I started to work with harmala alkaloids. I plan on doing a proper ayahuasca brew in the near future, but for the time being I've just been working with smoked DMT.
I crushed approximately 3 to 4 grams of syrian rue and put the coarsely crushed seeds in a muslin tea bag. I placed the tea bag in pot with a few cups of water, added a small amount of vinegar in hopes of pulling out more alkaloids, and brewed with a mild simmer for 20 minutes. I poured the tea into a cup and placed the tea bag in it as well to steep while it cooled.
I ended up drinking about 1/2 of the cup, so roughly 1.5 to 2.5 grams worth of syrian rue. I felt the calm, dreamy, somewhat sedated and stoned faintly psychedelic effects of the tea come on within 5 minutes after the first gulp (I'm pretty sensitive to things, especially plants, I feel them almost as soon as they're in my body). I took another large drink ten minutes later, the effects of the rue become more pronounced over the next 45 minutes.
Somewhere around a hour after drinking the rue I managed to fall asleep for an hour. I woke up still feeling the effects, and proceeded to prepare the pipe with DMT. About 20mg to 30mg of DMT was placed between a small amount of cannabis and a sliver of dried mullein, in the bowl of a small cannabis pipe. Before smoking the DMT I took 3 large tokes of syrian rue seeds out of a bong.
So here is the differences I noticed when using a RIMA in combination with smoked DMT, compared to smoked DMT alone...
I've never really been all that anxious when it comes to DMT, so as long as the setting is safe, quiet, and comfortable, I have no worries. But with the syrian rue in my body, there was not the slightest hint of apprehension, I was as calm as could be.
It seems to smooth out the experience in general. If DMT alone is lumpy butter on toast, the rue is like a butter knife that smooths out the butter to a perfect consistency, filling in all the nooks and crannies. The come up is slowed down. The headspace/level of intensity I was at when I exhaled the first hit is about where I usually am half way into hitting the pipe on the first go with out rue involved. The buzzing/vibrations and intensity in general slowly build up, rather than being jolted, it was a gradually increasing stronger pull instead of a solid a rubber-band effect (if that makes sense).
It felt like I was able to actually observe and take in the experience more than ever before. The experience had such sublime divine flow to it. Somewhere around what felt like 10 minutes after the initial inhalation, I noted a slight decrease in intensity but no where near "coming down". I decided to get up and pack the remaining DMT onto the ashes in the pipe, which was a rather difficult process.
This second time around immersed me more so than the first. Getting up to go lay on my bed I opened my eyes for a brief moment, the visual aspect was definitely different than what I've experienced with DMT alone. Not sure how I would describe how they were different, words can only go so far. The air/space was filled with much more visual activity than I've ever expereinced before, it was hard to see anything really. Once I was on my bed I closed my eyes once again.
The entire experience, from the moment I took the first hit until I could no longer feel vibrations/buzzing in the body, was about 30 to 45 minutes. I relished in another 20 to 30 minutes of that blissful serene sleepy afterglow that DMT provides until I fell asleep. With out going into the personal/internal aspect of the experience, I'll say that it was one of the more profound experiences I've had with DMT. A lot of work and learning was done in that short amount of time. I felt the presence of entities/angels/spirits (what ever you wish to label them as) surrounding me as I have before in past experiences. One of them was the commonly encountered female/ loving-motherly entity. I couldn't see her, but I could feel and hear her. I like to approach these sorts of things openly with out throwing labels or attachments onto what it is I'm experiencing, I'm not religious and don't follow any sort of dogma...but those are the only words I know to convey what it was that I experienced. Or I could just say I tripped balls and saw pretty colors and felt neat things .
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