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Salvia + Syrian Rue?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I can get Syrian Rue seeds. I wonder if I mix them with salvia I get a different, more intense trip.

would this be so?

is there any tek for it?

how should I prepare it?

:D appreciate your thoughts!
Also I{d love to hear some recipies on having syrian rue seeds with DMT fumarates.. :p
Try making a tea of the ground Syrian Rue, and then smoalking the sally. If you want to be sure to get all the goodies out of the syrian rue, just do like a 30 min. boil and filter. Drink the rue (which will not taste good) and wait like 15 minutes, then dose your sally. Whether that is smoalking it or quidding it. Then let us know your reports!
perfect thanks im going to check this out!

just a question, for the tea, how many seeds should I use? im trying to figure out the correct dose..
According to a research paper I found, link on my thread Potentiating salvia, Syrian Rue contains some of the carboxylesterases inhibitors. This could potentially increase its strength and maybe make it orally active.
Very interesting stuff Lumos! :thumb_up:

I don't know any of the possible mechanisms of action but I can vouch that salvia and caapi play very well together and there is a definite synergy of effects if not true potentiation. Does caapi contain these carboxylesterases inhibitors as well?

I haven't tried rue with salvia personally, but I suspect it would work very well.
I have tried:

both smoked

oral caapi and smoked salvia

oral salvia and smoked caapi leaf

oral caapi and oral salvia

salvia changa (this would be smoked salvia, caapi, and dmt)

Every ROA so far has quite enjoyable, though that salvia changa can get pretty weird.

Jamie has also reported that he found the combination of salvia, caapi, and dmt quite enjoyable with various ROA's. Salviahuasca
Ya, that report sounded like a great experience. My ultimate goal is to find a way to combine Ayahuasca with a salvia + carboxylesterases inhibitor brew to make a very strong tea:grin:
dreamer042 said:
I have tried:

both smoked

oral caapi and smoked salvia

oral salvia and smoked caapi leaf

oral caapi and oral salvia

salvia changa (this would be smoked salvia, caapi, and dmt)

Every ROA so far has quite enjoyable, though that salvia changa can get pretty weird.

Jamie has also reported that he found the combination of salvia, caapi, and dmt quite enjoyable with various ROA's. Salviahuasca

How is your experience with Oral salvia and MAO-Inhibiton?

That sounds interesting. I didn't know that that is possible. I think it could be worth trying.
i thought I could add some notes to this thread.

Inspired by some reports on erowid and elsewhere online that rue can smooth out the weirdness/dysphoria of salviaspace and potentiate the strength, I spent the last few hours experimenting with low doses of plain leaf and some syrian rue crude extracted harmala's that had been evaporated on some mullein...

I always play it safe when I try new methods so my plain leaf dose was 25mg (I'm a Salvia softhead, 50mg puts me at level 2 and 75mg puts around level 3/4). I smoked a pipeful of my mullein harmala mix then 5 minutes later hit up my separate pipe of plain leaf Salvia.

For comparison I had smoked 50mg of plain leaf earlier on to see the difference and if the smaller 25mg plain leaf dose is potentiated by the rue that much:

The Rue+Plain leaf had a definite smoothing effect when it kicked in. I was at a level between 1st and 2nd. The Salvia gravity felt much less juddering and strobe like and any sense of visual movement was much smoother compared to the fractal, frame stacking style of visuals I'll get with plain leaf alone. The headspace was beautiful, I wouldn't say exactly tryptamine like but the harmala's added a more tranquil edge to the mix and reminded me a little of low dose changa and was more meditative and euphoric than plain leaf alone.

The rue made 25mg of plain leaf seem close to the same level as my initial 50mg dose of plain leaf alone, maybe a touch subtler but pretty close to 50mg alone.

I'll up the plain leaf quotient next time and see if the smoothing effects of the rue are still just as prominent and add euphoria to the neutrality I experience with the higher levels of Salviaspace and report back on my findings.
The Salvia changa blends I make (with rue as well as caapi) do have a strong synergy.

I've used harmalas with Salvia alone and found it to be very similar to the way in which it works with freebase DMT. Things aren't as frantic, there's a smoother transition, some of the dysphoria is blunted or even replaced with mild euphoria.
That's good to know someone gets a similar synergy. There's a few reports floating around online of a smoother and stronger experience with Salvia in combo with rue and harmala's but the more out there the better. It definitely takes the edge off the initial come one and provides a smoother entry into Salviaspace, that's for sure.
I wouldnt be trying to intensify salvia, id be trying to mellow it out!

But perhaps it does have that effect..... a more drawn out gentle expereience.

For reference i would find jamies thread on combining ayahuasca with quidded salvia. He has used the combo and states that the two synergized quite well

That's what it does for me... smoothes it out and turns it into a more flowing, less alien experience with a slower onset and longer afterglow (though still with the hallmark Salvia strangeness).

It means that I have to consume less, almost half as much to get similar strength effects. Being that I'm damn sensitive to the plain leaf and a bit of a softhead, 25mg of plain leaf with a pre-dose pipe of harmala/rue extract ten minutes before can get me a level 2 experience.

Last night I had another try of this combo with great results. My first pipe of plain leaf was pretty subtle. Ten minutes later I loaded up the same amount (25mg) and upon release of the bridge of smoke, had a beautiful experience.

The effects crept in slowly. On my next long in-breath a strange perception made itself present, my in-breath became expressed as a cold, refreshing moving stream of gravity/energy that then connected to my right ear and became part of the music travelling up through my headphones (I had some mellow indian inspired music going through my in ear headphones at low volume) which then travelled up to the slight feeling of pressure from my eye/sleep mask above my right eyebrow and travelled to the left along my brow area.

This had the feeling of the salvia gravity but expressed in a different manner than before, like my sense perceptions got mixed up in a weird synesthetic experience - my cool breath became sound in my ear which then became the feeling of the eye mask around my eyes, all expressed in a strange continual perception of energy and gravity. A vision accompanied this of a tunnel of trees with a road going through it that flowed in the same direction as the synesthetic energy perception I was experiencing. This vision felt really familiar, like I had seen it on previous Salvia excursions though I don't remember having seen it... maybe it was the strange, comical feeling to it that made it familiar?

This experience had a nice euphoric component to it as well and the feeling of the gravity, vision and energy flowed in a real smooth way compared to the juddering, frame stacking fractalisation I get with plain leaf alone. The afterglow was pronounced and beautiful and I finished the session off twenty minutes later with some AVS mind machine work that had a nice enhanced effect on the come down.

The other handful of reports online tell of a similar smoothing out of the harsher aspects of the Salvia experience. Less uncomfortable and the Salvia weirdness made much easier to incorporate/integrate. I'll be interested to see how the harmala's effect the experience once I increase the dosage of plain leaf.

Anyway, sorry for the lengthy post and trip report but I thought it may be a good addition to the conversation at hand and help provide a slower frame work to get to know the Lady better with :love:
Just an added experiental note on this combination:

I had another go round with this combo last night. Rue harmala extract blend pre-dose followed by 25mg of plain leaf, reached around level 2. Followed by another 25mg dose 15 minutes later, got distracted by an outside sound just as I was exhaling so I couldn't let go 100%, again, around a level 2 experience.

I waited about 20 minutes and had an extra small pipeful of harmala extract blend then followed up 10 minutes later with a third go of my 25mg dose. I experienced a much stronger pull into salviaspace, had a vision of an infinite, multiplication of a plant man that stacked off upwards and too the right with salvia gravity feelings accompanying it. This was in multidimensions, a twisting of mental space, my second strongest experience and somewhere between level 3 and 4 experience. Kind of reminded me of this artwork by our own resident salvia artist SalviaDroid:


This vision then bent into a shiny taffy like substance in purple, green and white that stretched vertically, then horizontally. It resembled a strange, alien suburban street for some reason. This space made complete sense to me but then I tried to apply it to my concept of regular reality and it didn't make sense at all, the thought seemed ludicrous and I had to stifle significant laughter so as not to wake up my wife sleeping next door. It was cosmically funny how these two separate worlds don't compute against each other... Salviaspace and it's warping non-euclidean dimensions made complete sense, I grokked it fully when I was in the trance, but it could not be brought back and understood in normal euclidean reality. What a trickster she is!

What I've found is that even after a half hour since my last dose of salvia to my next, the rue/harmala just keeps stacking the intensity level each time I dose- I'm guessing I could keep climbing the ladder successively if I kept going at it. Compared to my first intense experience, this was much more manageable and had a more subtle euphoric component added compared to the neutrality of an intense plain leaf experience alone. Also more comical and funny and I found I could let go easier (though that might just be from knowing the terrain a little better).

A great synergy and combo indeed!

P.S. It's not my intension to post every single experience I have had with the Lady, but I thought this experience could be of interest to others as far as working up to different levels of salviaspace in combination with rue harmalas in a more leisurely fashion as well as for the synergy and smoothing of the experience. Peace :)
Just ran across this thread..

Ive never tryed rue with salvia ...
most of these reports are with.. plain leaf sally....

Has anyone tryed a low dose of salvia 10x with rue..?

I wonder if it improves the experiance some?
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