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Smell, burnt spice?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Changa, enhanced leaf, sandwiched between leaf, or in a joint.
I've notice that just about everyone I've smoke around ( which is not a lot ) thinks it really stinks. Even my girlfriend doesn't like being in the same room with me when I smoke.
Now I've never had a complaint when smoking my GVG. I asked my girlfriend if it smelled and she said she could barely smell anything.
So I'm thinking the leaf based methods are burning a little spice. I don't sandwich spice anymore since the GVG is soo smooth and efficient but i also really like changa and want to keep the GVG to pure spice only. And changa joints are really nice too.

The changa blends I've used have included one or more of the following:
Caapi leaf
Calea Z.
Blue Lotus
Pau D'arco
Salvia D.

I'm told the stink is the same just stronger or weaker depending on the blend.
It doesn't taste bad at all and pretty good with Pau D'arco, it just smells.

Any one know a way to make my leaf smell better?
I don't think there's a way to make the leaf smell any better after smoking. Once the infusion takes place, you get that stink you're talking of when smoked. I actually think it smells good, but have had friends note how strong the smell was. I'd recommend burning some copal resin, frankinscense tears or palo santo. Any of the three do a good job somewhat covering the smell, if not at least making it more bearable for people around you.

Also, try your Changa out of a bong too, it's awesome that way. :d
MySmelf said:
So I'm thinking the leaf based methods are burning a little spice. I don't sandwich spice anymore since the GVG is soo smooth and efficient but i also really like changa and want to keep the GVG to pure spice only. And changa joints are really nice too.

Changa is most outstanding in the GVG
Burning spice smells very differently from leaf-method spice smoked appropriately--I've smelled and tasted the difference with first-time-smoking friends who insisted the bowl wasn't lit until they pulled the lighter away and there was like a three inch high flame destroying the bowl. :? AGH!!! :evil:

There is a distinct smell, but I think it is quite lovely, nothing as intense as cannabis. A little bit of incense also goes a long way.

Do you notice any differences in the taste between leaf and GVG?
ms_manic_minxx said:
Burning spice smells very differently from leaf-method spice smoked appropriately--I've smelled and tasted the difference with first-time-smoking friends who insisted the bowl wasn't lit until they pulled the lighter away and there was like a three inch high flame destroying the bowl. :? AGH!!! :evil:

There is a distinct smell, but I think it is quite lovely, nothing as intense as cannabis. A little bit of incense also goes a long way.

Do you notice any differences in the taste between leaf and GVG?

Yeah, big difference.

The GVG has very little to no taste. Its very smooth. I would hardly notice I inhaled anything if it wasn't for all the thick white vapor.
The leaf's flavor changes depending on the herbs in the mix. I think most mixes taste good unless I add too much salvia or calea Z. Pau D'arco adds the best flavor imo.
Am I reading this wrong, or are you saying that you smoke freebase spice on its own, you dont get complaints of it stinking, but when you smoke enhanced leaf or changa, people claim it stinks? Why do you assume its the spice burning instead of the smell of burnt caapi (or whatever your smoking) ?

have you smoked just the caapi leaf without being enhanced? I bet that is the smell they are complaining about... I have had room mates tell me not to smoke caapi in the house because of the smell... and that was just plain caapi , without spice.
The way I get past that smell with a changa bong is to load up just enough for a full lungfull(slow pull, and clear the bowl), have the rest of the dose on a small piece of paper and while holding in the hit pour it in, when im ready for the next hit then just smoke it slowly again and hold it in. This way I have almost no smell leaving the bong/bowl other than into my lungs.

I do find that I need more changa when using the bong, not the case with the GVG. At the end of the day these is still combustion going on in that bong bowl, and the only way to get rid of it is to smoke it all and keep it in your lungs for atleast 30sec.

Clear that bowl in one pull or cover the bowl with some leather/finger or whatever while holding in the first hit.
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