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Sasha Shulgin nearing death

Migrated topic.


Staff member

To All Our Friends,

The time has come for me to tell you what none of us wanted to say or hear. Sasha has moved into a new phase, beginning just four or five days ago, characterized by great weakness (he can barely lift his head), loss of weight (he's somewhere around 130 lbs.), and reluctance to utter more than single words at a time.

We are still blessed in that he has no pain -- or when he does have a twinge or even a needle-strike, it's over immediately, and we haven't had to give him any of the strong pain medicines which Hospice has available. We hope it continues that way.

But everything else is not good news. He's holding on to life, or at least his body is fighting the good fight (he was always extremely strong and healthy, until a few years ago), and it's possible that he may live to see his 89th birthday, but we can't be sure. For that matter, he may stay with us for several months more, but we would be surprised if he did.

Sasha knows that he's dying, but that doesn't bother him. He doesn't know he has cancer of the liver, and there's no need for him to know; that knowledge would give him nothing useful. After all, as he has said, "We all have to die of something!"

Thanks to all of you for your support all these years. We appreciate every single dollar and every note or e-mail. You have kept our Tibetan and British caregivers here with him, and he has been surrounded by love and a lot of laughter, due to your help and compassion.

I'll let you know when there is an important change. In the meantime,


Ann and Team Shulgin

Much love to him and Ann <3
It is with heavy heart that I read Ann's note. Although I have never ingested any of the substances he discovered, other than the natural extracts, his contribution to the new psychedelic renaissance has been crucial. Without his tireless work and gigantic loving heart, we would not be in the position we are in right now to bring these substances out of the darkness. Both he and Ann have given us all benefits that I am pretty sure will not even be recognized for many years to come. many of the things he did will probably never be known, due to the restrictions on freedom our foes placed upon his work. I am honored to be a part of the revolution he helped usher in.

Weve lost Terrance, and now Sasha is preparing to journey through the bardo-realm as well.

I can comfortably speak for all of us here in wishing him an easy journey. Thank you, Mr. Shulgin, for a life well lived, you benefited us all through your love, knowledge, and wisdom. Eternal peace to you!

May he RIP

He will remain a source of inspiration for me, his level of knowledge and skill in this field will continue too awe me.

I am sure his spirit will continue to influence psychedelic users for a long time to come.
RIP <3

Alexander Shulgin, June 17, 1925- June 2, 2014
Sasha Shulgin died at 5pm this afternoon. He was a psychedelic
chemist, a visionary, and a cognitive liberty advocate. He was
also a dear friend, mentor, and role model to Earth & I (Fire).
We were lucky to know him.

Gate gate para gate parasamgate bodhi svaha!
All hail the goer. Our love goes with you.

I can't even begin to describe how significantly I have been affected by the life and work of this visionary alchemical pioneer... We all must go eventually, I suppose, but that certainly doesn't make it any easier when such a beautiful soul departs this plane of existence. My most sincere condolences go out to Ann, and everyone else on this earth who was close to Sasha.

Sasha, I wish you safe travels through the new realms of existence that await you. Your immense presence and personality will be dearly missed by many.

I will be setting aside a chunk of time this week to celebrate Sasha's extraordinary life, and express my appreciation of the innumerable gifts that he has bestowed on this world.
I wish we were all together so we could have a big party.....you know that's what Sasha would want! Now he can trip nonstop in glory. Funny that just last week for the first time I acquired one of his "inventions" and was highly pleased with it.

Thanks Sasha!
Welcome to REAL LIFE.
Enjoy it...You certainly earned your place there.

With Love-

Your work has had such a positive effect on mine and so many others lives, I am sorry to see you go butt I am glad to know quality of life is no longer an issue. You will never be forgotten. This trip we call life may have ended, but I wish you a ++++ wherever you may end up my friend. Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.

You continue to be a role model for a generation of chemists and psychonauts. RIP.
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