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Snorting bufo.


Rising Star
Would it be better to snort freebase bufotenine? or any other form of it. Thats pretty much my question :) plain and simple!

I'm really not having much luck smoking it in bufo changa so i was wondering if insufflation would be more effective for me.

Or if i was smoking the freebase could i use the machine? I really want to purchase a vaporgene but just don't have the funds at the moment!
Well, that something that need investigation...
SWIM has some bufo extract from the bufochanga tek in wiki (it's more of a crude extract if I'm correct).

He will snort some of this, and smoke the other part in the bufochanga mix (he consciously fellowed the direction of both the extraction and the recipe).

He'll report back to me.
are you smoking it until you are really sick? I mean extreme nausea and pressure etc?..if not smoke more. Or you have weak seeds..smoking should be more effective than snorting. I am interested in snorting it now though. I have smoked it soooo much and now snuffing has me curious.
Snorting requires more. SWIM has snorted it, smoked it, taken it sublingually, orally, and even tried the OTHER method.

Snorting it is not pleasant, but it is very effective. It's more trippy than smoking it is, but it causes more side effects, even if the freebase bufotenine is pure.

SWIM can get very strong visuals from smoking 10 mg of pure bufotenine. But in order to get the same level of visuals by snorting, he needs about 80 mg.

The snorted trip has a slower onset, something like 5-7 minutes, and peaks after 30-45 minutes, if I recall correctly. After the peak, the trip still lasts the same amount of time as smoking it.
"Snorting it is not pleasant, but it is very effective. It's more trippy than smoking it is, but it causes more side effects, even if the freebase bufotenine is pure."

So it is more mentally psychedelic? Probabily better for doing psychological work?
My only success with bufo was snorting groud seeds mixed with lime. It was a hell of alot of powder, very painfull, lots of headpressure and i was sick before the effects started. I then had some of the coolest although not the strongest visuals iv ever experienced. Cant realy recal any mental effects, just sickness and head pressure followed by 20minutes or so of visuals, then a long afterglow.

Iv tryed about 5 batchs of bufo changa using the IPA tek and no success yet, mild sickness and pressure after smoking loads of it, but no real positives im hoping to get some acetone next time and try another extraction method.
fractal enchantment said:
"Snorting it is not pleasant, but it is very effective. It's more trippy than smoking it is, but it causes more side effects, even if the freebase bufotenine is pure."

So it is more mentally psychedelic? Probabily better for doing psychological work?

Slightly so. It's a slightly deeper experience compared to smoking it, and slightly less visual, but not by much.
Deeper sounds good..whenever I smoke it now I make sure to stay in bed after the peak so I can pass out into the much more immersive and mental thing that happens after the main trip.
Fractal, SWIM has been side tracked from bufotenine for quite a while. He's been studying legal psychedelics heavily. Just yesterday he took a look at all his previously beautiful white pure bufotenine crystals kept in an air tight container, in a dark cool location. It’s all completely black. It looks like coal now. It’s like little black shiny lumps of coal. Even in an air tight container this happens to it over time.

I believe it’s bufotenine carbonate now. It’s pretty inactive in this state, and nauseating. But it can be salted with citric acid, causing bubbles to form, and then freebased again to pure white crystals. It’s a hassle though.

Is there a way to keep bufotenine from turning black?
^^ I really dont know..I haven purified it past a hard clear amber sort of stuff..
I have been away from bufotenine as well..haven't touched it in weeks becasue ive just been taking mushrooms and ayahuasca and DMT.

Phlux should know though.
The bufo used was the amber sticky extract from IPA bufochanga in the wiki.
The consistance of it wouldn't allow to work with a dry powder. So Moonkey dissolve a few mg in a splash of luckwarm water.

This was then sucked through this nasaline syringe and apply intranasally.
The Moonkey start to feel euphoric and a bit playful. It looks like this could be working with higher dose.
The rest of his bufo is in changa form now, so Moonkey is unsure if he will dissolve it to get a bufohuasca liquid snuff or just smoke this as formerly intended.
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