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Sacred Geometry

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello Nexiums,

To say a little of my self.. im highly interested in sacred geometry. I love plants like they're my children. I have Colleous, san pedro, morning glorys, Phalaris Grass growing at the moment in my ethnobotanical garden with many other plants roses lemon trees rasberry plants ... but to be serious I could talk all day about all the plants I have haha.
I came across this web site from an old friend I had. Im unsure if he still comes here but it would be cool if i happened to come across him again. For the most part im hear to learn but would love to be a contributing part of the community. Any questions? id love to answer them ^^ I love reading about the basics of chemistry here and have found a web site iv been learning basics from aswell. learnerstv.com - Ce site web est à vendre ! - Ressources et information concernant learnerstv Resources and Information.
Welcome to the Nexus. I'm into sacred geometry and gardening as well. I've been reading up on building a sand pendulum. It's nice to welcome you friend, thanks for the link.

Sacred geometry, numerology and astrology are all intrinsically linked "sciences" that one could literally spend a lifetime learning the intricacies and nuances of....

I believe DMT if used respectfully could accelerate the learning process of such a complicated subjects by 100 fold....

But don't worry! no matter how much you learn about these subjects....you can never learn it all...but that's part of the beauty I suppose.
Be sure to drop by the Culture and Society page, check out music/art/literature. Lots of great geometry discussions there. Do you create any geometric art yourself? While in the probationary period you can post your stuff here or in Open Discussions.

Welcome, we look forward to your contributions!
Welcome to the Nexus!

From your words, it isnt clear whether you tried DMT yet ? Vaporized and orally? Also are you currently interested in any particular extraction method or plant source?

What phalaris are you growing?
Hello and welcome :)

I'm also really in sacred geometry, I really think there's something more to our fascination with these sacred ratios. Have you seen the series "Touch"? I've watched 2 eps and it seems quite cool - all bout fibonacci/sacred ratios etc... but with a storyline - I hope it doesn't get crappy like so many other tv shows.

Sounds like you are into much as much as me. I love gardening and spending time around plants. I've also got a fairly decent garden with cacti being my favourite so far.

Awesome that you are growing Phalaris - I really hope we find to extract successfully from it soon, it's such a widespread plant that would be so easy and sustainable to harvest for most.

Anyway hope you pop into chat sometime, always nice to get to know a person a bit better.


PS: ntwhtyouknw I'm also planning on building a sand pendulum soon - this seems like a fairly easy and cheap one to try How-To: Hardware Store Sand Pendulum what do you think?
Yes its something i have begun to practice on ^^ Sacred Geometry that is :] As for the Phalaris it is Phalaris Arundinacea Reed canary grass seeds, I have used spice in the past it helped heal me in alot of ways. I also have some Mimosa seeds in the mail coming soon. As for the grass im going to do the BLAB technique mixed with some of the other Phalaris techs .

For the extraction using the BLAB technique i came up with a problem maybe some one can check my work on ?

so 500ml of 5% Vinegar [acetic acid and water = vinegar] so to save my self space and dineros
it would be easyer to get 1l or 1000ml of 99% acetic acid and mix with water. Now to figure out how much i add i worked the problem, 500ml*.05 = 25ml so i need to compensate for that 1% not being pure in the original solution being 99% so 25*.99 = 24.75. off by .25 so i added that much more acetic acid to compensated and test again, 25.25'.99= 24.9975 , off by only .01 so i added it once more and tested 25.26*.99=25.0074 aka 25ml of pure acetic acid the .26 is the impurity of the solution. so you Minus 25.26 from 500=
answer being
474.74ml of water with 25.26ml acetic acid to reach 500ml of a 5.00148 % Vinegar Solution.

Am i right ?
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