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Sleep Paralysis

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Any experiences with sleep paralysis?

It's happened to me twice. Once was when I was camping in Kentucky. I was high then and so just attributed it to the cannabis. However, this experience happened once again sober in the middle of the night. I woke up and couldn't sleep. I tried to sleep for a couple of hours until I started falling asleep, but I didn't fall unconscious. A pressure similar to rushing water seemed to build up in my ears until it was unbearable and then susided. This happened over and over again until I wanted to try screaming to wake my family so they could wake me. At first I wanted to see where it went because I had been interested in this exact experience before. However, after what must have been a minute or two I wanted it to end it was so terrifying.

Anything? I've read that many alien encounters are possibly due to sleep paralysis. This might support the idea that DMT is related to dreams.
I used to get it often. zactly as you describe. Its terrifying. Even when you try to relax into it. I get it considerably less nowadays- I learned that you are much more apt to have nightmares when sleeping on your back, and also when there are objects on your face (I used to use blankets to block out light). I sleep on my side and it happens much less often. I dont think this experience is much different then OBE's or astral projection. Ive played around with those as well intentionally.

Ive had the experience so many times, that Ive done experiments... its definatly a nightmare, a dream. Details from the sleep paralysis do not match the room when I wake up.

Its a wonderful oportunity to try 'letting go' and allowing yourself to drift back to sleep. Its like ego death... for me anyways cause Im always convinced that falling back asleep equals death when that happens.

Loss of control can be very scarey.

Ive also encountered malicious entities with sleep paralysis. You wanna talk scarey??? Holy crap!

I have also found that it often happens in multiples... that sucks big hairy ones... you finally shake yourself awake from one to find yourself in another.... shit gets me so frightened, I feel like balling when I finally wake. And Im a grown man.
Yeah, I was on my back at the time. Funny, because I usually sleep facedown. I was interested in meditation at the time, but I never got anywhere with it. I read somewhere that meditation can sometimes make one susceptable to sleep paralysis. I had tried meditating before trying to get back to sleep to pass time.
i get it occasionally.

first timw was the most scary simply because i'd never heard of it before. i was about 18. went to bed. drifted off. all of a sudden i was paralyzed but aware of hearing my parents go to bed - thoughts of alien abduction did come to mind. when i eventually woke myself up my minds eye was seemed to be working by itself i was conjuring up strange visions of monsters and shit. i sat up with the light on for about an hour shit scared.

another time i woke to be paralyzed but it also felt like i was physically moving... it got worse to the point where it felt like i was being flung around the room, but i could see my body motionless in bed still...

more recently when i get it i may 'wake up' in between bouts of paralysis - but i feel so drowsey theres nothing i can do before going back to sleep proper for another round... a few times i've been really scared. i've heard voices and thought i was going mad. once i felt like i was strangling my lady because i had my arm around her but there was nothing i could do to stop it.

the most recent one a tall menacing figure with no face walked into the bedroom and started to lean over me while im lying there paralyzed, i was tring to scream at the top of my voice but barely a whimper came out but my lady was already awake and shook me awake out of it. damn scary.
i've only experienced very lucid dreams when drifting back to sleep after i awoke the first time in the morning. -usually happens on weekends when i don't have anything to do in the morning. this is kind of a semi-sleep state. also when i come back out of it and try to get up immediately it feels as if my whole body was still asleep. i feel pins & needles all over my body and don't have any clue about motor skills. i usually almost fall to the floor when i get up that quick. this sleep numbness of the body feels EXACTLY the same as the salvia divinorum pins&needles sensation.
Strangely enough, a person was talking to me about sleep paralysis few days ago and as a matter of fact I recognised that I have been getting what can be defined as "sleep paralysis" at random times. Until now I had no explanation however since I do not resort to the alternative supernatural explanations such as ghosts and the likes.

The sleep paralysis experiences that I have gotten always involve me waking up paralysed with the feeling of an entity sitting on top of me. The most unsettling one was the feeling of a hand strangling me, squeezing my neck harder and harder.

The physiology of sleep paralysis is still not very well investigated, even though this guy was telling me (and Wikipedia agrees with him) it may have to do with waking up during the REM sleep, where the body is normally paralysed, or when the REM atonia sets up before the person is fully asleep.
Ive had the feeling of something on top me too Infidulum. It was after I had made some orgonite, some folks on orgonite sites have had similiar exepriences when making orgonite, they were telling me its negative entities not happy with what your doing. A few weeks before I had seen a black shadowy thing in my room and I was completely paralysed, was two days after my first spice experience, plus there was also some freshly made orgonite too, man was I freaking out!

Ive also had, its happened a lot throughout my life, earlier this year it happened a lot where im just nodding off and I start to hear really loud metallic type swooshs and stuff, then sometimes these noises have progressed into aphex twin style electronic music, sometimes its went really loud, its almost as if ive managed to tune into some crazy electronoic music radio, doesnt seem like im creating the music seems like im listening in, then sometimes itll fade away, can be quite scary as well specially when it seems really loud.

Something else that has happened a few times when im just nodding off is I can see the room im lying in but its like a differnt almost psychedelic grey/white version of the room and im wondering, are my eyes open? I want to be getting to sleep, then I open my eyes and realise they were shut the whole time. Some people say you have to practice that and youll be able to astral project but its not happened recently after happening quite a lot in a short spsace of time. A mate of mines says he has managed to walk aout his room twice, out of his body and it sounded very similiar to what I seen. freaked me out a bit though.
Infinite I said:
Something else that has happened a few times when im just nodding off is I can see the room im lying in but its like a differnt almost psychedelic grey/white version of the room and im wondering, are my eyes open? I want to be getting to sleep, then I open my eyes and realise they were shut the whole time. Some people say you have to practice that and youll be able to astral project but its not happened recently after happening quite a lot in a short spsace of time. A mate of mines says he has managed to walk aout his room twice, out of his body and it sounded very similiar to what I seen. freaked me out a bit though.

I get this. its as if im lying in bed with my eyes open... but then i wake up and realise that i was asleep.

it seems to happen more after i've had a lucid dream... but i have no degree of influence like i do in a lucid dream... it's just exactly as if i've been lying with my eyes open.
Im the exact same, people say you have to practice getting into that state then you can go further than your room. Im not sure if its remote viewing or what. One time it was freaking me out and I was scared, trying to shut my eyes, but there already shut actually thinking since then its not happend since then, should get rid of my fear maybe, thats why its not happened as much.
My god yes, my wholelife I have experienced this. Like at least 2 nights at week and up to 5. I was once ona surfing trip over on vancouver island, and me and my friend were sleeping in his vanin a parking lot on the beach, and i went into paralysis, and i could see throughmy eyelids(this is the norm in my experience), and there were 2 beings on the front windshield peering in at me and one like a foot from my fucking head lookign in through the passenger window. The atmosphere around me was lit up with like an electric blue haze. lasted probabily only 10 20 seconds but semmed much longer like time was frozen. I have also woken up with the classic incubi syndrom of the being on my chest, as has my sister. Shs also experiences this fromtime to time, but not as often as I do, and shes never taken any sort of psychedelci in her life other than smoking cannabis with me once. I used to have these really strange experiences when i was very young of a single being coming through my window late at night and taking me away somewhere as if I was going home, however I could never recall where exactly "home" was. Ive gone into paralysis many times to find at least 1 or more being inthe room with me usually observing me. I almost always panick when this happens and cant go back to sleep for at least an hour till the adrenaline subsides. Scares the shit out of me. I also get the sense that "they" are inately evil. The being I would experience when I was younger though was always my friend or protector and never gave me reason to fear him. I know ppl have nightterrors and all that but this aint fuckn night terrors. Its wayy to real for me to pass off as nightmares. When they come now I try to be strong and have literally yelled for them to fuck off in my sleep on a few occasions and always tell myslef I will attack them when they come, but usually am jsut paralysed and panicking. These experiences are literally the first fuckn memories I have as a human and they haunt me. Now I sleep with my salvia plant looming over top of me and ask her to protect me and give me strenth to fight back. Sometimes I will get so fed up with it that I actually try to ly there and invoke the phenomenon to confront them, like challengingthem, though I dont know if this is wise. Its soooo fucked up but reassuring when I hear of others experiences with paralysis, but not all seem to have the entity experiences. Ive even seen frickin shadow ppl and when they realise that im concious in my paralyzation they take off and jump behind furnitre. fuckn creepy shit
I have suffered quite badly from sleep paralysis for as long as i can remember, sometimes i can be unlucky enough to have 3 to 4 episodes in quick succession leaving me disorientated and scared to fall back a sleep.
Ive had encounters with the black shadow ppl. im not crazy about them.
my bouts usually consist of being smothered and physicaly attacked while in a state of pure paralysis. the more i try to scream for help the harder it is to get the sound out. the more stiff i become.
I always feel a unmistakeable eerie atmosphere while in such states.
bad vibes all the way. im not a big fan.:roll:
I have had them a handful (3-4) of times during my life but only once after i discovered the spice. Being more used to strange situations let me kinda cruise through it. I wish i could get them more often, anyone have any tips?
yes its a horrible feeling.. The trick is to relax, know that NOBODY ever got stuck in one, that you WILL wake up sooner or later even if it seems otherwise, and that you are in no physical danger.. Then if you just allow yourself to fall back to sleep, it can catapult you into an amazing lucid dream. or even OBE (according to some.. )
yeahI have had some good experiences with it as well, where no beingswere present andI could sort of project myself out of my body, sometimes when its happening I will see full dream scenes beginning to form and I get the buzzing all around me like im being electricuted but cant feel any pain, then I usually loose awarenes and fall fully into dreaming or fight it and wake myself up.
I wonder though about the nature of these shadow people, i never really began telling people about them until other ramdom people would bring it and I was like wtf so im not crazy!
Shadow people? Hmm. I think I've had some dreams with "shadow people" in them. When I was young I dreamt of a shadow man that stepped out of my closet and tried to kill/kidnap me. Years later, when I was maybe 11 or 12 I dreamt that by leaning my head back my mind would pass the boundary between this dimension and another. At least that's how it felt. I leaned back into a dark, empty place with a large number of alien beings all around me. They were only silhouettes, however. Shadows.

Also, under the influence of dramamine I touched a shadow and when I removed my finger strings of shadow came off. It stuck to my finger and began flagellating. That probably doesn't mean much though.
I have had it about 3 times in my life. Two happened in the span of 1-2 weeks. Those two always involved animals. The one I remember best, birds were pecking my face. I could feel every peck (which hurt). I tried to yell, nothing. I tried to move my arms to swat them away, but I couldn't move it. There was this loud ringing sound, then all of a sudden. My arms flew up, the ringing stopped, the birds were gone and there was no more pain. I was sweating quite a lot though.
amor_fati said:
SWIM used to get sleep paralysis on occasion when he used to take DXM four to six times per month. Hasn't had it since though.

Hmmm. I used to use DXM at about as frequently as you did. The first time I hadn't started using it yet though. I may have been using it around the time of my second encounter.
I am not very familiar with SP but each time it happened, it was at the beginning of a lucid dream. So it is now recognize as that : the beginning of a fun and exicting experience :d
When it comes, try to concentrate on your 'third eye', the screen behind your front, and try to vizualize a window or a light you want to move thru.
The body is paralized but the dream body can slowly 'extract' from it and then you enter in a lucid dream.
Then have fun and enjoy, you will anyway wake up in 20-40 min (duration of paradoxal sleep).
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