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Social setting with changa, a very special blast off.

Migrated topic.

olympus mon

Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Last night I had one of my top three dmt experiences of my life. The setting was a friends birthday celebration in the company of the most talented fire performers that were in town for a fire festival near by. Ice house, idtrvlr, and our beautiful partners took a nice combination of mda and 5 bromo mdma to begin the night. We were all coming up hard and took seat in a cozy pillow filled tent as we played together waiting for the troop to begin the show and what a show it was.

We loaded up a big bowl of changa as the energy of these beautiful people around us engulfed us all in a perfect loving setting. I felt ready to explore dmt in this new social setting and decided to go for a full breakthrough. As I exhaled my 3rd hit the dmt and harmalas were coming on strong and the dj began his very psychedelic set with accompying the first act.

These performers were without a doubt the best I have ever seen. Each one had their own style and utter mastery of their skills. Watching the first man work his majic with poi and the other girl had fans all flaming. I can't describe where my trip went but the performance became my trip and I've never had a breakthrough as unique as this. There are no words of the sheer beauty my eyes took in. The performers became entities as they did their thing and the show continued for hours . We took turns loading and smoking changa for each new set. It was pure bliss and the most unique breakthrough I have ever had.

In the right setting dmt can be every it as special and enthralling if not more compared to silent darkness. I've never been one to condemn social dmt use and now even more so feel its every it as life enriching and sacred as solo work. Changa made this none of the greatest experiences of my life. This experience has opened new doors to my psychedelic exploration.
oly, it was a wonderful experience. the level of skill the fire perfomers was world class for surre.. I have my oown opiniom on this, the changa.

We have been growing together bolder and bolder with our DMT/changa use in the past year. I have discovered that once you become comfortable with her, the barriers that fear create fall.

DMT can be used in a sociaal ssetting and it is very effecttive, especially the heavy harmala laden changas we have been smoking.

I have found myself in hyperspace with another on several occasions. The first was at the big Randall gathering You and I were clearly in and interacting in hyperspace together. This was new to me. I had vaped DMT in the past with others but never had I ended up in someone elses voyage or vice versa. It happened out at Crab Island and its happened here at the homestead several times. The other night was indeed magical.

I believe that what we are doing requires the right chemistry. We have had it as of late. We have had some very special people coming into our lives and IMO that opens up very special opportunity.

We are sharing hyperspace with ones we love, we are no longer alone in a scary tense situation. We are together, united in a wonderful way. I almost feel at times that we are sharing neural pathways!

Thank You Brother for making that such a wonderful evening, Mrs Ice House had the time of her life. I love tripping with the colonel, oh and what about Mrs idtrvlrs shoe! LOL

Great, epic evening.
I suspected such things were possible.

My changa is very harmala laden. With the smooth come-up and all, and the way you can trip hard for awhile without entering hyperspace fully...also the one time me and a woman had sex after each taking a 30-40 mg vape of dmt....both of these experiences had me suspecting there was more. I'm very glad you found it.

We are sharing hyperspace with ones we love, we are no longer alone in a scary tense situation. We are together, united in a wonderful way. I almost feel at times that we are sharing neural pathways!

Bless you freakin' guys!

This is special, delicate stuff here. Veteran psychonaughts and proper vibe within the group are required.
I wish I could hang with you beautiful people :(

Sounds amazing though Oly, did you breakthrough and the entities preformed the same fire show that was happening in front of you? I'm a little confused by the nature of the experience you described.
Changa at parties can be awesome, sub breathrough doses at a dancefloor can just make everything so much better.

But im wondering, what is this 5bromo mdma? never heard about it before, also did you guys get any negative reactions from smoked harmalas and mdma/mda? Cause u know that combo is quite discouraged here because of the harmalas potential for serotonin syndrome.
Beautiful story olympus. :) One of my most cherished DMT experiences was a sub-breakthrough blast I took during an amazing jam by the band I was following at the time. I passed the pipe & dropped into the lotus position & let the music take me away. That experience was several years ago, but remains a highlight of a very magical time in my life.
very nice

i've had some of my most deeply bonding, beautiful-and utterly hilarious to the point of getting a cramp from laughing- experiences smoking changa with others in the right set/setting

(p.s. bring a thumb piano next time!)
SHroomtroll said:
Changa at parties can be awesome, sub breathrough doses at a dancefloor can just make everything so much better.

But im wondering, what is this 5bromo mdma? never heard about it before, also did you guys get any negative reactions from smoked harmalas and mdma/mda? Cause u know that combo is quite discouraged here because of the harmalas potential for serotonin syndrome.
Sorry for the late response shroomtroll. Hopefully you get to read this.

Ive used changa dozens of times with MDA. Your quite correct it is discouraged and I do not condone nor advise it for others. My personal experience with changa is the MAOI effects are so short acting that I have never had any problems. My understanding from reading on this topic is that the risks with RIMA's and especially short duration RIMA's is quite low. I tested the waters slowly. I wouldn't take a longer acting or oral MAOI with MDMA/MDA nor do I feel bio assay trumps science. This is just my personal opinion from researching on line and experience. Here is a good published study on RIMA's and serotonin syndrome.

That being said...

I enjoy MDA as a precursor to many different psychedelics. It has a way of putting me into the perfect mindset to go quite deep without anxiety or hesitation. For me DMT with 5-bromo has opened up a new world of hyperspace.

To answer your question about 5-bromo MDMA. Its quite a special, rare, and amazing molecule. Ive often described it as the perfect blend of the best loved characteristics of the other psychedelics. The visuals are incredibly strong and very tryptamine like. Shadowy if that makes sense. There is the euphoric-ness of MDA but with absolutely zero speedy or jittery-ness. In fact if you didnt know it was a relative of MDMA you would never guess it in a million years. The head trip is quite deep but really never will turn on you and go south. Its just such an easy breezy light head state. Finally the comedown is comfortably cozy until you drift off to sleep. It has around a 6 hours effect window peaking within 90 min.

Insufilation it increases the effects by a factor of 2-3X for the same dose by weight. I wont be doing that ever again. I couldn't move for about 2 hours but even then I had a big smile on my face and was quite content.
Hey guys,
I know I'm way late to the game here but I just happened to catch this post and wanted to chime in.

First, I would like to agree with you Oly and IceHouse, that this night was truly magical and I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else than you guys and our amazing crew. Then to follow this event up with the annual Homestead party. Words can't express how these events have changed and bonded us as friends, family, and fellow psychonaughts.

olympus mon said:
To answer your question about 5-bromo MDMA. Its quite a special, rare, and amazing molecule. Ive often described it as the perfect blend of the best loved characteristics of the other psychedelics. The visuals are incredibly strong and very tryptamine like. Shadowy if that makes sense. There is the euphoric-ness of MDA but with absolutely zero speedy or jittery-ness. In fact if you didnt know it was a relative of MDMA you would never guess it in a million years. The head trip is quite deep but really never will turn on you and go south. Its just such an easy breezy light head state. Finally the comedown is comfortably cozy until you drift off to sleep. It has around a 6 hours effect window peaking within 90 min.

Insufilation it increases the effects by a factor of 2-3X for the same dose by weight. I wont be doing that ever again. I couldn't move for about 2 hours but even then I had a big smile on my face and was quite content.

Now, with regard to 5-bromo MDMA, I don't believe this is what we have. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the research I have done shows no existence of a 5-bromo MDMA as a psychedelic compound or otherwise. I know we've been going with the belief that it is 5-bromo MDMA, but I think we are mistaken. I have an idea of what this compound might be (based on dosage, duration, and psychological / phisiological effects comparison), but I have no scientific proof. I think we need to do a spectrochemical analysis on this stuff to get an answer, once and for all. I believe this may have been done initially, which is where the "5-bromo MDMA" assumption came from, but it seems that we need a second opinion. I love the stuff, but I'd really like to know what I'm taking and what I'm sharing. It feels irresponsible to not be 100% sure. What say you guys?

idtravlr said:
Hey guys,
I know I'm way late to the game here but I just happened to catch this post and wanted to chime in.

First, I would like to agree with you Oly and IceHouse, that this night was truly magical and I couldn't imagine spending it with anyone else than you guys and our amazing crew. Then to follow this event up with the annual Homestead party. Words can't express how these events have changed and bonded us as friends, family, and fellow psychonaughts.

olympus mon said:
To answer your question about 5-bromo MDMA. Its quite a special, rare, and amazing molecule. Ive often described it as the perfect blend of the best loved characteristics of the other psychedelics. The visuals are incredibly strong and very tryptamine like. Shadowy if that makes sense. There is the euphoric-ness of MDA but with absolutely zero speedy or jittery-ness. In fact if you didnt know it was a relative of MDMA you would never guess it in a million years. The head trip is quite deep but really never will turn on you and go south. Its just such an easy breezy light head state. Finally the comedown is comfortably cozy until you drift off to sleep. It has around a 6 hours effect window peaking within 90 min.

Insufilation it increases the effects by a factor of 2-3X for the same dose by weight. I wont be doing that ever again. I couldn't move for about 2 hours but even then I had a big smile on my face and was quite content.

Now, with regard to 5-bromo MDMA, I don't believe this is what we have. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but the research I have done shows no existence of a 5-bromo MDMA as a psychedelic compound or otherwise. I 91yingtao樱桃网 - 91成 人 网 站在线观看 - 91成 人 网站在线观看 - 91成版人抖音APP we've been going with the belief that it is 5-bromo MDMA, but I think we are mistaken. I have an idea of what this compound might be (based on dosage, duration, and psychological / phisiological effects comparison), but I have no scientific proof. I think we need to do a spectrochemical analysis on this stuff to get an answer, once and for all. I believe this may have been done initially, which is where the "5-bromo MDMA" assumption came from, but it seems that we need a second opinion. I love the stuff, but I'd really like to know what I'm taking and what I'm sharing. It feels irresponsible to not be 100% sure. What say you guys?


Hey brother I love seeing you here.😁 As you know we did do a massspectrometer test on this substance and it came back 96% pure 5-bromo mdma. In fact the chemist said he was quite impressed with its purity. Maybe that plays into things.
I am interested in reading more about what your saying though. Its strange stuff but also one of the nicest psychedelics i have ever taken and as you know we have taken quite a bit of this supposed 5 bromo.

Love you bro...great to see you around again.
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