Freewheelin Franklin
Rising Star
Aloha brothers and sisters-
I'm here to learn and share.
No use beating around the bush...
My mother recently died, and I had a really odd dream about her.
My wife woke me up and said that I was yelling, and that I scared her. I was covered in goose bumps and could remember the dream in vivid detail.
I was very moved by that dream. I remember many of my dreams, but never in my 40 plus years have I had a comparable experience.
After several hours searching the internet about different aspects of my dream, I learned that the human brain has natural DMT, and releases it when dreaming, and also when a person is dying.
This may sound crazy, but I want to take a trip back to that spirit world and try to find my mom again.
My mom had a knee replacement surgery and it got infected. The doctors had to remove the knee joint, and she waited for over 2 months for the infection to clear. The blood tests kept showing some infection, but after they sampled fluid from the knee area, the surgeon was convinced that the infection was cleared.
2 days after they put in a new knee, mom got really sick. Come to find out, the infection they were seeing in her blood, was a gall bladder infection.
I guess the surgery made her system weak, and the infection got into her blood. She got sepsis, and spent 3 weeks in the ICU.
She recovered, and seemed to be doing really well.
Then she had a stroke.
Which turned into a series of strokes, and they left her paralyzed on her left side, and barely able to talk and swallow.
I had her in about 5 different nursing homes/group homes, before I found one that worked out.
She lived there for 8 months before she passed away.
I'm here to learn and share.
No use beating around the bush...
My mother recently died, and I had a really odd dream about her.
My wife woke me up and said that I was yelling, and that I scared her. I was covered in goose bumps and could remember the dream in vivid detail.
I was very moved by that dream. I remember many of my dreams, but never in my 40 plus years have I had a comparable experience.
After several hours searching the internet about different aspects of my dream, I learned that the human brain has natural DMT, and releases it when dreaming, and also when a person is dying.
This may sound crazy, but I want to take a trip back to that spirit world and try to find my mom again.
My mom had a knee replacement surgery and it got infected. The doctors had to remove the knee joint, and she waited for over 2 months for the infection to clear. The blood tests kept showing some infection, but after they sampled fluid from the knee area, the surgeon was convinced that the infection was cleared.
2 days after they put in a new knee, mom got really sick. Come to find out, the infection they were seeing in her blood, was a gall bladder infection.
I guess the surgery made her system weak, and the infection got into her blood. She got sepsis, and spent 3 weeks in the ICU.
She recovered, and seemed to be doing really well.
Then she had a stroke.
Which turned into a series of strokes, and they left her paralyzed on her left side, and barely able to talk and swallow.
I had her in about 5 different nursing homes/group homes, before I found one that worked out.
She lived there for 8 months before she passed away.