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Salvinorin A degradation in acetone

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi people!

I've just read that salvinorin A is degrading fast when it in aceton solution. This could be a problem, becouse my extraction method wold be is pouring acetone on the leaves early in the morning, go to work, and evaporating the aceton through the night. So if salvinorin would decompose in aceton, than yields would be horrible.

Does anyone of you have reliable data on salvinorin decomposition in acetone?

Thanks in advance.
couldnt really tell you..I use iso..
but check this out..

I think that sphere has an accounton this site as well..might go by a diff name now..but I was in contact with sphere a while ago on another forum.. really knows they're stuff when it comes to salvinorin..

BTW..are you making extract or just trying to extract salvinorin?? I am extracting some salvinorin right now..but I am not going to purify it past whatever the iso pulls I dont think...white crystals would be cool but god even a green powdery extract scares the shit out of me!! I am guess I will get maybe 50-70% purity..

Anyway would like to know how it goes!
Thank you for your answer! The link was very useful. I found out that in sphere's tek, the aceton solution is left sitting beyond 24 hours, so the degradation shouldn't be that fast.

I'm preparing a ~7x extract right now using my home grown leaves. :)

Last (and first) time I made 5x and 10x extracts successfully out of commercial leaves. The method was very simple: 4-5 aceton pull, then evap. Works great form me.

Now I will refine the extract further (naphta washes) and than prepare fortified leaf to reduce the amount of tannins and clorophyl that I have to smoke.

How do you take salvinorin? Sublingually, or by smoking?
fractal enchantment said:
Anyway would like to know how it goes!

It went well. I've done 4-5 acetone washes, evaporated it down. I got a small piece of green wax. Washed it with naphta 4-5 times I think. I was impatient when I did the first 2-3 washes so I probably lost a few salvinorin (still in a big jar with the naphta, I'm planning to save it. :) ).

I decanted the last 100ml naphta and let the sediment dry. It was a fine, light green powder. I dissolved it in 20ml-or-so acetone and poured onto 3g of Salvia leaves, than washed the container with another 20ml of acetone and added this one to the leaves too. I let the leaves dry.

The resulted extract is cleaner, dryer, lighter than the first two I made without naphta washes.

I gave it a try like 10 minutes ago and it is very-very potent. I only took a little pinch of it, burned like a half of it, held it for 8-10 secs and the univers twisted into the speakers. :)

Salvia Extraction WIN. :D

So I don't know much salvinorin was lost, but I don't really care. :p It works, now I had 3 grams of very potent, nice tasting salvia extract. Given that I don't smoke too often, it will last like forever. :)
Ok, then let me give you two advices:

-I'm still not convinced about the fact that aceton is not harmful to salvinorin, so avoid long exposure. Use as little as you can, and for the shortest time possible (this also means faster, cheaper and more environmentally friendly extraction method, so it's a double win). Next time I would do chilled extraction on grinded leaf. Grinded, because it requires less acetone, chilled, because it means less chlorophyl => less naphta washes. Less solvent => faster evaporation. Cheaper, cleaner, safer. :)

-Naphta wash teks are too fast. One or two hours of sitting is definitely not enaugh (or at least wasn't enaugh with my leaves and my naphta :p ). Next time, I would let the first 2 washes to stand still for at least a day.

Happy extracting! :D
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