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small success with A. sophorae

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Some time ago while down the coast in Sth Gippsland behind Wonthaggi I was fortunate to acquire some Acacia sophorae bark from some trees that had been cut back to keep the track to the beach open.

I completed an extraction the other day and the result was a small amount of almost black goo and a very small amount of brown crystalline scrapings. the total i estimate to be about 50mg. The extract obviously contained plant oils and waxes hence the goo.

On vaporising some off a hot razor blade the super strong unmistakable smell of DMT was easily and instantly recognisable.

About 100g of bark was used and A/B path was used minus the defat. Shellite was used as the NP solvent and NaOH as the base.
Nothing freeze precipitated and the pooled solvent pulls were evaporated under a fan leaving the goo and xtal scrapings.
To make sure that the shellite had done it's job 2 x pulls with limonene were done, pooled and salted with vinegar. No more goodies were collected.

The material was collected over the Easter weekend this year.

I have yet to bioassay the remaining goo as I often find that the plant waxes can make a very nasty tasting smoke. I will endeavour to collect some more material during flowering and after to ascertain if the yield is seasonally variable, but this species is definitely tryptamine +ve.

I will keep you all posted as to future work with the trees at this location.
Thanks for the test! Nevertheless I'd be careful making any conclusions from smell alone because several indole-based compounds smell very much like DMT.

Hope to hear more from it!

Do you have any reagents such as marquis, ehrlich, etc?
That's good to hear you are getting something out of this species.

I reckon sophorae as well as so many acacias is entirely variable depending on the time of year and the strain of tree (there are quite a few)
G'day Endlessness,

No colourmetric reagents i am afraid.

You are right it may have contained some other indole alkaloids but the smell is distictly indolic if that is even a word.

I really should get some reagents for testing. They'd be very handy for preliminary testing.

I have a batch of floribunda on the go too. When the base was added the solution went black from the bottom up and was full of loads of floaties (presumably precipitation). The first NP pull went cloudy when i blew over the top of it. Sort of wispy strings of cloudyness. I often find this a good sign especially when it goes back to clear after a while. It very much reminds me of the phlebophylla (acquired as it was roadkill) I worked with a few years back.

I will keep you all posted.
..hey great to hear this Vitalstatistix..
Sophorae is certainly a very common species..

with regards to plant 'fats'/goo etc..it can be good to do an extra stage of purification by re-acidifying, filtering again, re-basifying, and re-extracting..also, in the acacia extraction workspace both the 'nen-method' and JG-92 method do backwashing of the NP solvent with salty basic H20..a few times..this also removes some impurities..

look forward to the next posting..!:)
shanedudddy2 said:
Nice one, I`ve never had luck with what I have found in SA :/
Hey Shane, I was just wondering what solvent you used for your tests on A. cyclops and the others? I too tried a number of different species in SA and I used Diggers brand shellite. However, I have read that recently Diggers changed their method of creating the shellite and it is no longer suitable as a NP solvent. Diggers shellite also leaves a rather large amount of residue which, as I was less experienced, I dangerously presumed to be alkaloids or fats from the plant during my first attempt at extraction. I also tried using shellite on a DXM extraction and it failed miserably, pulling absolutely nothing from my aqueous solution and evaporating down to just a thin residue, nothing more than if I hadn't tried to pull anything. SO, I went and brought some Diggers xylene instead, and I have to say it has worked so much better. It even pulled the food colouring/sugars from the cough syrup, and evaporates without residue. Though it does smell A LOT (and that's an understatement) and takes a century or two to evaporate.

I am going to re-attempt my previous test on A. cyclops soon with xylene rather than shellite, and hopefully I can at least pull something active, DMT or not. I also have A. sophorae quite close by, so thanks to this thread I will give that a shot too; in winter (now) and summer. Thank you for you work OP! Best of luck with your future endeavours.
Have you tried diggers mineral spirits or wynns injector cleaner (expensive)? Wynns is a "medium aliphatic hydrocarbon solvent". Is that good or bad for extractions?
Vitalstatistix said:
G'day Endlessness,

No colourmetric reagents i am afraid.

You are right it may have contained some other indole alkaloids but the smell is distictly indolic if that is even a word.

I really should get some reagents for testing. They'd be very handy for preliminary testing.

I have a batch of floribunda on the go too. When the base was added the solution went black from the bottom up and was full of loads of floaties (presumably precipitation). The first NP pull went cloudy when i blew over the top of it. Sort of wispy strings of cloudyness. I often find this a good sign especially when it goes back to clear after a while. It very much reminds me of the phlebophylla (acquired as it was roadkill) I worked with a few years back.

I will keep you all posted.

Hey Vital, how did the bioassay go?
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