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Sleep Paralysis

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Off topic but could be related. I have experienced sleep paralysis a few times during my sleep, but not lately. It occurs just before falling asleep and sometimes before I wake up, day or night. I feel physically paralysed and unable to move my body unless I use alot of energy and mind control try move my body and wake back up again. . I remember trying to yell or talk, I can hear myself but not sure if I'm actually making any noise. I can see the room but not sure if my eyes are really open. It sort of depends what position I'm sleeping in, sometimes I can see the ceiling, sometimes the posters on the wall etc. The first couple of times, I sensed an "electric" being in my presense, crazy thing is I couldn't see it! Was damn paranoid the first time this happened. Now it's not as frightening as my first SP exp. Now I can actually feel when I'm going into this state and able to stop it from happening. BTW, I havn't yet tried DMT, but feel like it's similar to the DMT trips i have read. Has anyone else experienced SP or something similar while sleeping or dreaming? Feel free to move this thread if needed. Regards, Spicy
Yes, I have. I have experienced sleep paralysis episodes since I was around six years old. I experience about one a month on average. After doing spice orally, the sleep paralysis episodes become very regular and very strong for about three to four days. So strong and so regular, in fact, that one becomes apprehensive about sleep. 5-meo-mipt did this to a particular individual, also. You are correct in that the sleep paralysis environment is similar to DMT space. Similar but not the same. I have heard of others who experienced SP after spice use in other forums. Anyone else find this happening to them?
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