Let's connect the dots. Shall we?
Vibrations manifest cymatics.
Every thing vibrating is rippling into the space that surrounds it.
Every vibration has a unique cymatic pattern. (Depending on environment)
Most of the time humans pick up on these via the eyes, sight,
or the ears, sound
but you can feel vibrations with your entire being. ((Bones resonate, skin dampens))
amazonian shamans are famous for being able to sing visibility,
and be able to see sound.
This is nothing new. The ability is there. I've sat in front of speakers gazing into cymatics for many a meditations. (Eyes close, of course)
A fun game is to find your harmonic sweet spots.
Healing . .
In the future,
there will be a machine that targets cancer cells and destroys them with their own resonate frequency.
la de da...