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smoking caapi vine,

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
so has any one else done it?

last night i tried this, about 4 hours into 5 grams of my cactus resin.
mixed with some cannabis bout 60/40 caapi/mj it seemed to have a very nice effect on things for about an hour or so.

more resin this morning 10.30 uk time, and i have not long finished another
small joint of caapi/cannabis mix and its definitely put a little twist on things again.

or is it just hypoxia:lol:

opinions. much thanks.

I believe the consensus is that it does work to an extent. There are harmalas in the foliage. And I have smoked both rue seeds and caapi copy(small amounts are all that are needed, even less than sublingual dosing, excellent for vaped spice, so I hear).

Changa is made from the leaves of B.Caapi by infusing it with spice via acetone or IPA. Search elsewhere on the Nexus for specifics.

I often use sublingual harmalas to take the EDGE off of cacti to great success.

Good luck,


SWIM is in the process of soaking shredded caapi vine and leaves in a mixture or acetone and grain alcohol. Afetr a week or so of sitting in the jar on top of the radiator, he plans to filter the mixture and evapourate onto crushed caapi leeaves. This was recommended to him by a friend and is supposed to be a very nice smoke just by itself. SWIM is intersted to experience just the caapi effects on their own. He has read of people who have just had caapi brew which has been quite intense, but no real report of the actual experience.
Changa is made from the leaves of B.Caapi by infusing it with spice via acetone or IPA.

i just ordered some leaves two days ago for this purpose:) im looking forward to trying the changa.

SWIM is intersted to experience just the caapi effects on their own. He has read of people who have just had caapi brew which has been quite intense, but no real report of the actual experience.

same here.im sure that little guy bruce parry has some footage of himself just drinking straight cappi brew
with an amazon tribe on 1 of his episodes.you could probably find that with a lil bit of searching.

thanks for replying8)

Smoke the leaves, make a tea from the bark.

Personally I think that smoking bark is not going to be all that tasty. The leaves are quite smooth.

Alternatively you can extract the Caapi and enhance your favorite leaf with it.

I wouldn't smoke the actual bark..no thanks.
acolon_5 said:
Smoke the leaves, make a tea from the bark.

Personally I think that smoking bark is not going to be all that tasty. The leaves are quite smooth.

Alternatively you can extract the Caapi and enhance your favorite leaf with it.

I wouldn't smoke the actual bark..no thanks.

But what percentage of alks are in the leaves?
Wouldnt you have to smoke a shit load in order to feel any effects?
The alkaloid content of leaves varies more than the bark so I can't give you any # or %.

I will say that when smoked only a fraction of harmala alkaloids are needed for effects, esp with DMT.

Yes, to feel just the Caapi leaf one would need to smoke a few bowls full of leaf. I've done just that a few times, the effects are subtle but there. Just 1 bowl full will change a DMT experience...

I was shocked when this happened. I thought there was NO WAY possible for such a small amount of leaf to change the experience so much, but it did. The visuals were much slower, the feel was gentle not punchy, and the after effects just lingered and lingered...it was a beautiful journey.

Also, when I make enhanced leaf I find that bestine works AMAZINGLY well. It evaps so quickly that from start to finish you can have completely dry changa within an hour (with the help of a mini fan).
soulman, I believe smoking acetone is not really a good idea, you could just evap it off first.
I think you would need to smoke quite a substantial amount of B.caapi in order to get a hallucinogenic dose of DMT.
Smoking marijuana results in the absorption of around 50% of the active substances, I imagine it would be similar to DMT.
You could theoretically hold in the smoke for longer, but that causes much larger amounts of tar, ash and resin to stick to your respiratory tract, causing significantly higher rates of permanent lung damage.
Drinking the brew would be better for your body while smoking/vapourising a jay.

D_Juggz said:
soulman, I believe smoking acetone is not really a good idea, you could just evap it off first.
I think you would need to smoke quite a substantial amount of B.caapi in order to get a hallucinogenic dose of DMT.
Smoking marijuana results in the absorption of around 50% of the active substances, I imagine it would be similar to DMT.
You could theoretically hold in the smoke for longer, but that causes much larger amounts of tar, ash and resin to stick to your respiratory tract, causing significantly higher rates of permanent lung damage.
Drinking the brew would be better for your body while smoking/vapourising a jay.


No smoking acetone is just not healthy, no healthy AT ALL!

I think you might be confusing Caapi with a DMT containing plant. Although you are correct that to get visonary effects A LOT of Caapi leaf/bark would have to be smoked.

For a Caapi only experience, a lot must be smoked, to enhance a DMT voyage, surprisingly it only takes a bit of leaf (100mgs works well, a bit more is better).
acolon_5 said:
D_Juggz said:
soulman, I believe smoking acetone is not really a good idea, you could just evap it off first.
I think you would need to smoke quite a substantial amount of B.caapi in order to get a hallucinogenic dose of DMT.
Smoking marijuana results in the absorption of around 50% of the active substances, I imagine it would be similar to DMT.
You could theoretically hold in the smoke for longer, but that causes much larger amounts of tar, ash and resin to stick to your respiratory tract, causing significantly higher rates of permanent lung damage.
Drinking the brew would be better for your body while smoking/vapourising a jay.


No smoking acetone is just not healthy, no healthy AT ALL!

I think you might be confusing Caapi with a DMT containing plant. Although you are correct that to get visonary effects A LOT of Caapi leaf/bark would have to be smoked.

For a Caapi only experience, a lot must be smoked, to enhance a DMT voyage, surprisingly it only takes a bit of leaf (100mgs works well, a bit more is better).

Dont worry guys, im not smoking acetone. Its gonna have evapourated.

In fact, as we speak the liquid mixture of grain alcohol and acetone that has been used to soak 100g of shredded caapi and a handful of caapi leaves, for aweek, is being evapourated onto 10g of caapi leaves. This will give a caapi alkaloid rich smoking admixture. This was recommended to me by a friend who says its a really nice smoke on its own, but i am quite interested to make a bit of changa with this caapi fortified leaf. If its anything like the time i drank caapi tea and then smoked some changa, then I am in for a right ruddy treat :lol:

Its nearly all evaped so hopefully tomorrow it shall be dry enough to test drive!!
^100% agreed. Drinking a nice brew of Caapi only tea followed by Changa or even straight xtals is an AMAZING experience.

I have noted that the actual time spent in hyperspace isn't increased all that much with Caapi.
Yeah it so beautiful and nurturing.
You have to deal with some initial strangness, but once this surpasses after a few minutes it is simply heavanly.
Shall keep you updated with on the fortified leaf experiments
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