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Shamanism Conference in Iquitos, Peru

Migrated topic.


the 9th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference: AYAHUASCA & SAN PEDRO

will be held in Iquitos, Peru July 21st - 27th, 2013 During the Conference, you'll hear and see invited Shamans from Colombia, Venezuela, the Andes of Peru, the jungle of Peru, England and more... and have the opportunity to be in three ceremonies with the three that you most vibed to. dinners are catered and we have an incredible line up of 'illustrious Presenters'. Hope you can make it!

www.soga-del-alma.org/2013 and www.vineofthesoul.org/2013

if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! As well, here in Iquitos we have DragonFly Tours travel agency and can help you with the Lima to Iquitos roundtrip.
Those flying in from Europe might find they can save alot of money by flying to Panama City instead of Lima, Peru. From Panama, Copa Airlines flys direct to Iquitos eliminating the usual overnight wait in the airport in Lima for the 6.20am flight to Iquitos.

For those that live in or near La.,Ca., New York or Miami, Copa Airlines is now flying direct to Iquitos, avoiding Lima completely. www.copaair.com
There's a Pre Conference Vine of the Soul Intensive held just before the opening of the 9th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference. Info is on the Conference website.


Schedule for the 9th International Amazonian Shamanism Conference: AYAHUASCA & SAN PEDRO, July 21st - 27th, 2013 Iquitos, Peru

July 21st: 9am - 1pm registration 3pm: Welcome 4pm: Presentations from the invited Shamans/Healers, professionally translated to English on 'the fly'.
6pm - 7.30pm: Dinner 8pm - 11pm: Presentations from Shamans, translated
July 22nd: 3pm Presentations from Shamans and Invited 'Illustrious Presenters'
6pm: Dinner 8pm: Presentations and reserve the Shaman of your choice for Ceremony for the evening of July 23rd
July 23: Free day to explore in and around Iquitos. Evening Ceremony
July 24th: 2pm 'Illustrious Presenters' 6pm: Dinner 8pm: Presentations and reservations for Ceremony
July 25th: Free day, Ceremony in the Evening with another shaman of your choice
July 26th: 2pm Presentations 6pm: Dinner 8pm: Documentary Film screening and reservations
July 27th: 11am Presentations 1pm - 3pm: Lunch 3.30pm: Presentations 6pm: Ceremony with yet another Shaman of your chioice.
Please note that Copa Airlines is now flying direct to Iquitos from Los Angeles, New York City and Miami and the prices are excellent when purchased with anticipation. www.copaair.com You can avoid an overnight in the Lima airport as well as the cost of the Lima to Iquitos roundtrip. If you are flying to Lima roundtrip, DragonFly Tours can help you with your Lima to Iquitos roundtrip. I've been booking these flights for us gringos for 9 years now. Cheers!
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