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Exp. Report Seeking some experienced guidance on a (potentially medical) incident during my last experience

Experience report


Rising Star
I'm hoping to connect with someone who can help me understand a (potentially medical) incident that occurred during my last experience.

I'm 51, no significant health issues. I'm a fairly regular user, but don't produce my own product. I mix my own vape liquid, and have the process fairly dialed in to my satisfaction. Recently, I've been vaping DMT regularly at clubs and music events.

Two weeks ago, I was doing some deep exploring of the visuals I get with while listening to music with my eyes blacked out. Depending on how much I'd consumed, I would get anything from light tracers (think the old Tempest standup video game) to very intense polygon warps. The visuals were always in sync with the music, and always symmetrical. I took many trips on the final two days (more than a dozen, less than two).

On my next-to-last trip, I noticed that the right side of the visuals had gotten somewhat jagged and irregular. I marked it as weird, but didn't think much of it. Though I noticed that the music I was hearing in my right ear was playing faster than the music in my left ear. This was new, but I've experienced speed-ups/slow-downs often on previous trips. I wondered if I was only just noticing that I was only getting them in one ear.

My last trip, the visuals on the right side had become more jagged, and then abruptly started aggressively skipping, as did the music. It was immediately obvious, compared to previous trips, that something unusual/unexpected was happening - I knew "something had gone wrong." The skipping accelerated, until I experienced what I can only describe as an abrupt jolt, and the sensation that I had been knocked completely out of my body by force. For several moments, I had an ego death on levels I've never experienced - almost total amnesia. I could tell I was still "there" only just out of reach. My room, my body, my hands, my skin - everything was wholly unfamiliar. I went into a kind of panic-autopilot: stood up, sat back down, put on my glasses, took them off, grabbed my phone, put it down - I knew what had happened, and at the same time I had no idea what had just happened.

A few moments later, I settled down enough to talk to myself out loud. "Everything's fine. Your name is XXX, you're in your room" and began reciting things about my life - as much to remind myself that I was still there as it was to test that I'd remembered them. I went for a walk to come the rest of the way down, but I was shook. I put the pen down for a ten days. I wasn't sure what had happened. Was that a brain zap? A seizure? Did I reboot?Did I break something in my brain? And of course, ever since then, every I'm hyperfocused on every sensation I have in my head.

Last night, I tried a low-dose trip to check in, and I still hear audio faster in my right ear than in my left. I backed off, but still wasn't sure if it was just me noticing the effect in my headphones when I wasn't before. This afternoon, I tried a low-does trip without headphones, with my eyes closed and blacked out. My visuals are still distorted, and even without headphones music is difficult to listen to and out of sync. That effect, thankfully, goes away when I've come down.

I did some reading. I haven't seen anything like this in an experience report before. But I can't figure out if this is a "you pushed it too hard, put it away for a few months" incident or a "maybe you should see a neurologist" incident or a "your journey with psychedelics has come to an end" incident. I'm hoping someone here will have a relevant experience, or some guidance.

Have you, or has someone you know, experienced an incident like this? Can you help me understand it, and understand how worried I should be?
That sounds like quite the ride, really intense and scary stuff.

Based on the information I would say you had a hyperslap, especially when you, apart from the anxiety that these experiences bring, seem to be otherwise fine. It reminds me of my first real hyperslap 20 years ago , it involved a sudden change in the way dmt normally works and then total fear and confusion that was so intense I couldn’t move or do anything but wait for the effects to subside, a horrible experience when at the same time realizing that you have now broken yourself for ever. Now it almost sounds funny to me but at the time it was absolutely terrifying and shook me to my core, thinking about myself as this ultimate hyperspace explorer I was suddenly a little boy who knew nothing.

Anyway the solution was to get a hobby beyond dmt and a good long break from drugs in general. Then it took some time to get back into tripping and building a more healthy relationship with psychedelics.

Of course it is difficult to really know what happened and if there might be some other reason for the sudden change of effects, I would see in the upcoming weeks if you feel that you have health problems and if so ask your doctor.

All the best and take care
That sounds like quite the ride, really intense and scary stuff.

Based on the information I would say you had a hyperslap, especially when you, apart from the anxiety that these experiences bring, seem to be otherwise fine. It reminds me of my first real hyperslap 20 years ago , it involved a sudden change in the way dmt normally works and then total fear and confusion that was so intense I couldn’t move or do anything but wait for the effects to subside, a horrible experience when at the same time realizing that you have now broken yourself for ever. Now it almost sounds funny to me but at the time it was absolutely terrifying and shook me to my core, thinking about myself as this ultimate hyperspace explorer I was suddenly a little boy who knew nothing.

Anyway the solution was to get a hobby beyond dmt and a good long break from drugs in general. Then it took some time to get back into tripping and building a more healthy relationship with psychedelics.

Of course it is difficult to really know what happened and if there might be some other reason for the sudden change of effects, I would see in the upcoming weeks if you feel that you have health problems and if so ask your doctor.

All the best and take care
As you can imagine, it is tremendously helpful to have some frame of reference. I don't really have a lot of peers to talk with in depth about this, and I only lurk the forums when I'm troubleshooting. Hearing that this kind of experience is common enough that it has a name is very grounding. And, gives me a term I can lean on to do more reading.

So, thank you. And thank you for the mindfulness of your reply. I seem otherwise fine, but I'm monitoring, and I have a doctor I can trust and with whom I can have harm reduction discussions if things change.

If any others have similar experiences, I'd be interested to hear them as well.
He I can completely understand, I’m here mostly because I need/like some likeminded people to talk to who can relate to my hobbies. I’m at a stage in life where I almost know no one in real life who is tripping on a regular basis, anyway I’m sure you’ll be on your feet in no time, if you need anything or have some worries don’t hesitate to reach out.

Take care
Try a different batch. I avoid the jungle juice in spice like the plague and sometimes the heavier pieces of spice at the bottom of your jar are more saturated in this jungle juice with a darker color. I dont know what you are smoking but any darker spice to me is not palatable. Re X and make some Damiana Changa impossible to go wrong with this. 20%Damiana 10%Caapi Vine 10%Mullein 5%Peppermint 5%Calendula/ 50% Re X DMT

If you read my Palo Santo Changa post I also add the Palo Santo resin and need to update as I have found this in a shredded form that extracts easy. The resin helps burn slow and not incinerate the dry herbs.
Try a different batch. I avoid the jungle juice in spice like the plague and sometimes the heavier pieces of spice at the bottom of your jar are more saturated in this jungle juice with a darker color. I dont know what you are smoking but any darker spice to me is not palatable. Re X and make some Damiana Changa impossible to go wrong with this. 20%Damiana 10%Caapi Vine 10%Mullein 5%Peppermint 5%Calendula/ 50% Re X DMT

If you read my Palo Santo Changa post I also add the Palo Santo resin and need to update as I have found this in a shredded form that extracts easy. The resin helps burn slow and not incinerate the dry herbs.

Short side note. How do you do the resin from Palo Santo?
I wrote about it in the post on the Changa section, could not be easier just soak in IPA and this is the IPA I use to dump spice into in order to make Changa. Coffee filters on final stage to seperate any particles.
I wrote about it in the post on the Changa section, could not be easier just soak in IPA and this is the IPA I use to dump spice into in order to make Changa. Coffee filters on final stage to seperate any particles.
Great! I'll check it out. But do you know about how healthy it is ti inhale the vapors of the resin?
No smoke is healthy but comparitively I would say this resin is much smoother then say a MJ concentrate. It is dark cherry flavored and seems like it was meant to be smoked. Palo Santo is used to ward off evil spirits by many cultures and I hope this transfers over when used in this way.
This is not uncommon to me. I have had different visuals in one eye than the other. It's just DMT being DMT. I sometimes wonder if it's jesters playing with us when such things happen.

Take a little break and revisit. DMT seems to appreciate reverence and respect. Each and every time.

One love
I've had similar experiences, the music skipping over, visually becoming jagged, the feeling of something having gone seriously wrong, all except the being jolted out of my body part. I had an experience a few months ago, the visually became jagged but at the same time it felt like my entire body had become jagged, and again on the right side. It felt like I had an epileptic seizure and now half of my face and body were crooked. I opened my eyes and my room seemed equally crooked. It felt like everything inside me had become twisted. I think that's just... DMT! The substance is weird, just that!
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