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Share your melatonin dreams

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Rising Star
I just started taking Melatonin about 2 days ago, And already i've had multiple extremely wacky dreams, Last night I had a dream that I was black out drunk, Wandering through some hotel and I was trying to run from some horror movie serial killers it was totally bizarre. I am quite the fan of horror movies though so I actually enjoyed it.
I actually went through a spray with 70 melatonin doses. I can't say it improved my dreams, but it sure was a relief to be able to fall asleep anytime because I had crazy work shifts.

I find it superior to prescription stuff like ambien (zolpidem) because it doesn't make you delirious, quite the opposite. Relaxed and sleepy, like everything is OK. It definitely can knock you out, but I don't find it has any recreational value, or dream enhancements at least it didn't for me.

It felt a lot safer to take a neurotransmitter that actually also works as an antioxidant than being dependent on a drug with questionable long term side effects.

Overall, an useful tool that's not even addictive. It might have been that you had an vivid dream that you would have had regardless of the melatonin, or you actually are lucky enough to experience that effect. Keep us posted if you experience something that would be as intense, memorable and long lasting enough to sound like a trip report.
From a couple days ago: I awoke to see a variety of 3D cartoon woodland animals meandering around the room, connected by some sort of singular ethereal string...at the end of the string was a humanoid being and when it pulled the string, all the animals came to life. When it stopped pulling, they stopped moving. Then I actually woke up. Inception, melatonin style!

Last night I didn't even have what I would consider a dream, it was a scenario with one of my major phobias, and it wasn't even like I Was dreaming it was as If I was watching a movie so I wasn't even terrified at all, I had a dream I was some guy sent under this huge factory that was submersed under water swimming around with a flash flight hanging on to pipes trying to fix something, And I was swimming trying to find my way out before my oxygen ran out, and before I finally found the exit there was this cat there that began to attack me and literally tear into my flesh, It was really crazy.
Last night I couldn't sleep so I took 3mg melatonin. After 2 hours of tossing and turning I took another 3mg.

The dreams that ensued were some of the most amazing I've ever had.

They were very vivid, although I was only partially lucid and at times I'd believe what was happening was real.

I had dreams within dreams and my dream self knew they were somehow different... more like Brugmansia hallucinations where you see things that aren't there, but the actions you perform are real.

Some of the dreams had sexual content. When I realized my indulgence could result in a real-world mess, my attention shifted away :lol:

In one of the dreams, my bedroom was a cube with walls on 3 sides and one side open. It was flying over an archipelago of tropical islands and a blue ocean. I entertained the idea of jumping out of it and into the ocean, but wasn't sure it would be safe. I would sit at the edge with my legs dangling and take in the marvellous sights.
After two hours into a P. Harmala A/B extract experience, I took 6mg of melatonin, with the intention to eventually explore some spread out brainwaves and patterns.

At 10:00 PM I went to sleep. Time was chosen for better logging.

Indeed the sleep quality was not the usual deep sleep, but a more aware, visionary state.

At the end I woke up remembering something about biking in an urban setting, rainy days, and eploring different interactions with the characters there, including some childhood friends who I hadn't thought of in a very long time. When I woke up I had a persisting vision (a summary of everything) of being a suited man with a hat on a steamboat, making jokes about particle physics being done somewhere on the boat. Then I pulled up a cigarette, and collapsed lighting it up (might have been laced!), after collapsing my friends rushed to me, and I said "all I need is a fauteuil" (armchair in French).

Woke up at 5:30 AM well rested, but weary and sleepy-like after 8:00 AM.
After getting arrested trespassing then having the police try to say the marijuana growing at a hobos campsite on the property was mine,they failed to frame me. I took melatonin 3 days in a row and on the 3rd day I dreamt I'd be relaxing with my friends at their home before the door would be kicked down and a ton of people I care about including myself would be arrested and sent to jail. This kept repeating with different people in different circumstances all night with every individual arrest being a 5min dream. So I'd wakeup screaming in a coldsweat then fall back asleep right away because melatonin. So I slept through the whole night but it felt like a purgatory of endlessly having the hammer come down. Each 5min dream felt like a beautiful day of enjoying myself and the company of those I love until all our lives would get ruined right at the end and the panic would wake me. Recently had a dream on melatonin cops seized my gvg and sent me to jail.
I had a deep 3mg experience, with curtains pulled. Slept a total of 8.5 hours.

The dream made lots of connections. I ended up travelling the universe, smoking cannabis and enjoying a powerful 'high' state after years of break from it. At one point in my journey, the connections were so many that I simply was looking at a 'candy crush' like grid, where I was aligning Galaxies, The Eye of Horus, and Blue Gems. (never play this game either)

The sleep was deep with no distractions or coming out of it.
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