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Snooze tripping

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
This morning I've had the most extreme experience without a substance.
I woke up way to early and tried to go back to sleep. Instead, I would drift into a weird state of consciousness.
It had elements of a dream: A story was unfolding.
It also had elements of a lucid dream: I could somehow "pull" stuff out of my brain and make it happen.
But it was also very hallucinatory: I heard voices so clearly as if someone was standing next to me.
I could fly around a house I've been often to as child.
At the same time, I felt myself rolling around in my bed...but i wasn't moving. It was more like an invisible part of my was moving.
And everytime this sensation got extreme, i heard a buzzing sound and felt adrenaline moving through me, effectivly stopping the sensation.

What is this, i wonder. It'S really strange, yet very beautiful.
Sounds like some sort of lucid dreaming kind of like half sleeping.
I think in general inducing lucid dreaming is easiest when one wakes up from the sleep and goes back to sleep...
First steps of "conscious dreaming"...
obliguhl, have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? I have had experiences much like the one you described, and I always put it down to sleep paralysis. I used to be terrified by it because I would sense what I interpreted as a malicious presence looming over me, but I couldn't move my head to look at it. However, the more it's happened the more I've enjoyed it and used it as a jumping off point to lucid dreaming. I also have heard the buzzing sound and felt a surge of adrenaline while in this state.
It was distinctly different from a regular lucid dream, but it had some elements of it. The most striking thing was the fact that i had some kind of "real hallucinations" while being half aware of my body and slipping in and out of a dreamstate. I could also read weird texts..the made no real sense it was like "Booo ma hoopbolo it makaboo and is swirrrl"

No, never had sleep paralysis while being consciouss of it. I know it is supposed to occur every night to prevent us from moving, but I personaly have a history as a sleepwalker so....
Fascinating stuff!

The narrow zone which marks out the switch from wakefulness and sleep (and vice versa) is in some ways intangible but can be characterised by what Obliguhl describes, more so in some individuals than others.

The fancy name for this is hypnogogia (+/- hypnopompia) and is pretty damn psychedelic in alot of ways.:d
Well, I've had some other weird experiences involving me lying in my bed, with eyes open, seeing crazy, insane real life hallucinations. Animals (spiders, birds) in my bed, weird lights and sounds...mostly very frightening. The experience i described above had elements of these hypnagogic/hypnopom hallucinations but it was more a blend of different experiences...a bit like how ayahuasca tends to blend fractals and visions together...
Sounds like you entered the waking sleep paralysis state.

From there, you can go directly into a lucid dream. We call that a WILD (wake induced lucid dream).

From the same place, you can go into an OOBE and astral project.

While it is happening, one can have hypnogogic imagery or even full blown psychedelic states. It is not uncommon, just that most people fall into a deep unconscious state very quickly and do not linger in this place long enough to notice it much.

Waking up and going back to sleep is often a trigger for these types of experiences.

If I had to guess, I would say that you were wavering in and out of a lucid dream, coming back into the wakeful sleep paralysis state with stardust still in your eyes, half unlocking from your body, but not being able to exit, hallucinating for a while, and then going back into lucid dreaming... over and over.

With a bit of practice, you could control this state and decide for yourself which of the 4 directions you want to pursue. 1) Dreaming (lucid or not) 2) OOBE (astral projecting or not) 3) Waking up 4) Lingering in hypnogogia. They all have their merits.

Trippy that you are a sleepwalker. You might have some disfunction in your ability to maintain sleep paralysis. I would imagine it could be psychological, hormonal, physiological... Do you find that it happens under certain conditions? In times of stress, for instance. Do you even remember your episodes?

I have a friend who only found out about her sleep-walking events when her parents mentioned them to another adult in front of her.

Do you go about your normal routine in a zombie like fashion? Do you act out your dreams?

Very curious about the whole sleep-walking phenomena.
I know exactly what you mean by this obiguhl,
the one waking dream like that that I have had, i was laying on a very comfortable suede couch and put my face on the suede and closed my eyes. the same instant I closes my eyes it was as if I fell through the couch and was now sitting in a large room on a four poster bed with bright crimson curtains, in fact the whole room was filled with red. I looked to my right as I sat on the bed and notices a Picasso-like painting to my right with a bunch of red rectangles and squares only it wasn't a painting and all the red rectangles were moving freely about the canvas and intersecting each other. After seeing this painting I looked out to where a balcony and noticed what looked like a coastal Italian city with the sounds of the sea in the distance. After noticing this the thought crossed my mind "wait a minute where the hell am i" and I opened my eyes and was back on the couch without even a minute having gone by so I'm pretty sure I wasn't asleep. As for seeing hallucinations whilst awake I once woke from a dream and noticed a huge black beetle scuttling across my wall and into the top corner where i couldn't see. When i went to go look at it it had disappeared. weird wild stuff
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