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Slightly mouldy shroom extraction..?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
So if I had a couple of dried shrooms that went slightly moldy in the drying process would it still be ok to extract the goodies from them safely? I spose what i'm asking is would there be any nasty alkoloids from the mold that could effect the extracted goodies?
hmm.. conflicting advice. I assume that if the mycotoxins do not dissolve in NP solvents then everything will be ok. The hypothetical extraction would be the "acidify with acetic acid, boil, basify, extract with NP" extraction. Would the acidic boiling stage destroy the mycotoxins any way? A very thorough clean up may also help.
it really depends on the mold what color is it ?and what substraight were you using ? its most likely ok for extraction ...SWIM wouldnt waste the shrooms. SWIM has grown a ton of shrooms on bird seed and horse poo had only a few contam problem. was the mold ON the shrooms ? or was it on the casing/substraight? white fuzzy mold= cob web mold... does it have an ammonia smell?
SWIM only tossed badly contaminated stuff that looked evil lol. E. Coli is slimy with little orange/amber balls had that problem once SWIM would be more worried with bacterial contamination rather than mold thats just SWIMs opinion

check out the shroomerys contamination threads they have lots of pics of contams that someone should be worried about
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