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Migrated topic.


Dragunov Mylshka Teapot
No offense to the people that have them but I thought it would be less clutter if pictures weren't allowed in signatures, I could easily see it getting out of control (like other boards) with time..
I agree.

They distract and detract.

Signatures with text such as quotes, jokes, links, ideas, advice, etc. are nice, and even useful. I enjoy them...usually.
Images in sigs can make threads hard to follow, but large amounts of text can do just the same. I think limiting both is sensible.
seconded, thats wht I was just on my way over here to start a thread about :D lol

somone should make us mods :p
weeeeell, as a mod i completely agree on this one and will bring it up with the other mods. nothing like a nice little pearl of wisdom to sign off with but i've seen other forums where it just gets ridiculous...

..and tedious to scroll through...

duly noted my brothers and sisters!

When I seen this thread I thought of your sig fractal, as I really liked it, I actually just posted that very quote on another forum today, its a great quote! theres another guy who has a pic of an american indian that I really like, other than they two I do agree massive pics and big long winded sigs can be annoying, anyone ever been on the drum and bass forum dogsonacid? That forums just ridiculous for massive sigs, really ruins it!
Actually If I remember correctly, pictures in signatures were "outlawed" sometime last year...as well as the annoying animated avatars.

I agree that just like the above 2 things, big paragraph-long signatures are irritating as hell!!
Especially when that person posts more than once in the same thread!!
Or they post short, one-liners & their signature is 10x longer than the actual post!!
What a waste of space & Nexus bandwidth!

And in all seriousness...who actually reads those? (at least more than once)
I'm guessing nobody...

I love to keep the forum clean from distracting images and flashing avatars. For that reason I banned the flashing avatars long ago and big images in the signature aren't ideal too to say so. ;)

Small images can be ok as long as they serve a purpose but I rather have the signatures clear from images (although the one from pandora always put a smile on my face).

Kind regards,

The Traveler
and voila- it is done. i love how we take care of business here on the nexus....

...got a problem? bring it up in a constructive, intelligent thread and it will be handled. that is what we as moderators are here for. thank you to everyone for helping to make this site even better!

and it always seems to happen just when i think it couldn't possibly get any better ;)


-insert 3-page signature with flash graphics here- :lol:
WSaged said:
Actually If I remember correctly, pictures in signatures were "outlawed" sometime last year...as well as the annoying animated avatars.

Ooops :/ I like the requim reference : ) is it too much?
What is a good disclaimer sig i can use?
I feel bad copying other people's...

I just want one that says, take anything I say as fictional/hypothetical.
get creative/funny/loosey-goosey with it brother! you can say anything from, "i'm full of shit" to "oops, i forgot to take my meds again..." , to "the voices.....oh god, please make them stop...."

..then again, you could just say "take anything i say as fictional/hypothetical" ;)

Darkbb said:
WSaged said:
Actually If I remember correctly, pictures in signatures were "outlawed" sometime last year...as well as the annoying animated avatars.

Ooops :/ I like the requim reference : ) is it too much?
Sorry to say that bro but i honestly dislike your avatar. I don't even read your posts mostly and rather quickly scroll trough just to get away from that flashing nuisance. Even thought I like simsons, that flashing just hurt my eyes. :-( especially when pupils are dilated after taking my "medicine"
Alright.... who needs an avatar anyways. Should have said something sooner mayn I would have done something about it.
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