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Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So SWIM tried a Cebil based snuff the other day and had a miserable experience. The vomiting and head pain (btw if you are going to do this, I recommend spraying a little throat chloraseptic on your hand and snorting it first) was manageable. The trip was alright, nothing spectacular. However SWIM experienced uncontrollable muscle spasms, mostly on the left side of his body. This ruined the entire experience. SWIM was wondering if this is also a possible side-effect associated with pure bufotenine or N,N-DMT?
There can be twitching but generally not so much so that it distracts from the experience like you have described. The side effects you experienced are probably due to other toxins in the seeds which an extraction will take care of.
move around as little as possible..the side effects might be less when smoked..I have never snuffed it..but I hear it requires more and has more side effects.

I only get muscle cramping and spasms that are that bad if I get up and walk around on it..
Yopo and Cebil snuffs are not appealing to those that seek pleasurable experiences.
I would say these snuffs are for those who seek contact with higher entities to receive spiritual insight and are willing to physically suffer for it.

As for the muscle spasms; completely normal to Yopo-like snuffs if you ask me. I snorted yopo snuff 3 times.
All 3 times I used 3 roasted, crushed A.Peregrina seeds mixed with +/- a similair amount of lime and just enough water to make a paste.
This was allowed to dry to a hard cake, the amonia smell was allowed to evaporise off and it was then crushed again with mortal & pestle.

All 3 times I snorted this snuff I experienced these muscle spasms you speak of. Like twitches and cramps in my thigh, neck and shoulder muscles.
My first Yopo experience I thought: "this headache, noseache and nausea stops me from enjoying this"
But then the most briliant visions of extremely bright-colored, humanoid DMT-entities; countless in numbers all around me. They reached their hands out to me and felt like a very positive, comforting and intelligent presence. I soon realised this(Yopo experiences) was not about pleasure, but about spiritually enlightening knowledge and insight.

In fact the physical suffering may be seen as a sacrament; A hardship you're willing to undergo to find knowledge that is not meant for those that merely seek pleasure.

After this I did it 2 more times. The last time made me breakthrough, pretty much exactly like DMT can.
I left my body, had the choice to return to my body but went along with the dissociation. I ended up in a DMT-like realm; an open spot in a dense forrest, full of tents and celebrating people.
They cheered when they caught my attention and motivated me to dance with them, which I did.

I wanna do this again and am willing to undergo the headache, nausea and spasms/cramps again to meet this intelligence and learn more of existance.
Obviously I'm rather reluctant to just do it; Otherwise I might have done it well over 10 times by now.

If you seek a pleasurable Bufotenin experience, try extracting Bufotenin as good as pure from Cebil-seeds and try vaporising TINY doses of that.
From what I've read around here pure, vaporised Bufotenin seems to produce quite an enjoyable experience, without the physical discomfort.
It's recommended with cebil to toast before and after basifying and with yopo just before. Crazy spasms don't sound all that necassary if you ask me and are not something I associate with the psychoactive mechanism of these seeds when properly treated.

Especially if the trip wasn't all that overwhelming, those side effects sound excessive.
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