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Some changa questions.

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Hello šŸ˜

I'm relatively new to all things DMT and want to try all roa's in order to find my preferred methods. So I'd like to try some changa.

Unfortunatly I haven't extracted any of my caapi vine yet, so am I correct in thinking naptha is ok for making "infused leaf" since no harmalas need dissolved?

When doing a 1:1 mix, do I weigh a dosage the same way I would crystal. For example if I wanted 50mg of dmt, I would weigh out 100 mg of infused leaf mix?

When smoking through a pipe, I just barely kiss it with the flame so as to burn it as slowly as possible, but in the end I am actually burning it and will end up with ash?

I haven't placed any herb orders but did pick up some mint from the local spice rack. As long as the leaf burns smooth it's an appropriate base to infuse the crystal onto correct?

And on a different note, I was going to post this in the basic questions section of the forum so I wouldn't clutter this one with simple questions but it looks like I can't start threads there anymore. Is this true or am I missing something?
After years of making Changa I can offer you some advise.
This is my personal opinion formed from my personal experiences.

Don't make enhanced leaf.

Extract the Alkaloids from the vine , purify them twice so that they are cleaner .

Then take some vine parts. Use a hammer to flatten them . Pull them apart to finer threads .

With that vine add a ratio of .5 to 1 vine alks and the same again with DMT.
E.g 1g vine / 500mg alk, 500mg DMT.

Evaporate quickly under a fan . Not giving the DMT time to fully penetrate the vine but sit on the outside.

Take 200mg of your changa and make a joint with some mullein .

Now you have a tool for learning and healing , plus pleasure .
All the best..


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Alright, I'm trying to think here. What solvent do you use for the application of the crystal onto the vine?

When you say quick as possible by fan, how much time are we talking here? I'm thinking with a fan you would have to put all that stuff into a jar like in your pic to keep it from blowing away. So as much air movement as possible, but without blowing away. 5 hours, 1 day? How long is too long?

I have to work on my caapi extraction. The one I did finally had something settle at the base but by then it had been a few days and had a smell that wasn't something you would consider for ingestion. Whether or not it was old, or that's just the way it smells I couldnt tell you but I tossed it. So there's still work to be figured out there.

What solvent do you use to clean your caapi alkaloids? Is there a tek around here you would recommed above the others?
Asher7 said:
What solvent do you use to clean your caapi alkaloids? Is there a tek around here you would recommed above the others?

Water, or water made slightly basic using sodium carbonate or ammonia.

Gibran2 Easy caapi vine extraction. Simple and works well, but dont expect to get yields like he did. 0.5-1% is more typical, I think.
Hi, to clean the Alks I use vinegar it separates unwanted plant matter. Doing this twice ensures you don't get a bad taste or furry mouth from smoking the Alks.

I use 99% IPA to make changa in a beaker , under a pc fan , it takes a couple of hours to evap the IPA.

Previously I would let the changa sit for a day or two before hitting the fan , this makes for less potent changa in my experience.

Follow this Easy Caapi Vine Alkaloid Extraction Guide - DMT-Nexus Wiki

Yield depend on the Alkaloids within the specific vine in my experience.

My last extraction yielded around 16g clean Alks from 1kg vine yellow.
I have had less than 1g from 500mg vine in the past .
Saying that yellow vine always produces good quantity Alks..

Sorry for the grammar and so on, im super tired from work and in a rush, I just wanted to give you some answers.. Cheers..
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