my Mr. Bald T arrived today.
first off, one of the heating pads seems to be broken, or i broke it by my first test fireing burst (the wattage maybe was too high, so be careful with yours)
i did a quick test with just a small amount of dmt and 25W power,
i fired the atomizer for a few times to pre-melt the dmt until i could see a little vapor
the dmt tastes a little burned, nothing like when you actually burn it, but still not as tasteless as in a GVG (at leats with my settings).
i do not know why, but there is an effect that causes my lips and tongue to feel burnt, rally badly burnt. also it irritates the throat more then i expected.
now 20 minutes after the test, my lips still feel a slightly burned and i have to cough sometimes because my throat has not recovered yet.
if anybody can get better results please post your setup.