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Somewhere I belong <3

Migrated topic.


Hello Nexus-goers,
First of all I can't describe the joy I felt when my friend showed me to this forum...
The first thread I encountered was one speculating upon dmt as a possible neurotransmitter and upon reading through it, I instantly felt at home... that I had finally found somewhere I can apply my intrigue, intelligence, experiences and theories and collaborate with others on the diverse range of subjects surrounding dmt, other dimensions, consciousness and life as a whole.

Unfortunately I come to you as an under-experienced user who has yet to experience a full breakthrough into hyperspace, I have tried on two separate occasions to breakthrough and have failed both times, due to timidity or rejection based on my state of mind and/or past indiscretions, or maybe even a combination of the both... I'm really not sure. However, these rejections/failed attempts have not only driven my curiosity for the sacredness of dmt and the psychedelic experience, but also driven me to better myself and my judgment and most importantly, broaden my perspective on life.

Day by day I am rapidly learning more and more about myself and the world around me, but am also confronted with barely explainable phenomena such as synchronicity, telepathy, clairvoyance and even what I perceive at this point to be, contact with 'other-worldly' entities/deities... as I learn more and begin to embrace that which was long bred out of me, these phenomena crop up more often, each instance more 'potent' than the last.
I have had a bit of a past with addictive drugs, including a reasonably short battle with psychosis which is a factor I must always take in to account when I try to interpret these experiences... "Am I going crazy again?" a question constantly on my mind, even through the most inspiring and truly beautiful experiences.

Though my psychosis was a truly terrifying experience, I soon came to realize that it was a vital part of my mental evolution in that it had broken me down to absolute nothingness and stripped me of all bias... prior to my psychosis I was an absent minded bigot, consumed by media propaganda and my damaged, over-compensating ego. But after my mind became broken, I then had the opportunity to put the pieces back together myself and the person that emerged from the ordeal was one filled with remorse, love and intrigue, a person with a mind begging to be opened and nurtured.

So here I am, I have finally found somewhere to expand my knowledge and develop m theory/philosophy with the support and understanding I need...
Thank you all, for dedicating yourselves to the exploration of the all, for being curious enough to ask why, for being here to share in this experience with each other.

I look forward to actively contributing where I can and hopefully one day, with the support of this community, have the breakthrough I seek.
Welcome aboard Toxicity I am sure you will enjoy it here :)

No need to worry about being “under-experienced”, we all are and will always be. Useful ideas and views can come from anyone regardless of background and level of experience, we all have something to add.
Welcome home :)

Im very glad to read that you've found a constructive way to deal with your hard experiences and mistakes in life. Wish you strenght to continue with your path!

DMT is an amazing substance, but as you are aware, it needs respect and taking care to use it well. Make sure to read our health and safety section, also the integration part.

Also be sure to check our WIKI and FAQ and other links you received in the welcome pm, there is a lot of knowledge summed up!

And feel free to start discussions on subjects you think might be interesting for the community, ask question, share experiences, etc. You'll see how amazing well-thought posts members of this family can write, its a joy to know this exists :)

By the way, I dont know why would anybody consider you "under-experienced" . You are experienced, in your own way, with your own things. More isnt necessarily better, just take your time, find an appropriate vaporization method and explore hyperspace and come back to help us map it and guide others along the way :) Each of us has a unique way to contribute!

Be well!
endlessness said:
Welcome home :)

Im very glad to read that you've found a constructive way to deal with your hard experiences and mistakes in life. Wish you strenght to continue with your path!

DMT is an amazing substance, but as you are aware, it needs respect and taking care to use it well. Make sure to read our health and safety section, also the integration part.

Also be sure to check our WIKI and FAQ and other links you received in the welcome pm, there is a lot of knowledge summed up!

And feel free to start discussions on subjects you think might be interesting for the community, ask question, share experiences, etc. You'll see how amazing well-thought posts members of this family can write, its a joy to know this exists :)

By the way, I dont know why would anybody consider you "under-experienced" . You are experienced, in your own way, with your own things. More isnt necessarily better, just take your time, find an appropriate vaporization method and explore hyperspace and come back to help us map it and guide others along the way :) Each of us has a unique way to contribute!

Be well!
Oh I've had a wonderful read over several links and articles already, a lot of stuff I already knew but a lot of myths and confusion has been cleared for me in my first visit.
I only consider myself under-experienced because A) I had a very restricted and sheltered upbringing & B) am yet to have my breakthrough and be a part of the full experience in both hyperspace and back here on the ground.
You'll definitely be seeing a fair bit of me, now that I'm here... not often a topic starter, but I love to contribute where I can in discussions. Every 2 cents gets us closer to the dollar, so to speak :p
Welcome brother.

You will achieve your goal sooner than not. Having to work for it and wait a bit only makes it that much more rewarding.

Having some dear friends who also went through mental health issues, I can sympathize somewhat with the stigma of having your very personal breakdown (break open) stigmatized and labeled as psychosis. This is a heavy mind trip to overcome... and the fear and questioning it implants in your mind certainly might come up to bite you as you play in entheogenic waters. Be strong and believe in yourself.

But also, never lose respect for the power of these substances. Spice can make the strongest minds feel psychotic at times... especially if people aren't able to let go into, process, and integrate what this miraculous molecule can show you.

Anyway, all the best. As far as DMT goes, if you can't find it here, it probably doesn't exist on the net.

Note: I would SERIOUSLY caution against using psychedelics in combination with most any mental health prescription meds. Anti-psychotics, anxiolytics, anti-depressants and the like are absolute no-no's if you ever plan on taking ayahuasca or using harmalas. I am not in a position to recommend that anyone discontinue any medication that their doctors felt compelled to prescribe for them... but I personally feel that the lot of those chems are worse than worthless anyway.

Don't take my word about anything though. :)
Welcome home brother. It's good to have you here.

I've been exploring with the spice for well over a year and still haven't achieved a full out of body breakthrough. Just take your time and learn the lessons. I've found that you always get exactly what you need and sometimes a bit more. ;)

See ya around...
Welcome to the light.There is great love and wisdom here. all will help. Check the wiki do your homework and bring an open heart. you seem to have the respect that is needed for such a soul changing molecule. i and many here have the breakthrough you wish including ego death.. i and we are forever changed. may you truly find what you seek.. Oden
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