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Snuff Question

Migrated topic.
get anadenanthera colubrina(vilca or cebil) if you can..it has more bufotenine than perigrina(yopo)..and yopo is known to make people even sicker than vilca...vilca makes me sick enough as it is. Dont buy into the idea of yopo having DMT as well as bufotenine, since snuff is toasted so the DMT wont be in the final product anyway.

Seeds from argentina are reported to be the more potent..mine are super potent anyway that I got from argentina..but I have had super strong brazilian seeds as well.
It's not worth it, trust me. You have to insufflate a lot to get any effects and it's rather painful. Do an extraction first and smoke or insufflate the relatively pure bufo instead.
Bert said:
It's not worth it, trust me. You have to insufflate a lot to get any effects and it's rather painful. Do an extraction first and smoke or insufflate the relatively pure bufo instead.

Yes it hurt: calcium hydroxide and sodium carbonate are not safe for your mucoses.

Other option is to use 25% of Sodium Bicarbonate to basify and then chew the mixure for 20 mins.
If preceded by an MAOI (such as similary basified and chewed rue ) the effects will be stronger.
When the 20 mins are over you can spit out, no need to ingest.

If you want to smoke instead, moist the misture and dry it again after 1 hour, to have the alks converted to freebase:
Yopo and other snuffs are prepared some time before consuming, to develop fully that reaction.
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