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Seedo - Automated Hydroponics

Migrated topic.
Praxis. said:

Personally, I think it'd take all the satisfaction out of growing. Interacting with the plant is half the fun! But still, this seems like a cool idea with some great potential for sure.


Would be great for people that cant even grow mold on food :p
I'm very skeptical, this seems like another useless money-maker for the capitalists. I have a few grow boxes of similar size and they still require constant tending/training/adjustment of nutrients to maximize yield. E.g. you need to recognize/correct for deficiencies, nutrient excesses, flushing, topping, training, scrog, etc. I don't see how an automated system can handle all of those tasks in any more than a preprogrammed manner, even with integrated EC/pH. It would make it unable to handle different nutrient needs of different strains (e.g. my Neville's Haze shows signs of burn at half the EC of other plants). With 2 boxes of that size I am barely able to produce at my consumption rate (1 ounce/month), and that requires happy plants, it wouldn't be enough for heavy smokers, and yields would suffer a lot if the machine gets it wrong. I bet the price would be much larger than the ones I built (mine were about $300 in materials/lights each, plus the ~15 hours labor to put it together).
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