Rising Star
2nd experience with SP powder, about a month ago. At 0800 hours, having fasted the previous nine hours, ate 12g of powdered SP that I'd rolled into about eight balls (moistened with OJ), dusted with flour and downed with OJ. Ninety minutes later, ate a raspberry multi-grain cereal bar. At 1130, still no effects, ate a bowl of wheat cereal. 5-1/2 hours later, at 1300 hours, vomited - and again an hour later. The rest of the evening was spent with a low-grade fever (100.2), stomach discomfort and headache while immobilized on a chair. Finally got to bed at 0100 hrs the next day, slept until 0645 and awoke to diarrhea, twice. Imodium and back to bed until 1000 hours.
After that episode, I determined to use the 69ron d-limonene method and administer so as to avoid the stomach altogether - that's right, the southern route. Two fresh limonene pulls, with three 5% vinegar pulls each. I had good luck using a stir bar to agitate the vinegar/limonene for about 5 minutes (per 69ron) before transferring to a 500ml separatory funnel. I dried each of the two limonene pulls (of the three vinegar pulls) in separate glass dishes by fan over the course of a couple of days. Razor scraped and combined the two and chopped the resultant light tan, slightly waxy result. I'd let each of the limonene pulls stand for at least eight hours, and I actually tried a third pull (waste of limonene), but the fan dried result was almost non-existent, brown and gummy - discarded. The weight of the two pulls was 1.17g.
I'd run in multiple places that the rectal ROA had both a faster onset and increased effect, perhaps as much as 2 times. I intended to start with 75mg, but then changed to 125mg in a gel cap, actually a half cap, open on one end. I added a tiny amount of water based lubricant to the open end to keep it from falling out during insertion.
Bottom line, so to speak
was that aside from periodic slight abdominal discomfort, there was no appreciable effect. That is to say, no effect that I couldn't attribute to another cause. Administered at 1000 hours, coffee and light snack at noon, sandwich at 1300 hours.
Between numerous failed attempts with various ROAs of DMT (vaped with and without MAOI) and this, I'm not surprised none of this is habit-forming :?
Being a glutton for punishment, I'll try 200mg swallowed in a cigarette paper next (with ginger tea) and hope for the best (reference). Eventually going to brew up some caapi/chacruna ala tregar and see what happens. You don't suppose I'm already naturally high?
After that episode, I determined to use the 69ron d-limonene method and administer so as to avoid the stomach altogether - that's right, the southern route. Two fresh limonene pulls, with three 5% vinegar pulls each. I had good luck using a stir bar to agitate the vinegar/limonene for about 5 minutes (per 69ron) before transferring to a 500ml separatory funnel. I dried each of the two limonene pulls (of the three vinegar pulls) in separate glass dishes by fan over the course of a couple of days. Razor scraped and combined the two and chopped the resultant light tan, slightly waxy result. I'd let each of the limonene pulls stand for at least eight hours, and I actually tried a third pull (waste of limonene), but the fan dried result was almost non-existent, brown and gummy - discarded. The weight of the two pulls was 1.17g.
I'd run in multiple places that the rectal ROA had both a faster onset and increased effect, perhaps as much as 2 times. I intended to start with 75mg, but then changed to 125mg in a gel cap, actually a half cap, open on one end. I added a tiny amount of water based lubricant to the open end to keep it from falling out during insertion.
Bottom line, so to speak

Between numerous failed attempts with various ROAs of DMT (vaped with and without MAOI) and this, I'm not surprised none of this is habit-forming :?
Being a glutton for punishment, I'll try 200mg swallowed in a cigarette paper next (with ginger tea) and hope for the best (reference). Eventually going to brew up some caapi/chacruna ala tregar and see what happens. You don't suppose I'm already naturally high?