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Sage Elixirs; ACVinegar /& Kombucha Drinks

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Rising Star
For those of you who like drinking Salvia Tea for the slow and low dose be it for meditation, GI calming, mood stabilation, post addiction-balancing effects. Here an alternative which I personally find a little more palatable with a lil' more synergistic medicinal kick. Since Salvinorin A has a very low solubility in water, by making a Salvia tea one may not be effectively absorbing all of the Salvinorin when drinking it. Salvinorin is quite soluble in Acetic Acid and alcohols. The deep non-visionary effects of the Sage when it comes to mood, temperment and patterning appear to be concentrated in the upper GI tract and these Sage Elixirs are a wonderful ways to target this action.

All you have to do is take your perfered elixir; Apple Cider Vinegar or Kombucha and add Salvia Divinorum leaves in your fermentation process or take a finished fermented product and soak the leaves and strain, You may have to do multiple soaks depending on how strong you want it or what type of gear you have. Avoid adding heat as not to kill any of the living organisms.

Ah, I'm going to have to try this! I have a bag of dried leaves trimmed from my summer growth, and an active 'buch culture going :twisted:

Have you ever tried this?
I've heard ambiguous things about oral salvia. Some sources say that there it is very slowly absorbed and much less potent, while others say that the salvinorin is destroyed in the gut.

I'll try to get back on how it goes for me.
As a kombucha enthusiast and Salvia grower, this is very, very interesting to me. As soon as I have enough material, I'll give this a go and put my two cents here.

Thanks for the heads up!
kerelsk said:
Have you ever tried this?
I've heard ambiguous things about oral salvia. Some sources say that there it is very slowly absorbed and much less potent, while others say that the salvinorin is destroyed in the gut.

I just had a small glass, feeling really good. its mellow, and acts more of a mood stabilizer (for me), ive been working with microdosing oral salvia for a while now and dig it. Unlike microdose lsd/psilo its not a stoned or high or trippy. Low and slow levels of SalvA has a more pronounced effect on consciousness balancing act of dopamine via behavior patterns.

(i have observered) that Salvinoin stays in the body for quite a while and doing oral salvia everyday and certain effects will become stronger. Sweating/Excerise can sometimes retrigger salvia sensed states of awareness, Im sure you can connect the dots as to why.
T.Harper said:
I just had a small glass, feeling really good. its mellow, and acts more of a mood stabilizer (for me), ive been working with microdosing oral salvia for a while now and dig it. Unlike microdose lsd/psilo its not a stoned or high or trippy. Low and slow levels of SalvA has a more pronounced effect on consciousness balancing act of dopamine via behavior patterns.

I can definitely see what you mean.
I've tried very low doses sublingually, and it leaves me with a refreshing kind of glow. Everything seems 'newer' or 'fresher', like change is more visible, but at the same time sage is so light and unobtrusive to the normal functions of the human mind.

Sublingual doses surprise me with how long they last too! I've had some very strange dreams sleeping immediately after a session. I can feel it the day after quite strongly still, on a more gut level.
I am looking forward to trying a catalysing between apple cider vinegar with lotus stamens soon! I did also receive gynostemma in the same order, and have many medicines that seem like they will also be compatible with this method, silk tree, many sages, mint and coleus, and mosaic plant. If I were younger I might mix them all together, but I think I will try one at a time or pairs. :) This does not seem to be a well known method, perhaps due to the efficacy and familiarity of tinctures and extractions, so thank you for presenting it here!!
T.Harper said:
For those of you who like drinking Salvia Tea for the slow and low dose be it for meditation, GI calming, mood stabilation, post addiction-balancing effects. Here an alternative which I personally find a little more palatable with a lil' more synergistic medicinal kick. Since Salvinorin A has a very low solubility in water, by making a Salvia tea one may not be effectively absorbing all of the Salvinorin when drinking it. Salvinorin is quite soluble in Acetic Acid and alcohols. The deep non-visionary effects of the Sage when it comes to mood, temperment and patterning appear to be concentrated in the upper GI tract and these Sage Elixirs are a wonderful ways to target this action.

All you have to do is take your perfered elixir; Apple Cider Vinegar or Kombucha and add Salvia Divinorum leaves in your fermentation process or take a finished fermented product and soak the leaves and strain, You may have to do multiple soaks depending on how strong you want it or what type of gear you have. Avoid adding heat as not to kill any of the living organisms.

Can you provide a source for your solubility claims?

Empirical evidence suggests Salvinorin A is insoluble in acetic acid, and solubility data I’ve seen indicates only moderate solubility in alcohols. (That’s why tinctures typically use high-proof vodka and such.)
I unfortunately am the source for this information and being a know nuthin folk practitioner I aint got no empirical evidence. I usually start with self experimentation then after I feel like I got results I then see how well it works for others; and then fine tune from there.... so how I approached this was I was experimenting with trying to find a lowtech/stovetop way to make Salvia microdose syrup without using acetone and a distillation set up, so I used ACvinegar to transfer the salvinorins out of the leaf then heated with oil mix ontop. This works but it was way too messy and wasteful. So I stopped exploring this. So I wondered then if it was just the water transfering it in that process not the acids so from there went into adding various amounts of powdered Salvia leaves directly into ACV. And the easiest way to see if Salvinorin is in therrre to test how psychoactive is by swishing in the mouth, both were active more active then a normal water based infusion.

this method is only good for microdosing not visionary journeying, you need high levels of salvinorin for oral/buccal methods.
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