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Salvia Entitys

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Rising Star
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OG Pioneer
It's really hard for me to judge Salvia Entitys. I'm talking about these little guys:


The first time I saw them, they presented themselves as "dumb animals" to me. They talked nonsense "koiraschnakolomoskiwuski...youre here here here here...your here bnagnagnihihihihbagnanganananan" and went thru my head, spinning thru my body guiding me towards a gigantic beeing that pretty much loved to play with me. He forced a keychain thru my nose and head and put me on his trouserpocket like a trophae. The little beeings annoyed me. I couldn't tell their intentions.

The next time, the little guys were much more intelligent. Shortly before entering the sages realm, they told me "come with us come with us come with us...it's gonna be fun fun fun fun fun"
Then I went through the tunnel, into their cave and it was all full of alien slime and organic objects I was transforming into.

At one point I asked for healing and they told me very nonchalant that they "can't do wonders". I kept insisting so they shot a beam of energy through my body. "What do you still want?!?!" they asked in a slightly rude tone.

"I want to know WHO YOU ARE!"
"We are the ones who spin the merry go round"
..and blops of alien slime cracked open and these little guys popped out of them

I was also falling through a deep, black and white gothic like tunnel and saw these small guys with christian crosses , because my "eyes" were sending massive beams of light. They seemed to be pretty frightened by my presence and ran away....

I tend to think that they look the same but are in fact different beeings.

And then there is this HUGE entity that is 10m high....Havn't encountered it since

(did i mentioned that there was yet another "class" of entity who is guarding the BIG one?)
That's pretty funny. I think it would either annoy me seeing those kinda things, or I just couldn't take them seriously:)

Can't say I've had experiences like that. What sort of experinces have you had? which are quite different to what you mention? if you have.
koiraschnakolomoskiwuski... bnagnagnihihihihbagnanganananan ...


When my thoughts were transformed into that kind of stuff I it kind of worried me ... I havent taken Salvia since then but it is also long ago now...
Why would that annoy you, space? I think I have to mention, that I chewed dried leaves. That might explain why you've had different experiences.

Observant, I did not have the feeling to deal with a manifestation of thought but with seperate beeings. The whole linguistic process is another story. I would see a structure associated with a certain word of unknown sense,m and I would hear and feel it cleares as I was approaching it. I also felt the tendency to physically melt into the visuals I was seeing.

Also, very different from DMT. More like a weird dream, but more realistic.
He forced a keychain thru my nose and head and put me on his trouserpocket like a trophae

That doesn't sound like something I'd like:)

You chewed dry leaves for this experience? that's something I haven't tried. Maybe I'll give that a go..

I don't think it's how one takes salvia for the experience, different methods have different strengths. I'm just interested in hearing peoples experiences with salvia because they vary so much, people have very different experiences to another, and some have similar experiences.
the smelves..oh how damn strange they are!..I had a trip a while ago where they began popping out from all these strange "dimensional corners" that dont extist in this reaity..they all told me that "she" was the real owner of my house, and that they were builing it for her, creating all reality for her. I believed them becasue it was true, and began laughing histarically at the people in the room next to me becasue they weren't in on this secret..

There were literally tons of these things, in my room AND inside my head..in fact, I dont think I was really able to distinguish between my body and the rest of the space around me..salvia is so strange this way..but I have experienced these beings sooo many times..they are sort of devious..but only in a curious child sort of way..harmless. There are lots of other types of beings I have experienced with salvia as well, but these ones in particular always seem to be creators of reality, like they literally weave the fabtric of the universe into being..humans included.
Yeah, that was pretty weird. I did not feel that good afterwards as you can imagine...but not as bad as you would imagine ;) It was my first psychedelic experience or so I think. Maybe the big creature was trying to teach me a lesson because I was somehow fighting the power of one.
Yes, dried leaves. Not need to put them in water first. 1g for 15 minutes, another 1g for the next 15 minutes....

Oh I wish! Credit is due: MARK PERCEVAL (Max Maxwell's galleria divinorum)
He really represents the essence of salvia space for me. It's this organic, half-molten aesthetic of a silkworm nest deep underground. You have to travel through old, dark glowing gothic like tunnels before the door opens. Then it closes and you know where you are, and you kinda laugh about your former anticipation. You know that it's the continuation of a story.

@fractal enchantment
Wow! This is REALLY interesting! You said that they're weaving the fabric of reality - that would fit with what they told me ("We spin the merry go round" = We keep the game running)
Maybe they're not devious but disgruntled, that someone wants to skip their work of illusion?
Harmless...well, they didn't seem to be too bright...childish...yeah, a bit defiant mabye. They present themselves as not very intelligent humans...but they also want to play. They wanted me to come with them, the second time I entered their space, but were clueless about my request. Or so it seems. It wouldn't surprise me if they'd just play games with me.

They're working for HER?
I've heard a lot about her. How she's such a stringent teacher. About her black humor ..and that you never know what pleases her before it's too late.
Whenever I smoke Salvia (have only tried 15x), I am always, without fail, transported to the same world. In this world, I encountered a race of creatures called the Trainfrew. They're fairly similar to how Machine Elves have been described, although they look more like demented Lego people. I've hypothesized that they're supposed to be silicon-based lifeforms. I am always transformed into one by the Salvia, which is a terrifying experience. They force me to travel through their tunnel networks, merge with objects to fix them, and strap me to giant wheels.

As a result, I've avoided Salvia for some time. However, I want to come to terms with the Trainfrew before trying pure DMT. I believe that if I can make friends with them, I will be able to have a true revelation on Salvia, and be more prepared to accept ego death.

Also, I've made a ~10 page guide of writings and drawings about the Trainfrew world. I'll try to scan it sometime. The word "Trainfrew" is sort of a joke amongst my friends now, and they use it to indicate an unpleasant immersive trip, I.E: "Oh you're trying DMT? Don't go to the Trainfrew world, bro."
Very interesting! I'd love to see the drawings...
I've heard about these lego beeings before. They were described as farmers, using the trippers self as a "land" to farm. They don't want you to wake up as it seems.

I'm curious if there are different beeings in Salvia land or only these "little men" we all seem to encounter.

I'm not sure if you can make friends with them though. They always want to take control if I speak of my limited experience. To be honest: I'm a little afraid to go back to their land, because of their strange, ambigous behaviour...

But I'm not sure they got anything to do with the DMT world at all. My friend hasn't have a breakthru though....

Try to chew the leaves the next time....2-4g should do the trick.
Regular leafs. But extract can be used to create a tincture or even Salvia candy!
All you need is your extract, Acetone/IPA and Xylitol. You can extract with acetone and mix the liquid extract with molten xylitol and flavour of your choice.
obliguhl said:
I've heard about these lego beeings before. They were described as farmers, using the trippers self as a "land" to farm. They don't want you to wake up as it seems.

:shock: ...yes yes yes!...I have had that trip as well..saliva land existing inside of my body..and the farmers and like an ongoing thing...theres a sort of 1950ish thing going on in my trips as well.. and they all have gardens..

There are those other times though when it gets real weird..when it's as if I merge with everything, I am the entity..I am the other, or I transform into it, I realize it.. it scares the crap out of me!..strange how the thing is never afrad or alarmed that it is me, it's always me that is put off by the fact that I am it..

There is definatily some sort of dialogue that happens in the middle of the trance, between the self and the fabric of reality..it's alive or something..reality is like this completely appauling personality, and it owns us, it weaves us..

It's the logo's..or something like that.

Lots of people say they dont get anything out of salvia...well look closer! pay more attention!..there's quite a bit going on there...sure, it takes a while to even begin to decrribe what happened..but it leaves so much more to ponder..to loose you're self, yet still be there all the same is quite the experience..Salvia doesnt give answeres, it brings more questions up.. existenial ones..it really can make me feel humble, like a puppet desperate to learn..

Salvia makes me think that we are the alien. We are the logos. We are the trip..salvia is all about existance..and language..but not in the same way as tryptamines..it's like a language of being.

It's about identification and mis-identification..reunification with the forgotten other..it's schizophrenia at it's finest:d..ego death at it's worst.

It's the greatest paradox I can imagine.

How many others out there have actualyl become this thing?? it's beyond elves and portals, though that can beinteresting as well..this will make you cringe..I cant possibly see any human being able to accept the truth in this experience..too much of the known self is lost in the translation..

Is this making any sense?? am I the only one who has this particular experience with salvia here?..the experience I am speaking of is so completely distinct..the mushrooms speaks, but salvia LIVES..she becomes everything and there is no escape, no hope of return..and it's always been that way..she shows you through HER EYES directly. It really is like becomming something else, and that thing is reality, history etc. itself..the curtain has fallen, and the shit has hit the fan..no turning back.

I cant stop thinkning about it, wondering what the hell has been happening to me. I want to tell everyone how weird and schizophrenic we all are, how we are all one thing, but how that thing would completely discust most of them, paralyse them with fear..is this what we are??and where is that THING taking us?

For me salvia is becomming more and more about "me"..it's all about "me"..who I think I am..and me realizing to my dismay that I am not that at all, that it's all a big damn lie, reality is a fake..and why the hell did I even do this damn thing again anyway, becasue now I know haw god damn fake it all is and there is no way I could ever go back to that old lie! I get that feeling every time..like I completely screwed the fabric of reality up for everyone..it's as if our ontological and ideological compass has becomes so warped, that you realize you can never get back to that place you were before, because it was you're own presuppositions that actually brought that place into being, it was the base platform of that reality..it was the old ego structure that reinforced the weave, and that structure has come crashing down..
burnt said:
When SWIM tried salvia all these little critter like beings were jumping around trying to rip SWIM out of SWIMs body. They also were singing this song everytime. It was a really strange song it freaked SWIM out big time and SWIM hasn't touched the stuff since.

Would like to try a quid one day and see the difference to smoking.

yes you're experiene sounds quite familiar to me..it always goes one of 2 ways..lots of strange beings trying to pull me away from myelf and weid sucking and pulling and twisting tactile hallucinations pulling me into strange dimensions/delusional fantacies..or it goes the way I described above..yet there are times where it's a bit of both, maybe I can only bring back half of it..i dunno, like I said, it's the greatest paradox I could possabily imagine..complete madness..an existential crisis..while I am there I become convinced that there is no way I can "fit" back into my old paradigm..like no matter how much i try I cant see it that way anymore..until I come down..but once I do come down I cant really comprehend being back in that other state.

edit..this is really really weird..these salvia trips, and I find myself thinking and thinking for days after, even after over 100 of them..so I'm going to try to keep doing this maybe weekly and updating with my trips..it's like a puzzle I feel compelled to put together..prob impossible though.
do u mean these little things starting to roll and push all the vision(reality/whatever you see) into your face or mouth ? and squeezing you :D lol yea i mostly had 2 of them. like one is squeezing and rolling the other one inside the vision and pusing the whole thing towards me. damn i always thought they are only in my head.. and none of friends smokin said they had that trip so i was thinkin its just my trip.

I wonder if any of you seen the Ska Maria Pastora and if you did how did she look like ? heres a link to my ska maria pastora vision thread

Maria pastora vision - Salvia Divinorum - Welcome to the DMT-Nexus
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