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Some Anahuasca Experiences

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Senior Member
OG Pioneer
A friend of mine posted these Rue/MHRB experiences on another forum and gave me permission to put them up here. Swim often finds herself in space, floating but not really because she has no body. Things in this space glow like they are all made of neon tubing. Once there was a field stretching across this space at "eye" level. It was like the field was composed of the veil that one breaks through - with that mosaic pattern in it. People were crowded under the field/veil and occasionally one of them would pop their heads up through it and hang there with their bodies dangling. Neon giants strode on the other side, plucking the people and pulling them completely through, the impression was like they were picking upside down radishes. I couldn't see what the giants were doing with the people and when I asked my guide, he seemed to think it absurd that I expected to be able to understand such a thing. Another time there were racks of glowing neon holding giant heads with scrunched up faces that looked like Ku on a tiki statue. Their heads were enlarged and transparent filled with a nebulous stuff and they talked among themselves in a language that I couldn't understand while workers flew below them with bodies like little spaceships and flattened tray like heads. They would stop under one of the heads and some of that something would be dispensed onto the tray and carried off. Swim floated through a house once where the saddest music ever played over and over. She brushed against one of the walls and realized that the entire house and everything in it was mede of dried rose petals and that this was the nonmaterial manifestation of widowhood. Swim found herself once in a rural town square looking at two children. She realized that it was the scene depicted on the Tarot six of cups although all of the details weren't exactly the same. Like the children were both very fat and wearing lederhosen. And their eyes were very large and solid black, insectile and unblinking, though not faceted. When they noticed her they both started to come over and that was when she realized that she was tiny and on the ground like a worm. Swim returned to her body.
Thx for sharing Noman, that was pretty cool series of reports. [quote:e52f7bb559]Swim floated through a house once where the saddest music ever played over and over. She brushed against one of the walls and realized that the entire house and everything in it was mede of dried rose petals and that this was the nonmaterial manifestation of widowhood. [/quote:e52f7bb559] Wow, that part sounded really sad.
Thanks for sharing these, I read this just before I went to sleep last night and that last one kept rolling around in my head - weird. Any more?
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