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San Pedro @ Night or During the Day?

Migrated topic.


Esteemed member
What are people's experiences with doing San Pedro and other columnar cacti at different times of day/night? San Pedro is traditionally/ceremonially done during the day, while Peyote is typically done at night. I've only ever done San Pedro during the day. It definitely keeps you up and is quite wakeful energy. What's it like doing it at night? One has to consider the factor of slight sleep deprivation in conjunction with the cactus' effects, among other factors involving food, metabolism, social rhythms, etc., when doing cactus during the day or at night.
san pedro has no known tradition, it was lost for thousands of years.

oldest cuttings found in andes date to 10,800 years ago, near a 5k year old temple for cactus and dmt (Chavin de huantar)

recently catholic influenced survivors of the genocide that was columbian integration, have used it in the day.
ive spent some time in peru and they are mostly mildly dosing mescaline and constantly bombard you with dogmatic stimulus

get rekt in the dark
u be da shaman mon

you can do it whenever and it usually lasts about a day so you get both light/dark anway with a solid dose.

dmt hasnt been as impressive as wachuma at night...

night time is easier to access visions, the fasting prior is more work compared to day dosing.

day trips take 2-3 days, night trips take 3-4 . no matter how you slice it, cactus is a atleast two days if you dose a foot of bridgesii cooked well.
Chaska said:
san pedro has no known tradition
Having attended a ceremony led by 2 Quechua shamans, I can safely say that there is a tradition.

There is no known tradition... known by YOU, that is, eh? 😉

...But thank you for your input. I am definitely inclined to be my own Shaman. And the cactus does seem to be more pronounced during the night (much like Iboga)
Maybe he implies that there is no specific ONE tradition or way to use the cactus. When I first used it, it was in the morning and lasts until the evening. I've also had it in the evenings.

I think night time produces more "visuals" but I think the message can be heard no matter the time of day. That is going to be something that you experiment with and see which works best for your schedule. I like to be able to be asleep by 1 or 2 am, so I tend to take mescaline containing cacti extracts or teas (or just dried powder) in the earlier part of the day.

Meaningful experience is based on the perspective more than a specific "time." Some people, like myself, can find rituals within our own consumption. Example: I like to consume DMT around 12-2am or 2-5pm. From trial and error, I've found that it's just a good time to cross. It could be all mental perspective. I don't have any explanation other than observation. I encourage you to do the same with san pedro. Try both, day and night. See which speaks most to you.

Take care,
RhythmSpring said:
Chaska said:
san pedro has no known tradition
Having attended a ceremony led by 2 Quechua shamans, I can safely say that there is a tradition.

There is no known tradition... known by YOU, that is, eh? 😉

...But thank you for your input. I am definitely inclined to be my own Shaman. And the cactus does seem to be more pronounced during the night (much like Iboga)

the quechua dont traditionally use psychoactives hermano (minus coca), this includes san pedro.

they made up whatever little shin diggerry they did for you sometime recently in the history of cactus

from experience, they also dont want to see machine elves, and dont even understand cactus can do that

solpaiki pachamama
om namo wachuma
If you can be someplace outdoors with big open expansive views into the distance then daytime has something special to offer. If you have a good open view of the sky away from city lights then nighttime has something special to offer. If you have both in the same place you can start in the day and transition into the night.

But regardless of time of day the cactus experience is worthwhile. Outdoors at night a campfire makes it less intense but more comforting.
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