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[quote:a50a7c2fd3="Seven"]i tried salvia 10x and 15x and it was rather intense. it totally took me by suprise, as i was not prepared for the effects. it really cant be compared to the spice, and i dont think id really consider it a psychedelic. it kind of scared me when i saw a friend take some tokes and remain in this trance like state for a little too long imo. id say go for it and try it, but i dont think youll be going back very often.[/quote:a50a7c2fd3]    I dunno, the peak isnt realy psycedelic in the historical sense its far too disorientating but the afterglow certainly is, ive had many in depth conversations with my friends about life, time-space continuum,  the true human spirit. Wether the sun has a 'soul' and/or is a god was a good one! :lol:   To sum them both up in one word would be dimitri= beauty  salvia=weird.  Salvia realy does give a new meaning to the word weird! Although very Intriguing also.

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