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smoking changa from a double chamber bong?

Migrated topic.


Senior Member
just wondering if this would decrease the potency at all? heard that water can absorb it? can anyone validate that? just found my double chamber lying around and thought i may as well give it a spin
sweet :) been using it without the double chamber for a while and always goes fine, just wasn't sure if the extra water would absorb some. wooot! should be a nice smoooooth smoalk
Bong is the way to go. I've used it hundreds of times for this. It works perrrrrfect!
I will often use a bong over my GVG.
yeah using a bong feels the most at home for me. and i smoked some changa with the second chamber attached the other night.. was like inhaling dmt flavoured air :p
smooth as a babies bottom.. or yet smoother maybe
Purges said:
Wouldn't the water cool the smoalk so that some would 'de-vaporise'?

yeah i was wondering about that.. any thoughts people? didn't seem noticeably decreased in effects the other night, so i guess either way it doesn't make much of a difference. would be interesting to find out though
Not sure what "de-vaporize" really even means, but I remember seeing a thread on here a long while back about a guy who was testing the potency of dmt vapors after they have been kept in a jar for certain amounts of time. If I remember correctly, he found that there was very little to no potency loss even after the vapor in the jar had become completely clear.
This is slightly off topic but has anyone ever put ice in the bong with spice? The thought of really cool temperature smoalk interests me greatly..

this was what i actually planned to do next as my bong has an ice chamber too :) .. the good thing about that too would be you are breathing a little less air in due to the space taken up by the ice and thus it might be a bit easier to get a nice full breath of smoalk
I and my friends use a 12" bong with 2 completely different chambers.
The bottom one has boiling hot water (i believe it dissolves any impurities and also slightly humidifies the smoke) and then the top chamber has crushed ice cold water. I'm a complete non smoker. But this method enables me to breakthrough in 1 long hit. I can hold it in easily for 20 seconds without any temptation to cough. Works always !!
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