... finally, my experience with the "Mr.Bald T Vaporizer Kit". I got the recommendation from a fellow, who facilitates 5-MeO sessions with this device, and because I am interested in safe and easy ROAs, I gave it a try. I received the vaporizer some weeks ago, but felt too busy to test it. Till today.... when the family went out and I was alone, I found some "free time" to go on the first attempt and it worked perfectly.
i) Load the magic (I used 5-MeO FB) in the ceramic cup and close the device
ii) Press the "launch-button" and hold it for about 5-6 seconds, you see the crystals melting into liquid
iii) Breath out deeply (first belly and then chest) and let go of the "launch-button"
iv) Press it again and start slowly inhaling the smooth vape deeply (first belly and then in the chest) in the deepest depth of your lungs
v) Hold breath and lay down the device
vi) "ciaoooooo b b b b b e e e e e l ll l a a aa a ...."
This was my first attempt, which worked already pretty well, and I am just at the beginning of the learning curve.
I cleaned the cup with a q-tip and a bit of isopropanol afterwards.
My fellow told me of his unsatisfying attempts, compared to 5-MeO fb, with this device and N,N fb. I want to try it with N,N as well and will come back to this thread to share my experiences with you.
For the 5-MeO it gets 4/5 nasty toads.
.. now, the family is back and I can still feel the buzz, time to get some tee and enjoy the sun.