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some insight about myself

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Let me start off by saying that I am normally not one for introductions and that I tend to keep to myself very much and to observe what goes on around me more than try to influence it.

I hope to become a part of this great community and in doing so, work on understanding myself better than I currently do so that maybe, just maybe, one day I can figure out what path I would would like to embark upon with my life.

I feel there is a lot to discover here that can help with this goal among others of mine and I sincerely hope to become a welcome addition here and to learn as much as I can.

An Observer
An_Observer said:
Let me start off by saying that I am normally not one for introductions and that I tend to keep to myself very much and to observe what goes on around me more than try to influence it.

I hope to become a part of this great community and in doing so, work on understanding myself better than I currently do so that maybe, just maybe, one day I can figure out what path I would would like to embark upon with my life.

I feel there is a lot to discover here that can help with this goal among others of mine and I sincerely hope to become a welcome addition here and to learn as much as I can.

An Observer


Life is messy, probably everyone is confused.
Have a good journey here and everywhere else! ;)
Welcome aboard, Observer. :)

This is a great, educational and supportive community with many open-minded folks and hopefully a few topics of interest for you. Are there any plants you find interesting or do you have any experience with entheogens, per say?

Take care and enjoy the forum.
Just by observing you influence that which you observe. Glad you decided to introduce yourself so we can now observe you.

We are now creating together!


I woke up in a weird mood! lol :surprised
Cognitive Heart said:
Welcome aboard, Observer. :)

This is a great, educational and supportive community with many open-minded folks and hopefully a few topics of interest for you. Are there any plants you find interesting or do you have any experience with entheogens, per say?

Take care and enjoy the forum.

I have limited experience with DMT (from ACRB) both alone and with harmaline HCl in a crude changa mix.
So far, these wonderful substances are allowing me to be shown parts of myself that I was not even aware of. I only wish I had discovered them sooner.
I fully intend to careful gather more experience over due time.
I've thought about this, without conscious life to observe the universe, would the universe even really exist?

In general relativity the term "observer" refers more commonly to a person (or a machine) making passive local measurements -Wikipedia

entheogenic-gnosis said:
I've thought about this, without conscious life to observe the universe, would the universe even really exist?

In general relativity the term "observer" refers more commonly to a person (or a machine) making passive local measurements -Wikipedia


Depends on what you mean by ''exist,'' I suppose. This is the old question of ''if a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, would it make a sound?"

Solipsism, as you may know, is the idea that everything exists only in your mind, or only to the degree that you are present to experience it. Seems far fetched to me. My guess is the physical universe would still exist if consciousness wasn't present to perceive it. But who knows?

Every time I experiment with entheogens it reminds me that we don't, and may never understand what's going on.

Consciousness is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a puzzle, and smothered with secret sauce.
InAwe said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
I've thought about this, without conscious life to observe the universe, would the universe even really exist?

In general relativity the term "observer" refers more commonly to a person (or a machine) making passive local measurements -Wikipedia


Depends on what you mean by ''exist,'' I suppose. This is the old question of ''if a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, would it make a sound?"

Solipsism, as you may know, is the idea that everything exists only in your mind, or only to the degree that you are present to experience it. Seems far fetched to me. My guess is the physical universe would still exist if consciousness wasn't present to perceive it. But who knows?

Every time I experiment with entheogens it reminds me that we don't, and may never understand what's going on.

Consciousness is a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a puzzle, and smothered with secret sauce.

Good analysis and insight.

My notions of the observer are not derived from Solipsism, but from modern physics...

I love that an ancient Zen proverb "if a tree falls in the forest and nobody is around to hear it does it make a sound?" Seems to perfectly apply to a concept in modern physics and quantum physics relating to observers and the existence of the universe.

I agree with you last sentiment as well, every time I take entheogens I am humbled, and realize that myself, and humans as a whole, actually have very little idea of what is actually going on...humans have this perception that we have things figured out, yet nobody knows what existence or life actually is...no matter who you are entheogens will show you that you don't know shit.

I think that terence McKenna was right when he said that there are no grounds for believing in anything, and that ultimately belief is a form of infantilism

Below are some miscellaneous articles involving an observer being essential to the universe existing:

Let's do a thought experiment and try to find the answer.

Let us assume that the universe comprises at least three components - Space-time, matter and energy (there could be other dark stuffs we don't know much about). To find out the state of universe without an observer, lets first understand what happens when there is an observer.

An observer measures the observed. It can be agreed that all observers are made of matter, conscious or not. A human, a camera, a ruler, a stop watch, all these can measure the universe. So if there is an observer, then the universe exists. As the observer comprises of matter, energy and occupies space and time.

Here is the hypothesis we are going to test in this experiment:

When we say that any object exists, we mean that it is measurable.

Does ghosts exists? means that we are trying to get answers to all questions that suggests ways ghosts can be measured like 'has someone seen it?' or 'is there any way to detect ghosts?' or 'does a ghost have an effect on our lives?'. If the answer is No to all the questions, then effectively we can conclude that ghosts do not exist.

To exist is to be measurable

Without any observer, the universe is definitely not measured, but is it in a measurable state? No. Since No-thing (in this space-time) can measure it.

Conclusion: The universe doesn't 'exist', it is immeasurable.

According to a well-known theory in quantum physics, a particle’s behavior changes depending on whether there is an observer or not. It basically suggests that reality is a kind of illusion and exists only when we are looking at it. Numerous quantum experiments were conducted in the past and showed that this indeed might be the case.

Now, physicists at the Australian National University have found further evidence for the illusory nature of reality. They recreated the John Wheeler’s delayed-choice experiment and confirmed that reality doesn’t exist until it is measured, at least on the atomic scale.

Why does the universe exist? Wheeler believes the quest for an answer to that question inevitably entails wrestling with the implications of one of the strangest aspects of modern physics: According to the rules of quantum mechanics, our observations influence the universe at the most fundamental levels. The boundary between an objective "world out there" and our own subjective consciousness that seemed so clearly defined in physics before the eerie discoveries of the 20th century blurs in quantum mechanics. When physicists look at the basic constituents of reality— atoms and their innards, or the particles of light called photons— what they see depends on how they have set up their experiment. A physicist's observations determine whether an atom, say, behaves like a fluid wave or a hard particle, or which path it follows in traveling from one point to another. From the quantum perspective the universe is an extremely interactive place. Wheeler takes the quantum view and runs with it.

Entheogenic gnosis,

I was also very interested in this "observer effect," which is the idea that we can change the activity of subatomic particles simply by perceiving them.

Neil Tyson was on the Joe Rogan podcast, and he completely disavowed this idea. It's about an 8 minute video, check it out:

Quantum mechanics is a relatively new area of scientific inquiry, so who knows what we will find. But apparently the observer effect is very misunderstood in the laymen community (in which I include myself). Much to my dismay, turns out it's not very mystical. The instruments used to measure the particle cause a change in its position.

Many mysteries remain, but it sounds like this one has been solved.
Well this is going interesting places and as such I propose something to think about.

If their was nothing in the universe to observe it, would it (the universe) still exist?

A tree falling in a forest with no-one around still leaves evidence that can later be observed to indicate that it fell and therefore should have made noise according to our understanding of our normally observable universe.
Reminds me of Schrödinger's cat. Since observing the cat would kill it, and yet not observing the cat, it may live OR die, we just have to assume it is both alive and dead at once.

This is the kind of stuff I tend to go to sleep thinking about.
That and crazy questions such as "What does the universe exist within?".
May one day I will bear witness to the answer to that last one.

Every time I experiment with entheogens it reminds me that we don't, and may never understand what's going on.

True. We are very limited in that we are stuck with what we witness and can only try to comprehend enough of it to put us at ease. I feel our greatest fear is the unknown.
All through history we have strived to bring some of the unknown in the realm of the known, to turn magic into science per se. The paradox is that the more we know, the more we realize there is that we do not know.
To any fellow travelers, does anyone else seem to undergo a "sensory reset" when coming back from hyperspace.

I have noticed this in myself the last few visits. I first noticed that as my ego self came back, I felt like I was in the way of myself, as if I had forgotten what it felt like to be in my body.
I also noticed that scents that I NEVER notice around my house were very noticeable for a short time after coming back.

I am curious if anyone else has encountered this or something similar or if it is an effect unique to me.
An_Observer said:
I have noticed this in myself the last few visits. I first noticed that as my ego self came back, I felt like I was in the way of myself, as if I had forgotten what it felt like to be in my body.

I experience some kind of amnesic syndrom in "both directions", when in hyperspace, I have no idea/recall about "myself" (of the idea which I am), the life I live, that there was any live at all and when in this 3d-reality, it feels like that I have forgotten about the reality of hyperspace.


InAwe said:
Entheogenic gnosis,

I was also very interested in this "observer effect," which is the idea that we can change the activity of subatomic particles simply by perceiving them.

Neil Tyson was on the Joe Rogan podcast, and he completely disavowed this idea. It's about an 8 minute video, check it out:

Quantum mechanics is a relatively new area of scientific inquiry, so who knows what we will find. But apparently the observer effect is very misunderstood in the laymen community (in which I include myself). Much to my dismay, turns out it's not very mystical. The instruments used to measure the particle cause a change in its position.

Many mysteries remain, but it sounds like this one has been solved.

I could not get the video to work, if possible, do you think you could briefly outline Mr. Tyson's views?

...yeah, I will admit that I'm far from being an expert here, my main interest is in chemistry, physics is one of those things where I like to smoke hash and contemplate the concepts as a form of entertainment more than a form of research, so I'm not as knowledgeable here as I would be in others areas of interest.

Have you looked into the "two slit experiment?"

In the famous double-slit experiment, single particles, such as photons, pass one at a time through a screen containing two slits. If either path is monitored, a photon seemingly passes through one slit or the other, and no interference will be seen. Conversely, if neither is checked, a photon will appear to have passed through both slits simultaneously before interfering with itself, acting like a wave.

So when not being measured, photons behave like waves, and when they are being measured they behave like particles...When not being measured the photons create an interference pattern which indicates that a single photon is simultaneously passing through both slits, however, if we try to measure or observe them actually doing this, they begin to go through either one slit or the other.

An_Observer said:
To any fellow travelers, does anyone else seem to undergo a "sensory reset" when coming back from hyperspace.

I have noticed this in myself the last few visits. I first noticed that as my ego self came back, I felt like I was in the way of myself, as if I had forgotten what it felt like to be in my body.
I also noticed that scents that I NEVER notice around my house were very noticeable for a short time after coming back.

I am curious if anyone else has encountered this or something similar or if it is an effect unique to me.

Every time I smoke DMT I reach a point Which I call "the blank slate", this must be similar to the state of consciousness New born children experience, you are free from language, from culture, from identity, from just about everything but consciousness.

...it's not easy to articulate.

I strongly feel that DMT produces an experience which is analogous death, as well as birth, or re-birth, and that this feature is key to this.

Any way, this feature is quite common for me.

entheogenic-gnosis said:
InAwe said:
Entheogenic gnosis,

I was also very interested in this "observer effect," which is the idea that we can change the activity of subatomic particles simply by perceiving them.

Neil Tyson was on the Joe Rogan podcast, and he completely disavowed this idea. It's about an 8 minute video, check it out:

Quantum mechanics is a relatively new area of scientific inquiry, so who knows what we will find. But apparently the observer effect is very misunderstood in the laymen community (in which I include myself). Much to my dismay, turns out it's not very mystical. The instruments used to measure the particle cause a change in its position.

Many mysteries remain, but it sounds like this one has been solved.

I could not get the video to work, if possible, do you think you could briefly outline Mr. Tyson's views?

...yeah, I will admit that I'm far from being an expert here, my main interest is in chemistry, physics is one of those things where I like to smoke hash and contemplate the concepts as a form of entertainment more than a form of research, so I'm not as knowledgeable here as I would be in others areas of interest.

Have you looked into the "two slit experiment?"

In the famous double-slit experiment, single particles, such as photons, pass one at a time through a screen containing two slits. If either path is monitored, a photon seemingly passes through one slit or the other, and no interference will be seen. Conversely, if neither is checked, a photon will appear to have passed through both slits simultaneously before interfering with itself, acting like a wave.

So when not being measured, photons behave like waves, and when they are being measured they behave like particles...When not being measured the photons create an interference pattern which indicates that a single photon is simultaneously passing through both slits, however, if we try to measure or observe them actually doing this, they begin to go through either one slit or the other.


First off, can you tell me how to quote just a section of a post instead of the whole thing? I've tried to delete the unwanted sections, but then it doesn't show it as a post.

Anyway, Neil Tyson was commenting on how the observer effect has been misconstrued as a mystical or misunderstood phenomenon, when in reality it is the instruments used to measure the particle that causes the change, not our conscious perception (or lack there of) of it. If you YouTube "Neil Tyson Joe Rogan observer effect" it will pop up.

Regarding the double slit experiment, I recently heard about it on Sam Harris's podcast when he was interviewing Lawrence Krauss. I didn't understand it fully, because they were discussing it with some degree of a presupposition that the listener knew the experiment. So I can't really comment on it. But I will definitely be looking into it because this is the second time it has come up.

I think the tendency for some less-scientifically-minded people (or more open minded people) is to unnecessarily or prematurely ascribe mystery to a domain or experiment. Hard to say why this is. Perhaps it stems from a desire to impose our own personal beliefs about the metaphysical nature of the universe onto the actual nature of the universe. I'm far from qualified to offer any legitimate conjecture in this arena, but I have noticed that people love to point out the flaws and limitations of science. Hey, at least they're trying.

When it comes down to it, we'll probably never know. As Terence Mckenna said, "nowhere is it writ in adamantene that troops of monkeys were meant to understand the architectonics of the cosmos."

Sure is fun to think about though.
entheogenic-gnosis said:
An_Observer said:
To any fellow travelers, does anyone else seem to undergo a "sensory reset" when coming back from hyperspace.

I have noticed this in myself the last few visits. I first noticed that as my ego self came back, I felt like I was in the way of myself, as if I had forgotten what it felt like to be in my body.
I also noticed that scents that I NEVER notice around my house were very noticeable for a short time after coming back.

I am curious if anyone else has encountered this or something similar or if it is an effect unique to me.

Every time I smoke DMT I reach a point Which I call "the blank slate", this must be similar to the state of consciousness New born children experience, you are free from language, from culture, from identity, from just about everything but consciousness.

...it's not easy to articulate.

I strongly feel that DMT produces an experience which is analogous death, as well as birth, or re-birth, and that this feature is key to this.

Any way, this feature is quite common for me.


I know of ego death and it is surprisingly comforting when the self that is me ceases. I was just rather caught off guard by the rebirth portion as not all of my trips have involved it to this degree. Language always takes a few minutes to come back fully not until my last two trips, senses were pretty much back immediately.
Although I am rather new to it all so I guess with time, it will become more like a step in the process and will be more expected and welcomed.
InAwe said:
Now I have somehow managed to include myself in the quotation.


(quote=anynamehere]put quoted text here(/quote]

I used one parenthesis to illustrate the point but in order for it to work you have to use brackets on both sides. If multiple people are quoted in one post, it will have more than one of the quote codes for each person quoted and you'll have to delete the appropriate ones or delete it all and just copy and paste what you want quoted into the code above!

The reason you were included in the quoted section is because there are [/quote] codes after what you typed, which included you in the original quote of EG. Delete those codes and put them after EG's initials and that should fix your post. I hope that makes sense. Cheers!

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