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So here you all are!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello forum members,

Let me start by saying that I am very glad to have found this site. Finding like minded people is always a good thing, but to find a site full of people who want to discuss psychedelia and it's usefulness as a tool in the exploration of consciousness.. well, I'm over the moon.. twice!
About me?
I am 40, I'm married, I'm an actor and a drummer.
For the past 20 years I have been researching shamanic healing, ancient civilization and the origins of mankind and spirituality. I have also been exploring consciousness and, to aid me in this work I have been experimenting with / using psychedelics for about 23 years. I have always tried to bring back some insight or deeper understanding of my self from the experience. This has not always happened, possibly due to having spent the hours "laughing my ass off", as Bill Hicks once said he had done!
I am fairly new to DMT (3 times but can't say that I have truly broken through yet), but have read a lot about it and am very respectful of it. What an extra-ordinary substance it is! I'm a little bit scared but nonetheless I intend to keep going with it and hope to share the lessons that are presented to me, as I journey, with anyone of you that cares to listen.

I look forward to meeting you all
Welcome :)
Yip The Nexus is full of great people, with a depth of knowledge I've yet to encounter on the internet.
Glad you joined us.
Yeah check out the chat, it's a great place to meet the various members and get to know them a little better.


Yes, welcome Hillside11 - you've found the right place (both the Nexus and where you live).

Great thread title by the way! 8)

Hope you will be happy here.
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys. I was at a rainbow gathering some years ago in Northern New Mexico. When we arrived we were supplied with a cup of soup and this dude was saying "welcome home, man'! Feels a bit like that here.. nice one.
Looking forward to chatting and sharing.. but right now I'm off to bed.

Hillside 11,

Welcome to the Nexus. Always great to have another member with a few decades under their belt.

23 years is a lot of psychedelic experience. Can you tell us a bit more about that?

Sounds like you are in for a lot of neat things to come with DMT. Hold on, this ride is like no other.

Peace & Love
Hillside11 said:
Hello forum members,

This has not always happened, possibly due to having spent the hours "laughing my ass off", as Bill Hicks once said he had done!

Gotta love Bill Hicks!

Welcome and I hope you find what you're looking for.
Welcome hillside...yes you found a place that truly understands..the love and wisdom here is real. check out the wiki and chat,read the posts,share what you wish..my wish is you always find what you seek.... love and peace ODEN
Hi Pandora,

Yeah, I guess 23 years is a lot! But that's how long it's been. Sure I've had a year off here and there but I've been fairly consistent in my dedication to this path.
When I started at the tender age of 17 the year was 1988. In England around that time there was a craze going round calling it's self Acid House. Suffice to say that I threw myself into it head first. I loved the music, I loved the energy and the large gatherings of people and yes, I loved the drugs too. It was my generation's punk rock if you like! I should add that I started experiencing altered states at an early age (I was 9). My brother introduced me to the world of solvent abuse. Incredibly dangerous, I know, and definitely not something that I would recommend to anyone (I'm not sure that I would recommend ANY substance abuse to anyone!), but nonetheless that's what happened. As a result, when I came of age and hit the club scene in London at 17.. well it was like a duck taking to water. My first LSD experience set me up to be a life long fan. I had a ball! I wasn't aware at the time where it would lead but I knew after the first few times that I was "good" at tripping and that I liked it.

After 2 years of "raving" I went to study Theatre and I was introduced to the Alexander Technique of relaxation and visualisation. This was to help us get into character as actors but it struck a deeper chord with me. This is the point that I started my research into my own consciousness and spirituality which led onto 20ish years of reading, meditating, discussing and experiencing. I found that tripping on either LSD or psilocybin was a great way to look deeply into concepts and get a different perspective on things. I used it, and still do, like a useful tool if you like. Not all the time but 2 or 3 times a year for sure.

So there you have it. 23 years of psycedelic experience! Admittedly not 5 days a week, 52 weeks of the year (like some kind of job!), but it has spanned that amount of time.

Well it's been a fun trip (ha ha) down memory lane. Hope that expands it a little for ya!

Now I'm going to start reading this "spirit molecule" book which arrived this morning...
oden said:
Welcome hillside...yes you found a place that truly understands..the love and wisdom here is real. check out the wiki and chat,read the posts,share what you wish..my wish is you always find what you seek.... love and peace ODEN

Hey thanks Oden.. sure am feeling welcome here. Hope I can be a useful member of this community and learn some stuff too.

Love and peace to you all
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