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semi urgent post about angryanus' health

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OK. The time is 1:35 am central USA at the moment. A few minuutes ago was my first real experience with dmt(thats right I said MY). MY session consisted of 2 attempts on a single ~50mg. The first just felt weird and I cant describe it. Not all of the dmt was gone so I gave myself a 15minute break and tried once more. The second hit I definitely knew it wasnt my imagination. I heard ringing in my ears and felt that I had an eerie presence around me... closed eye visuals were certainly present... now that I'm typing this I can't really remember what exactly happened but I do know why I needed to post urgently. A few minutes after the trip I noticed my hands and arms suddenly going extremely pale. I seriously thought I was having an allergic reaction or something bad was happening. The blood in my hands flushed and dissapeared; the blue veins in my arms almost blended in with the tone of my arms. Everything is normal right now as i typed this but it was quite a scare. I had no sitter and was alone so if something had happened I would have been fucked. My first experience with dmt has left me worried... has this pale stage ever happened to any of you (or your gerbil)? thanks in advance angryanus
omg he said he did it... SWARM SWARM SWARM! jk bro :p i wouldnt worry too much, dmt is pretty safe. especially smoked. ive never noticed that... but i havent really tried to. do you suffer from high blood pressure?
I've never had it happen either. But then of course I've never smoked DMT - that would be illegal. My thought is that DMT causes a temporary rise in BP and that coming down its possible that your BP went low before adjusting itself back to normal.
SWIM said me it never happend to him. Increase of heart rate is normal. Especially during his first experiences where he did'nt know what to expect and he was quite anxious about the effect. Now that he is more confortable, even heart beat rate do not increase that much. SWIM and I think that a anxious feeling *can* cause this strange reaction (anxiety can cause almost any symptom), which seems a vaso-constriction effect. This undoubtly happend with salvia which definitvly act as a vaso-constrictor substance. But I never heard about such effect with DMT. Except the veins colors, was there any strange physical sensation half an hour after having smoked (cold, lost of sensitivity...) ?
no, not from what i can remember. i just remember being very pale. the blood beneath the fingernail just kinda dissappeared.
SWIM told me that he just experienced something similar. He was curious after having read your post ;)), so few minutes after his highest and scariest experience he watched his arms and noticed a lack of coloration. But.... as he was still in the afterglow, everything he saw was yellow pale, especially white surfaces. His conclusion is that it was more a vision issue than a blood pressure one :) But he may be wrong having no medical stuff to check blood pressure...
[quote:898dd9260f="Garulfo"] His conclusion is that it was more a vision issue than a blood pressure one :)[/quote:898dd9260f] That's SWIM experience too. Once coming down SWIM had kind of a X-ray vision. He could see all the bones in his hands and his hands t looked very weird color and kind of like made of plastic :) SWIM also thinks his hands are made of plastic or rubber when on shrooms :p
I've had it happen with other tryptamines orally (5-MeO-DIPT), nothing to worry about.I still use foxy all the time and really enjoy it.It is also VERY possible like Garulfo stated that it was a visual as colors tend to shift when smoking DMT. 😉
ok, thanks guys for your input! i really appreciate it. i'm so relieved my health isn't goofed up :lol: . cant wait to break through and see what it's like.
If your still laughing at flatulance, youve nothing whatsoever to be worried about. It is scarry at times. Somtimes its very scarry. Somtimes it leaves you shaking, drenched in sweat with a pile in your pants. Many people, some who are totally anti drugs, look for that very same experince. Thats why things such as rollercoasters and ghost trains exist at fair grounds. These kinds of trips remind you of who and what you are. Toke some more while I blow a fart in your face. :p
Yeah man,don't worry about a thing.DMT is safe and non-toxic second to psilocybin.Your hands stayed normal,it's just that you saw them different.Same thing happened to me once.My hands looked like they were semi-transperent and made of rubber.I could see all my veins,they looked like they shrunk and belonged to a doll or something.
semi-hijacking this thread since the OP's question was already answered. on the topic of seeing your own limbs differently, I remember having an experience where my arms were short, fat, pink, and to a lesser extent fuzzy (that is, looked fuzzy - like big foot 😉 ) almost like an infants'. And, I think I might recall McKenna saying something about feeling/looking like an infant? Anyone else recall if McKenna mentioned that or had a similar experience?
this is my 2nd experience... 1:34am day after thanksgiving ... just bought a new pipe. WOW did it hit GOOd. Consumed about 50-60mg, the effects were apparent instantly. as i type this im forgeting a lot of stuff but ill try my best to recollect my experience. as the hit took hold of me i thought i was gonna asphyxiate and die but i continued to let it control me. life and what was happening to me didnt matter anymore i would have been happy to pass away at that moment. i closed my eyes as psuedo death came knocking and these wonderful patterns and colors flooded the dark space. then all of the sudden out of the color and patterns, 3 female figures formed and tried to hand me something and i think i refused and opened my eyes. i regret not taking the gift that they were trying to offer me. colors were blurred, the scratch marks on the desk danced... and like my trip in the past i had the same pale/no blood look on my body but im not worried about that anymore. damn, there was so much more that made it so incredible but i cant remember it now. damn you dmt spirit and your memory disturbing ways :lol: .
[quote:13faed1c63]3 female figures formed and tried to hand me something and i think i refused and opened my eyes[/quote:13faed1c63] Go again. They want to gives you LOVE !
Swim has watched several lab monkeys go under various levels of the spice over the last couple days, he has not seen anyone freak or anything yet, but has seen people go into complete trance, unresponsive. Their body takes over as if they were asleep, their breathing is steady, an extra deep breath every now and then, most even set the pipe down as if functioning on motor skills, or cup the pipe and lighter in there hand. Swim has seen sweating, and experienced being drenched in sweat. Swim noticed no paleness. Swim did notice deciently bloodshot apearance to the eyes. On not so deep vertures Swim even alowed some to walk around at the tail end of the experience, it is noticed that the body seems as if it is drunk. There is a shivering tremble, most seem to like this as well, like they are so excited they are shaking.
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