Rising Star
Hey im ShamanicHerbalist, I've been lurking various forums, including this one for quite a while now, I prefered this one so i decided to sign up. My main reason for signing up is to talk about and learn as much as i can about entheogens,shamanism,extraction,herbalism,botany and anything else that i might end up learning here, i also hope to meet alot of interesting people. My main interest in plants is for medicinal,healing,psychoactive and spiritual qualitys they may posses. I have social anxiety problems and i plan to "get rid" of this anxiety problem with entheogens,meditation,introspection,deep thought ect.I also swim,lift weights and use the sauna near enough everyday, this is helping me alot! I know one day i will be better, its just going to take qite abit of work. Anyways people see you around