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shoe presents to you "Soul Journey"

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Ah Shoe, :d

I always love to listen to fellow Nexian tunes and are currently downloading it. 😉

(Big file btw, 96.1 Mb !! :shock: It's either gonna be a half hour in 320 kbps or an hourish at 192 kbps.... time will tell but that's my guess)

I will listen to this while doing some philosophy work.... hopefully conjure up some inspiration 😉

Will report back,


224 kbps, all right :d

okay, so I listened to almost all of it but I do need to be getting to bed soon so skipped a bit here and there. Now note I was being a critic here and all critics have their biases... mine particularly being that outer-space is the place to be :lol: ....

Here are my in depth comments:

very wierd and creepy sounds.... excellent with the crickets in the background but would probably make me not wanna go outside :p

a little distracting with the guitarish snyth.... has a little too much of an "edge" feeling to it... o_O

like the new intro of the synth.....

little distracting with the "wobble" or flux of the synth

like the general transition back to "night time"... could see in reflextion the transition from night to day and back up to this point

wierd synth again :p

has a small "outer-space" feel starting

not sure.... trying to find a feeling but its like being stuck on earth and yet trying to reach the stars... two almost "contrasting" sounds


--skipped ahead to 19:00--

I am finally in space with no damn crickets holding me back... :)

damn crickets dragged me down again :(

--skipped ahead to 30:00--

now this is the sound I was looking for :D :D has a nice 80's spacey synth feel, nice soft vocals, a very spacey feel in my opinion

crickets are attacking the singing space lady and trying to ground her!! :(

like the small build on that one synth

like the vocals again, spacey feel with almost a mystical feeling

like the audio sample of the moon landing :p

creepy continuous raise in pitch on that one synth.... would probably freak me out in another state of mind ;)

crickets in space?? these guys are everywhere ;) :p

--skipped ahead to 50:00--

odd VERY high pitched noise... a little distracting from the other synths that are predominately lower pitched...

LOVELY build with the synths :D the slight oscillation of the synth makes it seem like the suns rays of light are washing over me in waves

nice incorporation of the water sound clip.... very nice but I was in space..... water fight in space!!

a little too much water time.... that guys gonna look like a prun after they get out... not even talkin about shrinkage ;) :p

good the bird is back.... now it feels more like a jungle

why the guy just dive down?? I do hope he comes back to the surface eventually.... oddly I felt alone after they left... I didn't feel apart of the guy, instead an observer on the shore hearing the birds sing and having someone walk around in the water

Okay, so my overall:

- view of this work is that this has a good sturdy base to build upon, but there was no particular direction IMO. No signs to which way to turn or where I should be.

- It was hard for me to "visualize" the different landscapes. The ones that I picked up on the most was nighttime, space, and sorta a jungle-ish bath in lake. For me there were no clear transitions to another place until I was dropped in the middle of it. I like the concepts of the different places you are trying to create, but the lack of transition and direction take away from it in my opinion. Maybe you should try a more linear transition... the most successful in my opinion imitate nature

START --> morning --> day & water --> night & crickets --> build in synth for space amazement --> traveling the universe --> rocket feeling of coming back to earth --> feeling of sleep --> START

- Ah, there seems to be too many crickets in this song... and a little..wouldn't say too much but the water audio sample did have some good vibes but I didn't feel apart of it... I felt I was an observer on the shore and not the person enjoying it...

- The astronaut audio sample was a nice touch while in space.... I believe there should be some stars though... I felt like I was in space... on the moon.... but there was no twinkling stars...or planets.... could say it is the "dead of space" I am envisioning but I like to think there is some mystical awe about space and being on the moon

Overall a good solid concept :d Can't wait to hear more or other revisions.

Take care,

P.S. I would like to hear your vision of how the transitions and such take place too :p
Hey Shoe,

Read through the thread and I'm in the process of downloading now. From the idea of the project, I'm very excited to take the journey you've created. I'll let you know how it goes as I work with it a few times and definitely give you some feedback.

Thanks for sharing!
Wow Elusivemind, That's all I can say - WOW. Thankyou so much for the notes...

Yes, I thought the whole thing is a wave so, there should be structure there. I appreciate you're saying we could script it, I did encode regions in to it, like you suggested. The other option was to make sure it was completely pure, almost entirely ambient, but I thought some character in there....

This took me almost no time (2 sessions, of about two hours each) I know what you're saying about the dark parts which sound annoying. unfortunately there's no way to beat the fear / love / fear / love pattern... unless, we pick a perfectly neutral part in the middle (bhuddism/ middle way.)

So, Yeah Dane Spotts and other meditation tones are available and some of them are much 'sweeter' as in a simple tone - which makes for a smoother ride. But actually I see things in the astral when i'm sleeping/meditating listening to this. with your hands, in time to this... and so - on. Everything is a perfect manifestation of the highest and most abstracted plane of reality... the bhuddic plane. (here, now).

Just such an improvement over the mark 1 - I almost lost my *mind* to that one.

ElusiveMind: Did you notice correlations between your meditative posture and the sounds? Everything is connected.... The idea is if everyone is one, this thing is a perfect manifestation from the bhuddic plane (It can't NOT be) and then it should provide insight, and for you to explore consiousness; as It does for me.

Fearlessly pursue the darkness, eradicate greed and ignorance, and I know you will find light.
shoe said:
Wow Elusivemind, That's all I can say - WOW. Thankyou so much for the notes...

Sorry if I was a little TOO harsh at times 😉 :oops:

shoe said:
ElusiveMind: Did you notice correlations between your meditative posture and the sounds? Everything is connected.... The idea is if everyone is one, this thing is a perfect manifestation from the bhuddic plane (It can't NOT be) and then it should provide insight, and for you to explore consiousness; as It does for me.

Fearlessly pursue the darkness, eradicate greed and ignorance, and I know you will find light.

I will eventually try listening to the full song this time (no skipping) and instead of analyzing it, which may be the reason why I wasn't fully engulfed in it :? , I will be one with the song with a meditation session. I wasn't able to do so the first time I listened to it cause I was a little too analytic of the song and also was energetic after a good workout :lol:

Looking in retrospect, I do see the constant waves of love/fear/love/fear pattern you speak of. I've always meditated to neutral, ambient sounds so to try this out will be interesting. :d

I will report back once completed, not as harsh this time. All works of art are like hidden gems, and it takes the right mindset/eyes to see the true beauty and power behind it. :p

Nice one, Thanks :)

To get the sound 'pure enough' to really voyage with, as I said, took a bit of research. You didn't want to be on that first ride... LOL...
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