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San Pedro - cure and bliss

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I decided to spent New Years Eve exploring psychedelic substances I hadn't tried yet. In the beginning I opted for an ibogaine flood experience, but finally this seemed not a wise idea since I was alone and I had some obligations the first January to handle.

I decided therefore to go on a journey with San Pedro. I tried it several times but always ended up in a low dose mdmda-experience - this time I wanted to be sure for doing it right.

I had a paste from San Pedro, a person has given me. It came from South America, purchased by him on the net and he told me, that 15g of it was enough for most people and it could be quite strong.

However, last time when I tried it in the range of 10gr, I felt absolutely nothing, so this time I would double the dose at least.

I startet in the afternoon of the 31 December to dissolve the sticky paste in enough water to make a big cup of it. After about an hour it was done and I let it sit to cool down.

Meanwhile I prepared my house for a trippy night in a ritualistic setting. Building a modest altar with some agua Florida, incense, coca leaves and tobacco. I put a bucket in the corner of my living room, installed a little table near my bed with candles, incense and such things, made a good clean everywhere and put myself in comfortable clothes.

After a little prayer I had learned in Ayahuasca sessions I began to drink half of the cup, so about 15gr of the paste. I started to play some music on the guitar and get myself in a nice mood. It was already dark and the living room was enlightened by the peaceful light of some candles and the scent of Palo Santo.

At a time, I stopped to make music and put on some Andean music on a player and start to write my intentions on a paper. It is true that I had been in a bad mood these last months, with an too big affinity for procrastination.

Too much alcohol and other dopamine triggering devices like smartphone, Netflix and alike and the feeling not to pass enough quality time with my daughter as well as the impression to be stuck in my work and being incapable to go further.

I had filled several pages in a short time and my writing style started slowly to become somehow more poetic. There came up jokes with deep meaning and a kind of childish and funny manner to threat my own problems. I was sure by then that the cactus started to do his work.

I started to write and draw in a more automatic manner, juste noting what came through my mind. I was pretty high by that time. I interrupted to recook about 20 gr of the paste, just in case. And I took some coca leaves. This was quite a very good synergy as I noticed later.

The three master plants tobacco, coca and San Pedro were building a kind of triade that worked well together and helped to keep a balance. In effect, I didn't had any negative side effects this night, just a mild nausea in the beginning. I started fasting the evening prior to the experience, this may had helped also.

I didn't drank the second half of the cup in one shot, but was merely sipping on it for a while to have finished it four hours after the first half. I was tripping pretty hard by now and have been in a visionary state, thanking the pachamama and this master plants to give me insight in the mysteries. There have been a lot of stuff coming up in these hours, mostly of a mystical and shamanic quality. I was impressed how calm and sharp my mind was while having intense and beautiful visions in the same time. It was much less playing on my nerves as Ayahuasca, mushrooms or lsd. I was totally calm and concentrated and I think I could even drive a car if I had too. I got the impression that this drug was just perfect for ceremonial work since I could do whatever I want to with ease, playing music, have a look about the cook in the kitchen, writing or whatever while being completely connected with the inner world.

If I asked a question, I got a response in my mind with several visual informations at the moment wanted. It was beautiful. There was also some erotic quality to it and it seemed like a perfect mix of mdma and LSD sometimes, without any negative side effects.

By midnight I had finished my second boil and I had been consumed 50gr by now.

I think if I had consumed all in once, it would have been a heavy dose but taken this way, the peak came up slowly and the experience was not overwhelming at any moment but absolutely wonderful.

I wished myself a happy new year and made a walk on the night outside. There have been a lot of thinking about love going on. I thought about all my friends this night and I realized that there were so many people I loved. I use to say that I don't have a lot of friends but in the realm of that night, I thought of anybody I was connected to in way and this was quite a huge amount of people. I loved them all.

I thought about past loves, my family and my child. It was only blissful love like a poem of Rumi.

From about 1am, the trip took a different directions and it started to get quite funny. I was laughing alone with myself and made jokes. I was agitated and calm at the same time.

It started to become absurd and surreal in a LSD like manner and it was now really fun, less mystical and there were a lot of images I laughed about and also this empathy for everybody around me. I was in peace with everything.

Eventually I had a little cold and I went upstairs to my bed, with some candlelight and music. Switching from icaros to experimental electronic music, I spend several hours reflecting in diverse subjects accompanied with beautiful visions and imagery. It wasn't that intense like DMT visions, but with a little bit of concentration I could clearly see and describe these images. They were pretty fast changing, so a lot of stuff had been passed, too much to go in any detail here.

And this brings me to the point that could have been a little bit tricky with my dosage and my method of application. Drinking the tea about the lapse of several hours made for a soft buildup, but finally the trip should last almost 20 hours.

At about 7am on the morning, I was tired and a little bit exhausted but it still went strong on until 14pm. It was beautiful and nice all the time, but the last seven hours I really had would like to sleep.

I think next time I will try maybe 40 gr, but in one shot, to reduce eventually this length of a trip.

I am still quite happy about this experience, and hope to revisit the mescaline universe soon. It gave me a lot of hope and love for the future and today, I am still on a really good playful mood, with a big smile.

Thank you San Pedro!

And sorry the nexus for my bad English!
Thanks for sharing - it sounds like a wonderful experience, and the feeling of it all comes through quite clearly between what really are only very few grammatical errors - so, no apology necessary as far as I'm concerned [being another person with substantial experience of using a foreign language].

Your plan mirrors what I would have done that night had I been somewhere where it was a bit quieter; in that respect your avatar gives me a quiet chuckle since it was the ridiculously over-loud bangers (firecrackers) that were being set off throughout my area for the past week that really confirmed the necessity of my decision. Enjoying your experience here, vicariously, has helped make up for it :D

The long, drawn-out dosing regimen seems to be a rewarding approach so I'll be intrigued to hear how it goes for you when you try the quicker dosing regimen.

And Thank You San Pedro too!
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