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I use a health stone where I add the powder and a glass pipe. The glass pipe is made by local artists neatly decorated (I like to support them). I put the flame very close to the salvia extract and inhale after it starts glowing a bit. It is very strong stuff, anything above 2mg will  start becoming too intense. Some here use naphta and IPA washes after the cold acetone extract to purify it further and remove the chlorophyll. Check out this thread if not done so already.

This morning I checked on the drying HPBCD/salvia in 75% ethanol solution. Looks almost ready to test to see if it complexed and will be active. Even though it is indoors I covered it up so UV would not hurt it during the day.

If complexation does occur and is stable then it brings up other interesting possibilities. An IPA wash without loss becomes possible to remove the excess HPBCD and chlorophyll if I understand this properly also, reagents and chromotography may not detect the salvia anymoreas an interesting side effect. There would also be phylosophical questions since we trapped the salvia in a ring of sugar, will she be angry? The ring is a symbol of renewal for some, so maybe she will be happy? Will she not care? But I'm getting ahead of myself, need to test the dried solution later and see if we have something interesting or not.

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