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Smoked DMT and MAOI

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Any experiences? In this script I'm writing, the main character is thinking about smoking DMT after taking a MAOI, hoping to enhance and prolong the experience. Any risks to it? What would be a suggested MAOI (with no tedious extraction processes involved) and how much would have to be taken? And how long before the actual smoking of the spice? I'd really appreciate any wisdom on this, for I wish to get the facts right on my script to make it believable.
Yes i've done it, and also just smoking the DMT/MAOI together, which to do right it's best to extract. However, you can just take an one orally, and wait about 15 to 20 minutes to smoke the DMT. For an MAOI use can use Syrian RUE, dosage 3g+, or Banisteriopsis caapi, dosage 50-100? But don't quote me on that. I prefer to extract the MAOI, it's well worth the effort, and really not hard.
Eh, i've never really timed it, but i'd have to guess ~2X long, depending on the person. My prefered method, if you don't mind going through the trouble of extracting the MAOI, is eating the DMT, and smoking the MAOI. Also works well for mushies, and cacti/mescaline. Supposedly you can inject harmine/harmaline, which would be interesting as well. Remember though, it's doesn't just increase the duration, but the intensity as well. So be safe, be prepared.
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