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Sonicator MHRB Extraction

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Hello everyone. I wanted to share with you all my experience using a sonicator to extract DMT from MHRB. It was very simple. A lot easier than any typical A/B or STB extraction. It took 4.5 hours from start to completely cleaned up and solvent in the freezer.

- 100g MHRB
- Distilled water
- 5% distilled vinegar
- Sodium hydroxide
- Naptha
- Vacuum filtration apparatus (buchner funnel, hand pump, flask w/side arm)
- 375 watt sonicator with 3/4" horn
- Various sized beakers
- Separatory funnel
- Stand with circular attachment and clamp attachment

I started out by mixing 450ml of distilled water with 50ml of distilled vinegar in a thick, 1 liter, pyrex beaker. Mix 100g MHRB into the water/vinegar and stir until all of the RB is wet. Tune the sonicator and then set it up with your stand to have the tip into the solution. This is the fun part. Sonicate on highest setting for 10 minutes.

It was pretty cool to watch the solution freaking out. It looked like there were bubbles of a fatty substance floating around in it or something. Maybe it was just air bubbles with lots of water vapor in them.

Vacuum filter the solution. Save the solution in a separate container. Wash with another 200ml of distilled water. I stirred it around in there for about 15 minutes to soak up any remaining dmt. Vacuum filter that solution then mix the other solution.

Make a concentrated solution of distilled water and sodium hydroxide. I just mixed several spoonfuls into the distilled water and stirred till it was dissolved. I then poured that into the filtered MHRB tea until it reached a PH of 13.5-14.

Now I only have a 500 ml separatory funnel. So I separated the now about 700ml basified solution into two 500ml flasks rather than reducing (to save more time and avoid vinegar smell in my house.) Then I set up a water bath with heat on lowest possible setting, filled a 50ml volumetric flask with 10ml of naptha, and let it sit to warm up in the bath. I poured the naptha into the first flask of basified tea, put another 10ml of naptha into the heat bath, swirled the tea in the flask around with the rubber stopper on, let it sit for 10 minutes. I then set up my separatory funnel and poured the solution in there. As I let that separate I started the pull on the other half of the solution. As I let the other half of the solution sit I separated the tea from the naptha in the sep funnel. So it was a continuous string of separating and pulling all at the same time since there were two batches to pull from. I did 3 pulls with 10ml naptha on each half of tea. The final pull I used 30ml of naptha for each half of tea.

Freeze precip/clean up:
I then put the naptha into a flat pyrex baking dish and put tin foil over the top and set it in my freezer. Then it was time for clean up. I started this extraction at 2pm and finished cleaning up at 6:30pm. I let the naptha sit in the freezer until the next morning. I woke up to an awesome sight!! 1.25g of beautiful, fluffly, white spice.

This is definitely the easiest, best extraction method I've ever done. Very easy, quick, minimal scents and very little clean up. Nothing compared to doing several hour long boils with tons of solution to mess with. Here's a picture of the final product.


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It was definitely very efficient. Didn't use as many resources as I have in the past with typical A/B and it was a lot faster. Easy to clean up afterwards. I'm going to be doing more experiments with it for sure. I think I could reduce the time to 3.5-4 hours now that I know. Also, I'd like to see what would happen if I used cold naptha or room temp naptha instead of hot naptha.
hostilis said:
It was definitely very efficient. Didn't use as many resources as I have in the past with typical A/B and it was a lot faster. Easy to clean up afterwards. I'm going to be doing more experiments with it for sure. I think I could reduce the time to 3.5-4 hours now that I know. Also, I'd like to see what would happen if I used cold naptha or room temp naptha instead of hot naptha.

this is what makes these methods, UAE and MAE, eco-friendly. they also give better yields than traditional methods.
Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.:)
I did 3 pulls with 10ml naptha on each half of tea. The final pull I used 30ml of naptha for each half of tea.
Can you explain why did you use so little amount of naphtha for each pull? Are you going to make more pulls? Judging by your final yield I think there can be some more stuff. Of course this is also depends how much alkaloids your bark contain...
I will not do anymore pulls. There is no need to use anymore solvent than this in my experience. You're just wasting it after the fact. And I believe 1.25% of pure white fluffy spice is a great yield. I most likely got all the pure dmt I could out of it. I could pull more and more with more solvent and get a bunch of yellow wax, but I'm not looking to get a whole bunch of impure stuff. I'd rather get a good amount of really pure spice.

I should add that my previous A/B extractions on this stuff yielded about the same of yellow waxy spice. This is a major improvement and probably the best that I can do. I will be doing another extract next week with slightly different procedure. I'll update on this thread.
Very interesting indeed!

?Are you guys using something like these..



So this causes Less emultion? by breaking the cells open? and without any heat with UAE?

Can you get oils like in the next picture? how would you do that?


Who wants to play 20 questions? lol :d
Yes those are the tips of the machine that creates the sound waves. The rest of the machine isn't shown which is a huge box. Mine is anyways since it's super old school. And it does the oposite of creating less emulsion. If you were to put naptha/water in there it would make a rediculous emulsion that couldn't be broken for a good while. I put oil and water in it once and it made something that looked like a milk shake. Took 5 days to separate.

What happens is it uses sound waves to lyse the cells. Once that happens the alkaloids dissolve into the water/vinegar solution. Works great! And I have no clue how to get oils like that with it.

My sonicator is a Heat Systems W-375. Old school, but effective. I have a 3/4" titanium horn on it for processing nice sized batches. The bigger the horn the more solution you can work with. The smaller horns are more concentrated I guess though.
So do you think I could process 750 or even 1000ml with mine? Also, what would you reccomend as the max amount of plant matter you can proccess in 500ml of solution?

I'll have to check when I'm back at my house. I'll update you on it.
There seems to be a relation between the power and the addressable volume.

These are some copy-pasts from ebay:
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 1800W 100-3000ml
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 600W 0.5- 500ml
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 450W 0.15- 200ml <-- link
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 150W 0.1-100ml
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 80W 0.05-50ml

According to this list your 375 watt should not do 1 liter.
Maybe it does by giving it more time as a compensation?
Anyway you did a 500 ml fine job with 375 watt, debunking that list to an extend.
If the power/volume ratio is indeed relevant to the outcome, optimization might be called for over batch maximizing. I hope you find out the limits of effectiveness.

Hostillis, you had powder bark? Wondering if shredded or powdered still makes up for a difference with sonication, I suppose it always does. Also wondering if sonication of a STB is worth considering.

About cutting out on resources, the prices are astonishing, one really needs a trusted second/third hand bargain.
Awesome work Hostilis! :thumb_up: Thanks for sharing everything thus far. The results look pristine.. with only little work and clean-up. It seems so futuristic to able to extract with sound.. quite extraterrestrial I should say. Now, to start saving. :d
Jees said:
There seems to be a relation between the power and the addressable volume.

These are some copy-pasts from ebay:
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 1800W 100-3000ml
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 600W 0.5- 500ml
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 450W 0.15- 200ml <-- link
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 150W 0.1-100ml
Ultrasonic Homogenizer Sonicator Processor Cell Disruptor Mixer 80W 0.05-50ml

According to this list your 375 watt should not do 1 liter.
Maybe it does by giving it more time as a compensation?
Anyway you did a 500 ml fine job with 375 watt, debunking that list to an extend.
If the power/volume ratio is indeed relevant to the outcome, optimization might be called for over batch maximizing. I hope you find out the limits of effectiveness.

Hostillis, you had powder bark? Wondering if shredded or powdered still makes up for a difference with sonication, I suppose it always does. Also wondering if sonication of a STB is worth considering.

About cutting out on resources, the prices are astonishing, one really needs a trusted second/third hand bargain.

that list really lowballs it. I've had plenty of success processing 200-500 mL with 200W, @ 10-20 mins.
one major factor is tip size...a microtip is designed for centrifuge tubes, 1/2"/3/4"/1" flat tips are better suited to beakers and flasks.
also to consider, solvent selection and temperature: higher viscosity liquids, like glycerol, and cold solvents, are more effective at cavitation.

there's a lot more to this method than equipment power ratings, under certain conditions, power rating means little.
a quick browse through Applied Sonochemistry illustrates that. he used a 3/4" tip, it's no surprise he could process 500 mL with ease.

here are a couple of threads within a thread on the subject.
Like Benzyme said, tip size has a lot to do with the volume you can process as well as power. The tip on mine is pretty large. (3/4" ) My father told me that I could process a max of 500ml at a time with it. I will try more and see if I get the same yield.

I was using powdered bark. I also have some shredded bark. I could test that as well and see what happens. But I'm not really sure what you meant by "make up for the difference of sonication"

And personally I would not sonicate any super basic or super acidic solution. Seems kinda dangerous to me. I don't see the point of it since it works fine by just sonicating it in slightly acidified water. There would be very little (probably no) benefit to it and increased danger.

They are spendy as hell, but my father built this one for me. So it only cost me the shipping ($60.)
hostilis said:
...But I'm not really sure what you meant by "make up for the difference of sonication"...
Only meant: Wondering if sonication would yield the same on shredded or powdered, some wishful thinking to avoid the need for powdering bark.
In search for investment arguments :?
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