Yay, I am so glad I found this thread.
Diggers shellite has been a total headfuck for me.
my last batch (100g) I mixed my solution with shellite for 45 minutes with 10 minutes in between every 6-7 minutes of shaking to warm container back up to 50 degrees celcius.
1st 150ml pull yielded 0.1g
im going to try xylene - evap - re x with zippo.
I use gas masks so xylene isn't so bad but toulene does sound appealing.
I have a few questions for you guys.
1. does sc6%eys shellite freeze precipitate?
2. what is your ideal temperatures when extracting? I feel like must be overdoing it.
3. how long do you guys mix each pull for?
4. has anyone tried the KCB shell yet?
5. has anyone had results using any acid other than fumaric for FASA?