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Sex on DMT??

Migrated topic.
Was reading something on aya.com bout a girl who smoked DMT then had sex, her boyfriend whore a condom and after her 3rd toke he went for it, she apparantly still got pregnant and knew somehow that what was growing inside her wasnt altogether human :shock: sorry I cant find the link sorry :oops: she did have an abortion though. So do you think something could have came from hyperspace and started grownign inside her? Have any of you tried this ? lol Doubt the guy could manage it lol Been thinking of this for a few days now and we could be responsible for a whole new species lol or maybe my imaginations running away with its self but still lol any thoughts?? Peace and Love
Um, no offence, but wow. Yeah, um, wow...no, I don't think that she would have had a half hyperspace baby.
[quote:472b566f73]So do you think something could have came from hyperspace and started grownign inside her? [/quote:472b566f73] Great ! One of the most stupid thing I read since a while :lol: [quote:472b566f73]Have any of you tried this ? lol Doubt the guy could manage it lol[/quote:472b566f73] My friend is dreaming about it but indeed hard to manage. However it might be a fucking fun experience !
Sounds like either: A) bullshit. B) condom broke/failed. C) she lost a little bit of her mind in hyperspace. I will say masturbation/oral sex on low to medium doses beats any other drug/sex combo i've ever tried. Highly recommended.
Well you never know those wily entities trying to come through on this plane :lol: maybe they want this to start a new better world for us all ? :lol: and might try that low dose and have some sex lol
Total BS - the condom broke, she was knocked up by another guy, or this is an example of what drugs can do to reason - as though there are hyperspace-enhanced sperm ..! And umm I think you meant to spell "wore" ... a condom...?
:lol: Mmm, nutjob sounds like she a.I've got three kids, and if any of them had alien DNA(extraterrestrial, extradimensional, obviously not human [i:be5497e113]alien[/i:be5497e113] DNA) I'd be pleased as punch 8)
[quote:b3ea126a11]And umm I think you meant to spell "wore" ... a condom...?[/quote:b3ea126a11] Yes sorry, know what I mean though :roll: Hyper space sperm, why not ?? [quote:b3ea126a11]Why would they want to come through? Any entity I have seen has been a smiling happy joyous thing...[/quote:b3ea126a11] Yes I agree part from the odd ocasion. :eek: :lol: [quote:b3ea126a11]Was it a reptillian-hyperspce-feotus?[/quote:b3ea126a11] Could have been :) [quote:b3ea126a11] Mmm, nutjob sounds like she a.I've got three kids, and if any of them had alien DNA(extraterrestrial, extradimensional, obviously not human alien DNA) I'd be pleased as punch [/quote:b3ea126a11] No she had no kids, cant find the link ill try, but anythings possible.
Haha, look, no way this could be taken litteraly, fist off, i think that the condom would have broke off and all. Secondly, the idea that the girl was carrying an alien with 3 arms and the butt like a bee is non-sensical. That said... i had sex a couple of times with different girls on the peak of medium mushroom dose, at the comedown of large mushroom dose, right after a hard flash of dmt, i had a girl doing the blowjob thing while taking hits of dmt, ect. Been there done that. On one special occasion, on a medium mushroom dose, me and a then girlfriend where in almost complete darkness in a bed, to go deeper in the trip and everything. There were ''visuals'' everywhere of marriage scene and religious symbols, and a deep sens of an extra-gallactic presence from across the universe. It was exactly like if we were ''married'' by a galactic order, by some entites that we saw all the time on our trips... Get the picture? And then there were extreme sensual longing, so we fucked like we never did, it was crazy intense. And all the while the visual hyperspatial nature of things increased, and we where screaming stuff in glossolalia inspried language from hyperspace, there where thelepatic non-verbal communication between us and the entities. And we were revealed our '' true identity '' and the reason that we were made to be together. That was absolutly weird. Totally. The girl got pregnant. If not from this intercourse than from another one around those days. She got an abortion. Of course the fetus was a normal one. --- Another time, i had a newly found girl at my place, she never heard about DMT and was quite young.. But what the hell, she had already smoked some weed, did some speed and was really willing to do some unspeakable stuff with me. So, at 4 am after an intense night, i told her about DMT. I almost feel a feminine presence on DMT, some insectoid praying mantis biomechanical beast. Sometimes, i go in a '' hive '' and there is the supreme insect queen, or some '' workers'' introducing me to my insect/alein '' wife '', and there is intense sensual/sexual longing. But at the smae time, it's a little bit humiliating because i somehow understand that i had lots of '' intercourse '' in the past with the beast. For what purpose? Who knows? So... back to my story, i smoke some DMT, it's intense, i tought that i would die, i saw my life pass before my eyes, and the usual mechanic insect wife wants me to stay and , she also wants to learn from me, and they/she have a mission and something to '' get '' from me. Sound terrific, i tought that she would litteraly kill me, i almost died, lol, seriously. But i felt great on the comedown. Extremely great and erotic and all. The yound girl then smoke the stuff, she is able to smoke every substance under the sun so she had no trouble taking tree extremely large hits from the crack pipe. From my perspective, she is gone 5 minutes, breathing heavily, big smile on her face, with the body moving, she looks almost likes she is having a orgasm. So being adventurus, i took a small hit of what was left in the pipe while she was gone. OK, now. It's like if we have been together in the hive for a flash moment. And understood in the moment where we were from, why we were at this very place at the moment, and what was our mission, our true identity and that we had to send something to '' them ''. Some human experience. The mechanical insects are interressed and MADLY IN LOVE with us. So, we understood all, it was very clear, no need to speak. we where already kind of naked, so we got into some furious, and i mean furious sexual intercourse. The girl is like 85-90 pounds, real small. But she felt strong like it's impossible, and she was really unusually intense. And she was '' in control '', like the mechanical insects females. And the intercourse was different than a normal one, difficult to explain, no words, we where in a full blown DMT afterglow. We both had an orgasm at the same time. I tought i died. I had some dmt visuals coming back, unexplainable stuff. It's like if we were part of the alien realm, completly crazy man. And i felt ( like with shrooms) that some part of me was not human. In the sens that, i am born with a human body and mind, but some part of me is alien, and im ''sent'' here like many others to send back some human experiences to them and to establish a interspecie dialogue so they can learn from us, and us from them. --- Conslusion. So, i'm no wacko, but if i take all of this at face value... oh god. I have no firm belief or explanation about those reccurring themes and experiences. But at this point i dont really know. The more i take DMT and mushrooms, and i am injesting alot, think about mushrooms 2 times a month and dmt 3 times a week. The more i do this, the more i feel like i'm exploring earth rather than exploring hyperspace. :shock: The more i trip, the more that i feel that the real nature of things is in hyperspace and that my real identitie lie there and that i'm just here for a while. It's earth and the physical reality that i am visiting. And what the being tells me is : '' Live, Learn, Love, Send us some intense human emotions, teach us. '' Hehe, to me it translate as a general feeling of overall joy and fearlessness about life. I feel great. I do not fear the future. I fear death a little less. I do not make plans for the future endlessly and by so clouding my mind with horrible anxiety. I do party a lot, i work a lot, i meet lots of girls ( dmt has changed my relation to the anima in life, the feminine, drastically ) I enjoy life. An hyperspacial half breed baby? Why not. But i think he'll be human in everyway at the same time lol. Of course, no reptile eyes or elves ears or anything lol! it made me remember some lyrics from a marilyn manson song haha : all simple monkey with alien babies amphetamines for boys and crucifixes for ladys lol Edit : take all this with a grain of salt, i do not absolutly 100% believe firmly what i said, there is always a '' maybe '' , hell, i'm a sane man. :lol:
Great post fredyjenkins thats some crazy shit !! I need a girl who'lll smoke dmt with me now ! :lol: Sounds great!
When using psychedelics sex is probably the last thing on my mind. I just find it kind of disgusting. I don't get it why people want to mix such a physical thing as sex is into such a mind blowing spiritual experience as a DMT trip. And actually I don't get how it's possible. I'm not even aware of my body when tripping on DMT. Well we're not all the same fortunately.
Oh I agree DMTripper, I couldnt beleive it when I read that story like how would it be possible to do it and what would be the point ? Part from the new species angle :lol: And your not aware of your body so how would it be possible part from the sobre guy doing it after shed smoked it. I wouldnt even have thought about mixing DMT with sex till I heard that story, and I still didnt think its something I would do or attempt but after some comments on this thread it could be beautiful thing, well low doses anyway. Peace and Love
[quote:425cfd6cab="DMTripper"]When using psychedelics sex is probably the last thing on my mind. I just find it kind of disgusting. I don't get it why people want to mix such a physical thing as sex is into such a mind blowing spiritual experience as a DMT trip. And actually I don't get how it's possible. I'm not even aware of my body when tripping on DMT. Well we're not all the same fortunately.[/quote:425cfd6cab] Hehe, same here man, I never did had sex while peaking on dmt, on the comedown, right after the flash, then yes. And on extremely high dosage of mushrooms, sex is out of the question , but on the come down ( time zero + 3-4 hours ) it's great. On medium dosage ( 2 grams) i had the best sex ever, i never felt that erotic with any drug ever. It makes MDMA looks like ginger beer. lol
If you want sex while you trip 4ACO DIPT and 5MEO DIPT are easily the best things my friends have found. Incredibly sensual, warm, friendly, floaty with nice colours. No loss of function. Shagging whilst on DMT, is impossible. Shagging someone else who is on DMT sounds a bit sick.
4-aco-dipt I agree as being highly suitable for such activities, 5-meo-dipt is just euck for me all round. 5-meo-Mipt on the other hand is everything foxy isn't. LSD can be exceptional. Shrooms i find to be pretty sexy too. Sex on DMT impossible you say ? at the peak of the flash , well yeah :) but in the afterglow of a vapourised nn or 5meo hit, or during / following an orally admin'ed journey it can be wonderful
[quote:7d4b4535cb="DMTripper"]When using psychedelics sex is probably the last thing on my mind. I just find it kind of disgusting. I don't get it [b:7d4b4535cb]why people want to mix such a physical thing as sex is into such a mind blowing spiritual experience [/b:7d4b4535cb]as a DMT trip. And actually [b:7d4b4535cb]I don't get how it's possible[/b:7d4b4535cb]. I'm not even aware of my body when tripping on DMT. Well we're not all the same fortunately.[/quote:7d4b4535cb] Simple and good reason to mix these two things... Sex... or perhaps "making love" through mutual sexual pleasuring is itself a very spiritual experience... at least if you are doing it right, for the right reasons, and with the right intentions. There are many levels of many planes of spirituality. Some levels can be achieved through mediation, some through prayer, some through song, some through physical exertion, some through natures herbs, and some even through sex. Each method or path that we take to explore our spirituality will take us through different planes. Then, according to situation and circumstance, we might reach different levels of those planes. It is also not uncommon that some planes cross and even combine with others. So, where LSD might take you to one plane, sex will take you to another, a sweat house will take you to yet another plane all together, I did have sex with coke on the dick, in a sweat house, while tripping on LSD, after eating 3 or 4 buttons, and a few grams of shrooms, (and 100mg of viagra) and .... holy, holy, holy.... I could not begin to describe... So... that being said, I look forward to exploring the planes that DMT might lead to, as well as crossing those sexual planes at the same time. But as for the how... if you have to perform on something that might make it difficult.... well, there are things for that.
Prime example of why thrill-seeking teenage druggies shouldn't use potent entheogens. These chemicals are sacred and misuse of them can lead to a horrible degradation of reason and sanity. This girl obviously was young and irresponsible and I wouldn't be surprised if there were a cocktail of other psychoactives in her system at the time. Where recreation can be a viable use of entheogens, they should still be held in their sacred position even if the user isn't utilizing their spiritual potential...otherwise it could be off-with-your-head...as it seems it was for this girl. P.S. if you're female, don't watch rosemary's baby before having sex on DMT. SWIM tells me that 4-HO-DMT and its friends inside cubes facilitate amazing connection whilst making love.
regarding dmt and sex, i've never tried this, but can't really see how it could work (although i'm sure it can).. might have to try this by far the best psychedelic sex i've ever had was to light a joint loaded with 5-meo-dmt during sex (the cannabis seems to potentiate and extend the 5meo trip).. unfuckingbelieveable extacy, while on the come up, peaking, after peaking, come down, next day, in fact the entire extacy experience is made for sex, and just pure sexyism mushrooms are a strange one, i've been chatting to a girl while tripping far too hard, but what she was wearing and her playful attitude, she seemed spoton like this recurring sexy dmt seducturess. I was getting really turned on but can't imagine there being any way i could have actually had sex. i tried this once of about 4g cubensis and it's just too fucking strange, especially when you close your eyes let's not forget how well a simple joint can compliment sex either
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