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some skins to hide the psychedelic looking banner of the forum..

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
it would be kind of cool for folks who are secretly browsing this forum from work to be able to hide the banner and make it look like some sort of serious software forum or something..

what do you guys think of this idea? those colors usually catch peoples attention and they will ask about what kind of picture that just was and stuff like that.
It's too pretty to hide, you aren't serious are you? I'm really fond of the graphics on this site, bravo Traveler!
And no kidding: working with spice is hard work, the office job pales in comparison, when will people finally appreciate that? ;)
Oh dear,

Even more work to do. ;)
I'll put it on my ever increasing ToDo list, LOL.

Kind regards,

The Traveler

p.s. It's a good idea though.
p.p.s. I think I'll create a site that transforms every site you like into a text only page. :D
Haha. If you got caught on this site in the UK by your employer, you'd probably get fired!

A friend of mine got fired once- his company had been monitoring his emails, and found out that he was going to start up his own business... so they fired him, after getting a court injunction that he couldn't contact any clients or start up a similar business for 6 or 9 months (can't remember which). With a court injunction, you're not present nor even aware of the injunction procedings when the judge makes the decision so he was banned unless he had enough money to fight the injunction with a lawyer, which he didn't. And the only reason he was starting up was because the company he worked for planned to avoid their debts by going bust then starting up a new company on the same day with all the same staff, and he (rightfully) saw that as corrupt. Assholes... so watch out, sometimes Big Brother IS watching!
traveler what if you made a site that was a portal to the nexus...but it would be on a different address..and the info would stream in using the 'fake' site as a barrier...i imagine that it could work??

it probably would cost extra money too...not sure how it would work...or if it was even worth the trouble
Jorkest said:
traveler what if you made a site that was a portal to the nexus...but it would be on a different address..and the info would stream in using the 'fake' site as a barrier...i imagine that it could work??

it probably would cost extra money too...not sure how it would work...or if it was even worth the trouble

Well, that is the general idea indeed, but besides working for the dmt-nexus it should also work with about every pure html based website.
the trick is to scroll down so that the banner will not be seen. only problem is that right after posting the banner pops up at the top before the site scrolls down automatically again. i wouldn't mind if it were just text. doesn't have to look nice.. its the information which counts.
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