Whew, I love Salvia for one.
With her I can find the True point of light in my path.
She tells me what I need to hear when we visit.
She pulls me out of the back of my head, through the gears of reality and reassembles me where she wants me to be.
Then she tells me what I have to hear and sends me back.
Just like that Skittles commercial.
Back in my living room I appear.
Salvia sometimes comes into my world so I can show her the modern city I live in as she is curious about a lot of the new humans around.
How do you think she jumped from Mexican desert to populace so quickly where other entities, RE: plants, choose to stay hidden only to those who seek them througholy.
Salvia is like a Mother from the Universe, when she finds her children she embraces them in warmth, and helps them patch their wounds, dry their tears and sends them on their way. Without her guidence my life would be much more chaotic.
Through understanding her chaos I gain control over my world's order, is what you could say I suppose.
Salvia impacted me enough that I drew several pages of comic books based around it which is part of one of my secret projects.