Hello Zorro, Love your movies!!!
If you are interested in trying "The Machine" but haven't had much luck drilling the glass etc... I highly suggest just using the basic theory behind "the Machine", but with your own smoking device!!
I went to my local head shop & bought a new, medium size, glass water pipe, or, "bubbler". Ya know like a glass herb pipe (not a meth, or "base" pipe), with a chamber for water under the bowl and a stem going down into the water.
I then burn the brass-like coating off of a chunk of Brillo with a torch lighter and stuff it tightly into the bowl of the bubbler. I coil the Brillo into the bowl & then use the flat end of a pen to push it in there good & tight. (You need large, broad mesh, steel scouring pads, bought as "Brillo" brand. "Chore Boy" brand does not work as well, it is much thinner than "Brillo" and seems to burn at lower temps, so I stick to "Brillo", there is also a "No-Name" brand of steel pads at my super market that I just found, that do not have the brass-like coating on them. So they are ready to use, right out of the package, no need to "burn off" that coating! ...And definitely DO NOT use Steel Wool, it will just burn up!!!)
Put just enough water into the chamber to make a few bubbles when inhaling though it, not as much as you would if using the pipe for herb.
Now I sprinkle my dose onto the Brillo, and melt it down into the Brillo by waving a torch lighter over then bowl, using the heat, not the flame, to melt the DMT into the brillo, but not vaporizing it yet.
Then I just smoke it like I would if it had herbs in the bowl, again using the heat (...a normal Bic here, a torch is too hot for the actual smoking part), You need to be careful not to pull the flame down into the brillo, you want to use the heat from the lighter to make the Brillo just hot enough tho vaporise the Spice, while it also holds it for you. I usually pull the lighter down into the Brillo a little bit on my last toke, to make sure that all of the spice on the bottom of the brillo was vaporized too.
You don't need to worry about the Spice running through the Brillo and out the bottom of the bowl when it turns to oil. DMT oil tends to "run" from the heat source, IMO, this is why its a pain in the ass to smoke out of a normal, glass "base pipe" (meth pipe), because once the oil is hot enough to vaporize, it starts "running" from the heat and you have to chase the oil with the lighter. Easy enough on the 1st toke, but if your trying to light your 3rd or 4th toke yourself, its close to impossible to do it efficiently!!
Using a Brillo, the oil "runs" along the wire mesh and as it dose this, it is also getting vaporized!! So this method of smoking actually uses the fact that DMT oil "runs" from heat to its advantage!!
BTW, if the oil is running through the Brillo & out the bowl, it might be because:
1) Not big enough piece of Brillo
2) Not stuffed tightly enough
3) Sucking too hard
You need to inhale hard enough to pull the heat of the flame down into the Brillo without the flame going into it, but not so hard that you "suck" the DMT oil downwards!!
Anyway, It also makes the vapor smooth as hell and the taste is muted a lot too.
Over the last year, I've tried every smoking device & method I could find, to see which one worked best for me. When I made "the Machine", I thought it worked great for vaporizing, but it was pretty harsh and the taste is still very strong.
So I just tried putting the piece of Brillo in a new, glass water pipe.
I've used it ever since!!
The water filtration helps with those issues a ton!! And it does not affect potency at all!!! I've tried the pipe with & without water to see if water filtering affected anything & the only difference was the taste & the harshness where both decreased x100!!
Smoothest, Best Tasting & EASIEST way to smoke DMT that I've ever come across!!!
Do Not just use the same pipe you use for herbs!!!
Get a dedicated Spice pipe, or at least completely clean out an old, unused pipe to like-new conditions!!
A friend of mine has two separate "pull stems" for his bong. One for herbs, and one with a Brillo in it for Spice, Quite Nice!!